Hey Gang,


Well after going over the Brooklyn Cyclones web site, I decided to see who was performing in concert at the Asser Levy park this summer, also located at Coney Island.  The concert list for 2011 is not posted yet, but my Mother heard on the news today that Liza Minelli will perform here....so that is great!  Last years performers included Aretha Franklin, Neil Sedaka, Beach Boys, etc.... and as I mentioned on Orrin's site, the year before was Donna Summer, Hall and Oats and others......damn what have I'd been missing!!!  Three years ago I missed Air Supply, wasn't happy about that!   :(


Well anyway, I took the liberty to e-mail the Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz, and put in a request to have both Michael and Orrin come here to perform.  I mentioned that Michael can perform at either the baseball stadium, MCU Park or at Asser Levy Park.  I then mentioned about Orrin...maybe they can get him to perform at the park (if not as a solo artist, then as an opening act for another "big name" artist).   Marty Markowitz is the person that hosts these concerts every year, so I thought I take a chance and write to him.  Don't know if it will work, but nothing ventured nothing gained....as the saying goes!!  I heard a few years ago, they asked Neil Diamond to perfrom here, but Neil asked for too much money.....talk about cheap!!  And he's from Brooklyn, you think he would be nice about it....shame on you Neil!!  Well...I still like him, cheap or not...LOL!!! 


So we will see what happen's... if I hear back from his office I'll let you guys know!!  Fingers crossed!!!!  :)


Hope everyone has a nice weekend!!  I'm not working Monday, so it's a long one for me....Yippeee!!!






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Hi Helena,


You go for it girl - hope ONE of your dreams comes true..........and have a great weekend !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :)


Sylvia.    Your wee Scottish friend.



Hi Helena, God bless you for your initiative girlfriend! Good luck with that one and do keep us posted! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hey Girls,


Well, I thought I'd give it a try.  We have so many other celebrites performing here, so why not Michael and possibly Orrin?  We shall see.....



Oh, and we do have golf courses here in Brooklyn too!!  Some of the players of The Brooklyn Cyclones and the NY Mets are having a charity game going on at the Dyker Beach Golf course not far from where I live....oh I forgot when...it's during the summer I think.   Then there is the Marine Park Golf course near the shopping mall that I go to.  So Michael will like hanging out here.  :)



Well gang.....

I wrote again to Marty Markowitz today, this time I also requested Engelbert to perform here besides Michael and Orrin....he finally answered and his response was.....


"Well Michael has been here twice, Engelbert was here once....many years ago, and this year I want to try to get Tom Jones......Marty"


Guess Michael was here years ago when I wasn't a fan and wasn't looking to see him.... and I don't remember anything on Engelbert either.  Well I guess that is that.....  Maybe if Tom Jones is not available, Marty may consider Michael or Enge....but at least I tried and that was better than nothing!!  I would prefer seeing both guys at a theatre than an outdoor concert anyway, so maybe this was for the best.  Orrin can always play at BB Kings, and Michael at any theatre in Manhattan....so will just have to wait and see.....the year just started so there is always hope for something!  And I still have Elton!!!  :)



Hey Helena, girl, what an optimist you are, God bless you! Congratulations on getting a response, it wasn't positive but you got a response! Well, have fun seeing Elton next month sweetie! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi Sylvie,


Yes, I'm glad that he at least responded to me, even though I didn't care for the answer that I got!  The way I see it, most of us go to concerts to see an artist that we admire....and I'm grateful that I've been to many concerts over the years.  I love many singers and musicians (thank god for that!), so if I can't see one... I'll see another.  I go to a concert to enjoy myself, with no expectations.  I'm not one of those people that get front row seats or backstage passes, have never been that lucky....but I enjoy the shows that I go to nevertheless!!  If it's my destiny to see Michael on stage, then it will happen at some point....and if not....there is always someone else to see.  But like the saying goes "Good things come to those who wait"....so I'll wait and see!!  :)




Hi Helena,


Saw you had been in here and wondered what was going on......well at least you got a response from your letter.....I would say that was good going.......I would try another one later on in the year - I wouldn't give up !!!   Wait and see if he does get Tom Jones and if he doesn't go for the others again and just because they have already played there doesn't mean to say they can't come back - look how many times Michael has played the RAH !!  At least, as you say, you have Elton to look forward too !!!  :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

Hello Wee one!


So true...there is always next year!!  But the point is, that other artists have been there more than once...Frankie Valli had been there so many times I lost count!!  I guess this guy has his sights on Tom Jones and who knows who else....and he is not too interested in getting Michael or even Engelbert for now.  So far he got Liza Minelli for this year......well....we will see who else he gets.  And yes....there is still Elton!!!  :)



Well gang,


It looks like Brooklyn loves Christina Aguilera!  Since she messed up the National Anthem at the Superbowl this year, they will give her a chance to sing it again (with words included) at the stadium of the Brooklyn Cyclones during the summer.  Guess they want to give her a chance to redeem herself.  I didn't watch the Superbowl, but when I heard about it on the news, it reminded me of the You tube video where Michael also messed it up at a game years ago.  Did anyone give him the chance to "try it again"? 



Hi Helena, I hadn't heard about Christina Aguilera. She's not the first one and probably won't be the last one. I guess she's more in the public eye, who knows...  Good luck to her, that's all Ican say. Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

True Sylvie, guess she is younger and more popular than Michael.   Plus I read she is originally from Staten Island so that makes her a New Yorker too.  Good for her....


Hugs, Helena...xx... 


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