Here we go with the New 2011 Concert Tour Review Thread. Michael's tour begins again in the USA in Florida on January 13, 2011!!!!!!!!  I hope Michael is well rested and ready to get back out on the road!


Please share your concert experiences, pictures, video links etc. with us here. We love hearing about the concerts and the great times had by the fans.

You all have made these threads fun in the past and I look forward to more adventures and fun this year!!

I look forward to reading everyone's reviews once again and also contributing some of my own in 2011!


Have fun everyone!! Not much longer till Michael and the band hit the road again!


Robin in Maryland,  USA

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OMG My office has been crazy today and will be tomorrow. I'm off half a day and then I see MB Monday!! Road trip soon!! Yippee!! Seems like longer than early last month I saw him in Greensburg..Looking forward to being on Cloud 9 soon here!! I need a break!!! LOL  Come on Cleveland Monday night!! Woo Hoo!!!


Anyone going tonight to the first show in OH, please report in!

Robin in Maryland :)

Hi Robin MD


Are you not on Cloud 9 already - by the sounds of things you are definitely half way there !!!   Hope all goes well for Monday and that you have a fantastic show !!!! :0


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend

Thanks Sylvia, Me too!!! Taking a friend that's never seen him before. Should be a blast!!!

Robin in Maryland :)

Oh my Robin Md....another convert!!! Yippee!!! Break her in the Bolton Buddy way!!! LOL LOL You know scurrying security...the stage...etc!!!! I know you will :)  Can't wait to hear your adventure!!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Kathy R. She's not a going to the stage person, she won't do that but she will enjoy the show I hope in her own way. She saw him play golf with me last year and had fun with that but didn't say hi to him, just watched him interact with fans and play golf..She knows I'll go to the stage if we can tho!!LOL  No problem tho she said I can go on to the stage, she isn't doing that.  Which is fine, I won't push anyone into anything they aren't comfortable with ya know.. But she's alot of fun and gets a kick out of the MB stuff and likes his it will be fun taking her!!


Thanks for the good wishes!!

Robin in MD needing the break!! :)

I dread at my office having to EXPLAIN my being a fan of MB's when they see pics on my desk.. It never fails!! I have to kinda go into it again with new folks.. then they get used to me saying I'm going here or there after a while.. The old timers don't even blink, but new people are curious-I know it's natural but geez, here I am going to have to explain it again to two new people within the next month..LOL

I will be saying I just got back from a concert next week when one of the new staff starts!!!


Robin in Maryland :)

Hey Robin, I know you are already getting ready for your road trip!!  Ya'll have fun and tell him we all say "HI!!". LOL!!  Looks like the weather may be pretty good for you, sounds like you and your friend have a fun time planned.,,

I still have to explain my "obsession" of Michael sometimes, but most people I am around now know all about it!!  If I go out of town anywhere, they ask me if it for a concert!!  I am semi retired, so I don't work right now but my husband has to still explain where we go...sometimes he just says "my wife needs to get away!!"  I think they have figured it out though LOL!!! but that is ok, then when they see me, all they do is ask "How's Michael!" Anyway, have a great time and looking forward to your review!  I know your friend is going to really enjoy the concert no matter what!!!

Kathy,  I will take some of those business cards!!!! Sounds like a wonderful idea!!


Well Robin Md.... your friend sure has self control girl!!! LOL Of course don't force her....that just doesn't seem possible. I am sure she will still have fun with you!! I have said before that my Bolton stories are legendary and people always want to know the latest. It is always...are you still following Michael Bolton??? Bob even gets calls from firefighters to tell him where they just heard Michael will be playing. It is too funny!!!! Maybe you need to make up business cards that say....I am a Michael Bolton fan for many get over it!!! LOL

Kathy and LAFD Bob

YES I get asked too are you still following MB? I get that from people that work in my management region in the other offices and family members sometimes!!LOL They don't get it, I will and always will follow MB as long as he's singing and doing concerts!  LOL Cute idea with the business cards..I get different reactions over the years, one girl acted like it was a disease still she got to know me and then she understood it better I think.

My friend just doesn't have the personality to run to the stage Kathy R..she's a bit older and it's not what she will do which is fine..she has no problem with me doing my usual at the concert, she wants to go to a city she's never been to, visit the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame and see MB sing, a new thing since she likes his music.  She took me with her to see Wicked when it came to Baltimore. and I LOVED IT. she and her daughter go to all kinds of shows and plays.  Just never seen Michael before.  She's a fun gal to have around..


Robin in Maryland :)

Robin Md...Our Bolton reputations precede us and I am quite PROUD of that :) LOL  I wear it like a badge!!! Getting it polished for my next concerts in fact. You have a blast girl and enjoy the rock n roll hall of fame. I have never been there. Give us 2 reports when you return!!! Please :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob 

Hey Kathy, I love the idea of putting that on business cards! lol Robin in MD, I wanted to wait until Sunday to tell you, but don't forget to grab the opportunity if Michael says he takes requests! Slip in your "Murder my heart" and break a leg! :D Take care girls. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Sylvie...I just might have to put that on my to do list!!!! Business cards for everyone. And the truly interested can then listen to our endless and wonderful Michael experiences! This is not for novice audiences!!!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob


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