ah ah ah I am back with some gossip.....

Michael went to bali and guess what?

his italian girlfriend I guess (federica?) she has a house there....

happy they spent some time relaxing.......

rumors said the couple was spotted in italy right before xmas.

can't help it,want him happy and settle down so my wife will stop dreaming about him.....

we love you michael.

waiting for you in london again......

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Good luck to Michael whomever he decides to date or be seen with.


I hope he's happy and thats all that matters to me.


His private life is just that, private and thats the way it should stay as far as I'm concerned.



Ha Ha....love it!!   :)



Ehi Mike

welcome back! nice gossip!

I was asking myself : are you a friend of Federica?






I agree with you Jennifer! His private life is just that! Maybe you should concentrate more on your wife Mike and less on Michael! I wonder whos more interested I'm Michael you or your wife? Maybe you should give her more attention and less on Micheal personal life cause its really none of our business!


Hi Eileen,


Saw you had been in here - wondered what was going on - am I nosey...., YEH !!!!!

Quite agree with your comment - 100% behind it !!!


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

Thank you sylvia I think that for man to be that interested in Michaels private affairs is strange ! Maybe if he focused more on his wife she would dream of him and not. MB! Enough said ! Love ya my dear wee scottish friend!xxx

Hmmmm, just a thought. I wonder if that was 'our Michael' posting under the name of  'Mike Rodmire' trying to see what reaction he got from us!! Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!


I can picture it now. Michael hunched over his pc trying to think of ways to stir up a hornets nest of gossip to set us 'Bolton Buzzers' buzzing!!!


Love Jennifer XX

Wonderful, Jennifer!!! It's just what I've thought!!!
to Cute. Use to be Bolton Bombers.....Ya I am bomber.............
Jennifer, that is an interesting thought and a funny one! His sense of humor!!? Well at least h would know we all we want is him to be happy and that we defend his rigjt to privacy! Interesting!
Luv ya! Lotsof hugs!

Good One Jen....LOL!!!!



Latest News from Italy.......


Michael Bolton's latest love interest Federica (last name unknown), has left MB for her latest love interest Bruno Tonioli....famous judge from the TV show "Dancing With the Stars".  When asked why she broke up with Michael, her reply was....."Well I really wanted to be with a man that can dance, and Michael has two left feet!!".  When we asked MB for a comment his reply was, "Well I'm a damn good singer and I can sing in Italian, but I guess she is not satisfied with that. I told her I would go to dancing school for lessons....I learned how to do the chicken dance so far, but she said she wanted a man who dances the tango...can you believe that!" "What a man has to go thru to satisfy a woman!!".  Rumor has it that Michael has now been seen with this Scottish woman named Sylvia, even though he denies it..... It seems that MB's life is a real "Telenovella"....will keep you posted......




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