For anyone not aware, Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson collaborated on a few duets. I had heard of this many years ago, but never dreamt that they would ever release them,. This is so exciting!!!!!


As a HUGE HUGE HUGE Queen and Freddie Mercury fan, and also a massive fan of Michael Jackson, this is wonderful news to me and I guess it will be for some of you also.


Here is the article below.



Imagine a song featuring the talents of both The King Of Pop and the frontman of Queen. Now that would be quite something. Oh wait, Michael Jackson and Freddie Mercury have recorded tracks together? We need to sit down....

With Michael Jackson's posthumous album Michael receiving less-than-enamored reviews based on the authenticity of the vocals, it comes as good news that some genuine unreleased material will see the light of day - featuring fellow iconic performer Freddie Mercury.

It has come out that the dynamic duo had recorded three tracks together entitled 'Victory', 'State Of Shock' and 'There Must Be More To Life Than This' and now, some 20 years later they will be unveiled.

Queen drummer Roger Taylor revealed: "We are now working on some never-before-released songs that Freddy made with Michael in the early 80?s. I'm not allowed to say too much about it but they sound incredible!"


And here is the link to the article if anyone wants to see it for themselves.



Love Jennifer XXXX

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Thanks Jennifer for the article! I’ve heard about it just this morning on the radio. Judging from the song titles, I’d say it sounds like those might have been done around 1984, since the Jacksons made that “Victory” album including “State of shock” in 1984. I have the song on 45 with Mick Jagger, but out of curiosity, I checked on Youtube and found this:

This is apparently the MJ/FM duet, uploaded 2 years ago, but for some reason, Youtube doesn’t seem to want to work for me this morning. Anyway, thanks for bringing everyone’s attention to this Jen, I know there are a lot of MJ fans on this forum too. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

What a find Syvlie. Well done!


I also just found this track-


There must be more to life than this- (with lyrics)


I'll have a hunt around to see if 'victory' is there too.


Love Jennifer XX


Hi again Jen, does it work for you sweetie? My son told me we don't even see the bar to play it and it doesn't come on at all for me. I thought something happened to Youtube... Anyway, I guess I'll try again later. Thanks for the link, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Yes, its working fine for me Sylvie. Which makes a change. Youtube sometimes plays up for me aswell.


I just found this brief interview with Freddie talking about Michael Jackson and the tracks they recorded together.


The music track is 'State of shock.


And another interview with visual talking about Michael Jackson.


My goodness, what a man Freddie was and what a man Michael was too!!




Love Jennifer XX 



Hi Jennifer and everyone, I was able to listen to the songs today!  I just love “There must be more to life”! Jen, do you know if Juliet and Sharon have heard these? I think it’s unreal that they’ve just started talking about them, when these videos or audio tracks have been uploaded on Youtube 2 years ago! Well anyway, I just wanted to add that I found what was labled as: “ the Victory song” by Michael Jackson:

I’m no expert, but I can’t say that I hear Freddie on there though. Enjoy! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Thanks so much for these Jenn and Sylvie.I had actually heard some of these.I bought an Mj box set last year and it has some rare recordings .You are great for finding rare things maybe you can find me Mbs phone num now lol

Hi Juliet, wow, thanks for the info! I figured if anyone knew anything about it, you would, because you seem to be the authority on Freddie. Thanks a lot for the new link, it’s even more polished than the first one! I’m really glad to hear the proceeds will be at least partially going to charity. It boggles the mind how treasures like that are just floating around… Okay but it was said there were only 3 demos recorded, do you know if the rest of the said album would be lost MJ treasures or Freddie’s? Just curious. Anyway, thanks a lot Juliet, I appreciate it! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi Sharon,  may I ask which of these songs did you hear on the Michael Jackson box set you have? and may I ask the title of this box set? Hmm, if Jennifer found Michael's phone number, do you think she'd share? lol Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi Sylvie.This was similar to the box set i bought.I actually now think the demos i heard where from a MJ website ,I think someone posted them as downloads .I will have to find the cd and check them out .xx

Hey Juliet and Sharon, thank you both for the info, I appreciate it. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

That is fantasic new Jennifer!!!


I will read this and listen to the links afer I recouperate from Elton's show tonight.....LOL!!


Hugs, Helena...xx...

Hi Jennifer and Sylvie,

wow, what treasures you have digged out. Thank you so much for sharing!



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