Here we go with the New 2011 Concert Tour Review Thread. Michael's tour begins again in the USA in Florida on January 13, 2011!!!!!!!!  I hope Michael is well rested and ready to get back out on the road!


Please share your concert experiences, pictures, video links etc. with us here. We love hearing about the concerts and the great times had by the fans.

You all have made these threads fun in the past and I look forward to more adventures and fun this year!!

I look forward to reading everyone's reviews once again and also contributing some of my own in 2011!


Have fun everyone!! Not much longer till Michael and the band hit the road again!


Robin in Maryland,  USA

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Greensburg, PA 2/2/2011 WARNING LONG REVIEW POST!

Hey gang, I am back home and where I can type better, I am not a good phone thumb typer at all, Sorry about that. It’s been a fun but tiring two days worrying about weather. In the end Mother Nature was good to us, very good to us….We drove in a mixed mess of all kinds of weather from sun-snow no joke! But had no problems! By the time we parked the car and got to the venue it was very windy and snow blowing, it had gotten frigid and had been in the 40’s there that morning..MB started the show about 15 minutes late and he announced after he sang the first song they waited to allow everyone to get into the building due to the weather..I was able to get 2 front row center seats last minute and we had a perfect view.. The opening act was the talk of the venue-TWO BATS flying around up in the ceiling and near the balcony. It’s an old theater and they might even live there but they flew across the back of the stage once later when MB sang!!LOL OMG
I saw Donna from PA there with her sister and they moved down the row to the aisle in the seats we had so they could get to the stage easier later on..LOL
MB did announce we could take all the photos we wanted, everyone cheered!! OMG that was such a relief…We all had fun taking pics and not having to worry about anyone stopping us!!!

The funny part was one lady that kept yelling out from the balcony for him to do Georgia all night. He joked back and forth with her a lot and finally after Rock Me at the end he said guess what’s next? Georgia, and those of us standing at his feet where he was sitting to sing it said put that poor lady out of her misery. LOL He laughed. He teased and laughed and was very relaxed all night. Lots of stuff being yelled out and he didn't care, he commented back or laughed alot!! I LOVE Sweet Home Chicago… That one really is a cool song for MB to do.. First time I finally got to hear it…The rest of the show was about the same to me as in November. He really ROCKED the venue, his voice is still just as amazing as last fall. OMG!! He didn’t do the long version of Rock Me with the cool beginning but I was glad to get it at all. The crowd was loud and rowdy and they loved MB.. It was a very full venue too.

When he was done Sweet Home Chicago he tossed the guitar pick at my feet so I have another one for the collection. Then later on for some reason he was getting ready to talk about the Sinatra songs and looked at me and said Hello in the mic and I said Hi and people that heard it laughed.. I dunno why then all of the sudden???, he was in a teasing mood!!LOL

I got to the stage after WAMLAW and I was on the left with Donna from PA at first and then others came too. We were having a great time, MB was doing a lot of putting the mic down for people to sing (he did it to me) and shaking hands, he held mine once and winked at me..He also looked into my camera later on for me to get a pic too. Kerie you know what that’s like!!LOL He’s really not minding this picture taking we are all now really in full gear with!!LOL My mom didn't go to the stage but said after she liked seeing him interacting with all the ladies up there and he was eating up the attention. She enjoyed watching it all going on!!LOL

At one point tho the local security (which were nice guys to us up front) started to say we had to sit down but Tim was right there saying we could stay. MB was playing Rock Me at that point and came over to our side of the stage..

After he did Georgia at the end someone threw up a Pittsburgh Steelers Super Bowl Shirt and he held it up for pics to be taken before he carried it off after the show with a rose a lady had given him.. He was really in a great mood all night on stage and also off. My mother has not seen a show in some years and said he was much more relaxed and had a lot of great moves with the songs. She was watching everything with fresh eyes if that makes any sense.
It was fun taking my mom along this time, it’s been years and we needed a day away just the two of us. Real life has been very sad and stressful here since early Dec ever since my horse died.. We had medical issues with my dad over Christmas and other stress in both our lives lately..Taking her with me was fun and her getting to talk to MB after with me was even more special. She has talked to him before at stage doors, record signings etc…but never gotten a photo with him or a hug from him. She was thrilled. He was so sweet with her and with me again too…I love him more for being so great with my mom last night. He was happy to see us and a few things we talked about I wanted to share here.. You all may be interested.

First thing after saying hello and greeting us so warmly we said how wonderful the concert was. He asked me how I thought the sound was and I said I thought this venue had great sound, mom said same thing- and he said it really sounded good from the stage. I had to prompt her at first but Mom was able to share her love of the Vintage music and Sinatra songs as well as Nessun Dorma. That got her a big grin and he commented that Nessun Dorma is one of his favorites.

I did try to see if he would give a hint about the new album. I did ask if it would have a flavor of blues or jazz when I talked about Sweet Home Chicago. His answer was he’d never tell (with a teasing grin) but also saying he’s working very hard to get it out by this May.. So that may mean a new album in 2011, whether it’s May or later on that was positive news!!!!! 

We also brought up Amelia Rose and how pretty she is, he smiled so big, He’s a very PROUD grandfather. I said we all appreciated him sharing the pics of her on the forum site. He said his fav one is of her at the computer, Executive Assistant and he’s got her on his computer as his screensaver. LOL Oh he is one proud man over that sweet little gal.. Said she’s so amazing or something to that extent.

For those of you that would love to hear Murder My Heart in concert like me, at one point we were still talking some about the show and music and I said I loved Sweet Home Chicago, first time I have heard that one. He started doing it the show AFTER mine in NJ. And he could tell I was teasing a bit because we missed it at NJ!!! LOL He grinned and said when he was up there singing tonight he was think that she (meaning me) probably has heard all these songs about 99 times… LOL I then was able to say well I am still waiting for Murder My Heart remember? He smiled and said Oh yeah. (I had asked him during the phone call contest last year about putting that back in the set list and he said he would by the time I saw a show in Nov.).. Not yet!! So I put that little bug in his ear again.. Gail I know you and I both want that one so bad!!LOL I tried very hard to mention it again!!LOL Maybe one day he will do it and surprise us big time!!

MB made sure we had a nice spot for the pics (he took charge of going down this hall to find the best lighting) and he also checked over my shoulder like last year to be sure Tim got good ones of us. Mom was a bit shy about taking hers - they were so good with her and MB is adorable in them all and mom looks adorable there with him LOL. We talked about some other folks we know and other things; these are things I wanted to share with all of you..

They were ready to roll out and fly to Canada last night for shows there.. It was so sweet of MB to meet with us in the middle of all the hustle/bustle going on.

He looked great, he had on a black dress shirt, his black scarf and jeans. He probably just needed to grab his coat and go out the door. We did get to say hi to Michael Lington and tell him how great he was too..Mom really enjoyed him a lot also. I have the pics backstage of us with him, I can crop me out of one and show you what he looked like when I get my pics uploaded. I am not comfortable with my photo online or my mother's but can do that so you guys can see what MB looked like. I did get some lovely concert pics of MB on my regular camera, I gave up at the staged with the phone camera. That thing was worthless in that type of situation. Ugh!

MB has never disappointed me and he’s been so kind to me and my friends and my mom all these years…Last night was no different.. My mom is on cloud nine and cannot wait to show HER pic with MB to a few people!!LOL She kept saying she never expected to get to stand and talk like that to Michael Bolton or that he would give her a hug like he did me before we left (she said an old lady like me.) I told her he wanted to and he he didn’t care how old she is. He enjoyed talkign to her again after all this time.

Pics will be coming when I can get them up. Real life stuff got in the way this afternoon of me getting much done and tomorrow I have to go back to work. But with a nice grin on my face.

I was able to get my pic with him last year signed and my mom got a flyer from the show signed, he personalized it to her Sorta like what Lynn posted the other day from her show. Mom is going to frame it she says!! My mom is in her mid- 70s and it’s been a while since she’s gone along with me and I’m so glad she had a great time.
I had an AMAZING TIME!!!! THANK YOU MICHAEL!!!!!! Just the pick me up I needed!!!!!!

Then I come home to a driveway full of ice. I had to go put stuff on that this afternoon-HELLO back to the real world!!LOL
Sorry this is so long.
Robin in Maryland :):):)

Great review Robin, thanks! Glad you got to speak with him! I'm glad the weather was semi-cooperative lol. Sounds like he charmed your Mom too, he's good at that isn't he :)




LOL Thanks Kerie and Lynn. OMG he very much charmed my mom. More than before years back.. She just now is like a girl over the pics with him. I took her the prints over while I stopped home for lunch..  She's got friends at a local store that want to see her pic with MB and she's grinning from ear to ear. She really needed this and I'm so glad we got to experience this together..

Yes weather was more cooperative than I had originally thought there for a while!!!


Yes Kerie I thought of you right away when he posed for me for the pic!!LOL


I hope the weather is ok by end of March now for Cleveland. 


I hope the shows happen ok up in Canada tonight and Sun night.


Robin in Maryland :)

Robin, my friend!!!!!! I am so happy for you!!! You deserved that and I am sure that your mom will have that smile for long time!!!

I love what you have shared with us about him as grandfather, Amelia is very lucky!! =)

And the news on the new album are such a great thing!!!!! 2011 is going to be a great year!!!!!


Waiting for your photos! Lots of love,


Great pictures Robin, thanks for sharing!!!



You are welcome Helena!!! :)

Robin in Maryland

Hi robin

thank you for the fantastic review i can just feel that i was there with you ,so glad you had such a great night .And thank you so much for the wonderfull pictures they are great pictures

helen x

Hi Helen, Glad you enjoyed the review and pics. I'm not the best writer in the world...I've had good luck so far with MB pics. I hope to keep that trend going next in Cleveland, OH end of March..



Robin in Maryland :)


P. S. Wishing to see more reviews here. The 2nd Niagara Falls concert is tonight.  If anyone is going, please let us know how it went!!


Hi Robin!   Thanks for sharing!!!  The pictures were great!!!


Love Eileen in Upstate NY

Hi, Suzanne, Lynn, Karen and Robin MD

I've read  all your fabulous reviews and seeing

your pics with so very good shoots this afternoon, I had

fun one. I love them, sounds like all of you had a wondeful

nights so familiar Mom, daugther..... and I'm really glad

for you, So althougt a little late thanks a lot for sharing


Take care


Hi Mariu, You are most welcome. Glad you enjoyed the reviews and pictures!!

Robin in Maryland :)

OK we have a concert I forgot about, the rescheduled one on Monday, February 7, 2011 at the Gallo Center for the Arts, Modesto, CA.

I know Tom and sweet Ashley are attending from here. Anyone else going also please report in after Monday night's concert!!!!

Tom and Ashley have a WONDERFUL time and anyone else going too!!!


Robin in Maryland :)


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