Hello everyone...I wanted to post quickly to tell you I'm on vacation for a bit and not checking the forum as usual but I have noticed that the admin has posted some new pictures on facebook that aren't on this site.  I'm usually the one who brings them over when the admin does it there but please check them out off and on.  You can get to MIchael's facebook without being a member so if someone will give a direct link to any new ones posted while I'm not able to do it I'd be greatful!! Gail

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New photos:


On the road: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=356644&id=159289123153&am...


Dinner with the band and friends while out on tour: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150175735263154&set=a....


Fallsview Casino Lounge R5 with some of my band: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150176274663154&set=a....


Thanks Gail!!!!


Hey Gail, ENJOY your vacation.. Thanks for posting them here too Pilar!!!!

Robin :)

Thanks Pilar. It looks like Michael and his band were having a great time just "hanging out".


Anna (in MO)

Yes they did Anna!! Love those candid pics!!

Robin in Maryland :)

Enjoy your vacation Gail!!



Hey guys, You can check MB's main Face Book page and he's added a cute little video with Kenny G plugging their concert on Monday. They are on the golf course.. It's cute.. Also a new pics with Isa also has posted.. It's all on the public page so you can go check it out if you aren't a member of FB!!!!

Might want to keep checking there every so often if you aren't a member! Been a bit of activity there lately..


Also check Twitter, they are posting same things there as well!!!!

I love it that he's so relaxed and comfortable sharing these things with ALL OF US!!!


Robin in Maryland :)


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