Hey Gang,


Well after going over the Brooklyn Cyclones web site, I decided to see who was performing in concert at the Asser Levy park this summer, also located at Coney Island.  The concert list for 2011 is not posted yet, but my Mother heard on the news today that Liza Minelli will perform here....so that is great!  Last years performers included Aretha Franklin, Neil Sedaka, Beach Boys, etc.... and as I mentioned on Orrin's site, the year before was Donna Summer, Hall and Oats and others......damn what have I'd been missing!!!  Three years ago I missed Air Supply, wasn't happy about that!   :(


Well anyway, I took the liberty to e-mail the Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz, and put in a request to have both Michael and Orrin come here to perform.  I mentioned that Michael can perform at either the baseball stadium, MCU Park or at Asser Levy Park.  I then mentioned about Orrin...maybe they can get him to perform at the park (if not as a solo artist, then as an opening act for another "big name" artist).   Marty Markowitz is the person that hosts these concerts every year, so I thought I take a chance and write to him.  Don't know if it will work, but nothing ventured nothing gained....as the saying goes!!  I heard a few years ago, they asked Neil Diamond to perfrom here, but Neil asked for too much money.....talk about cheap!!  And he's from Brooklyn, you think he would be nice about it....shame on you Neil!!  Well...I still like him, cheap or not...LOL!!! 


So we will see what happen's... if I hear back from his office I'll let you guys know!!  Fingers crossed!!!!  :)


Hope everyone has a nice weekend!!  I'm not working Monday, so it's a long one for me....Yippeee!!!






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Hi Helena and Sylvie,


Wonder if her "muck up" is on YouTube, as you say as Michael's was quickly put - heard it on our news as well - it was funny but it must really be "hole in ground open up time" - I sure don't envy any of them doing that - singing at such an event PLUS it being the National Anthem - even if I was in their shoes I wouldn't have enough guts to attempt that - big yellow streak running right down my back !!!!! lol.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Hi girls, of course they’ll put it on Youtube, the Super Bowl is a very mediatized event. Here’s the video:


Comments are not kind though. Christina could have been understandably nervous. I haven’t compared those comments with the ones on the page with Michael, but it’s easy to criticize for the sake of criticizing. Take care girls. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Well we are human and people make mistakes!!  When I saw Barry Manilow 4 years ago, he paused and forgot the words to Copacabana!!  He then said...OMG that never happened to me before....he continued the song and the audience loved it anyway!!  People are sometimes nasty and not considerate!!




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