AMERICAN IDOL 2012 & 2013
Welcome anyone watching Idol who would like to talk about it.
We are continuing this discussion with the current season #12
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Hi everyone,
I think enough of us are watching American Idol (AI) to make this thread worthwhile. So I am taking Sylvie from Canada's suggestion to move it from New Tour Reviews 2011 and give it it's own thread here in Off Topic. Since tonight starts the top 11 voting, it's getting interesting and a good time to start talking about it.
I have been a fan since it started 10 years ago. Hard to believe it's been on that long, not many TV shows last that long. So to anyone watching: "who is your favorite?"
from the Jersey Shore
Hi girls, I thought about what Jennifer said a bit more and of course, I don’t know how these things work and all, but it wouldn’t make sense to me that some corporation would force their wrong choice of winner on to the public, because the music buying public wouldn’t buy it. Please correct me Jennifer if that’s not what you meant and forgive me if I misunderstood. Now Mary, is that where you met Chris Daughtry, on the AI tour or on his own? Just curious. That’s really sweet of people taking goodie bags to the idols! They really build the shows so we care about these youngsters, don’t they? BTW, I agree about Steven Tyler and thanks to him, I don’t miss Simon because he brings a whole new vibe to the show. But Randy’s still my favorite. And Sylvia, I agree about Susan Boyle, God bless her, but she was on “Britain’s got talent”, wasn’t she? Since she was on, I guess they don’t really have an age limit on that show, do they? I don’t watch “America’s got talent”. There’s this new show starting soon though called “The voice” and from what I understand, it will be just that: a “blind” voice competition. I’ve only heard the commercial for it and don’t have details but it sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing girls, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hi Sylvie,
Yeh, Susan Boyle was found on Britain's Got Talent but even on our X Factor I don't believe - someone correct me if I am wrong - we have an age limit.....the limit we have on age is that they cannot be below a certain age but in the show there is a category for over 30's and that does not contain an upper limit......or am I getting things mixed up - think you all know by now something that has been known to happen to me occasionally !!!! LOL LOL LOL.
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
Hi Sylvia,
So true, Susan Boyle was the furthest thing from looking like a star! But such a voice.....she is also from Scotland like you!
Hi Mary and Meggy,
I won tickets to see the Idol Tour back in season 4 on a local radio show! It was great, I got 4 tickets. Brought my daughter and one of her friends and friends mother. We had a great time, that was the year Taylor Hicks won. We got to see Taylor Hicks (winner), Katharine McPhee, Daughtry, Ace Young, Kellie Pickler, and the others. My favorites that year were Daughtry (Love him!) and Kat McPhee who was sick on the beginning of the tour so I didn't get to see her. Never knew about the Goody Bags!
from the Jersey Shore :)
Hi Jennifer& Sylvie,
I pretty much agree with Sylvie's response here. Do you get American Idol in the UK? If you haven't seen it, check out this link, pictures of most of the winners.............they are not all skinny beautiful people! I am sure looks are sometimes a big part of it, but not always. And yes, the voting can certainly be fixed..........who knows. But I enjoy watching anyway.
Hi Joy, OMG, we have such similar taste onAI contestants! Well, lucky you having seen Taylor Hicks in concert! I was delirious when he won! He’s the one I loved from day 1, although I did want Chris Daughtry to be a close second. I believe this was in ’05 though. I love the new things they’re doing this year to make it interesting and different. I have to say that sometimes, the show can be predictable. I love that they have the kids doing duets and hope they keep it up. I’d love to see Simon on the show again, but don’t really miss him because the energy of the show feels different, you know what I mean? I think Steven is having a good time too. Well, I understand what you’re saying about Paul, but obviously, he’s got his fans. Oh I know what you mean about “In my daughter’s eyes”, I get teary-eyed just thinking about it. I discovered Martina’s voice on “Valentine” by Jim Brickman. Wow, I had the same reaction when Latoya was voted off and bought a “I voted for Latoya” T-shirt that night! :D I’m sorry you don’t like Adam’s music and I understand it’s not for everyone, but you can at least buy the tunes he sang on AI from ITunes. I was going through them recently on Youtube: he is simply amazing! It’s so strange to have artists and CD’s in common with your teenaged daughter! :D Although I’m fortunate that my youngest daughter and youngest son enjoy Michael! Thanks for sharing Joy, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hi Sylvie,
Ha, you were right it was Season 5, I think I wrote season 4, then that I won 4 tickets, 4 on the brain!!
I am fine with the judges, I like the new more positive energy without Simon, but I do kind of miss him.
He is doing a new show The X Factor, so we'll have to watch that soon-and start another topic on the forum!
I will have to look up Adam Lambert on youtube and see what he is singing these days, but his first album I didn't like any of the songs. I loved him on AI doing songs like: Tracks of my Tears and Mad World was the best!!! I don't do ITunes, but guess I better get with the times huh? I don't even have an ipod yet!! My daughter is 25 and yes we both like a lot of the same music, go to concerts and broadway shows when we can. She isn't a big Michael fan, but that's because she hasn't seen him live.............I will try to take her sometime.
Luv ya,
Hi Joy, easy mistake about the year. I had heard about the “X Factor” but haven’t come across any commercials or anything so I’m waiting. I’d like to watch it, out of curiosity and find out I might have missed Simon more than I thought! :D My kids have ITunes, but we’ve never bought anything from the store. You don’t have to have an Ipod, as far as I know, you can burn those on CD, can’t you? If I’m mistaken, pardon my ignorance.As far as I know, Adam’s AI songs are all in full version on Youtube. Oh I loved “Mad world”! You might want to check Amazon, they might have the mp3’s too. You’re very fortunate to go to concerts and such with your 25 year old daughter. My 25 year old is not a Michael fan either, but that’s because I’m guilty of over-saturation… XD My eldest son is not a fan but has commented on the quality of Michael’s voice live, so that’s a huge compliment coming from a 15 year old! Lol My youngest daughter and son both have Michael on their Ipod so that’s a start! Do let us know if you ever get your daughter to go see Michael: it’s always nice to hear about new converts! Thanks for sharing Joy, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Susan Boyle has indeed done very well for herself since the X Factor and blooming good on her, but she didnt win though even though she truly believed and indeed we all believed that she was going to win. She had been told for weeks and weeks that she was going to win and it was spread all over the news that she was the predicted winner.
Sadly, she has only done so well because Simon Cowell signed her up after her break down. Thank goodnes he did though. I have both of her albums and they are superb!!
The poor woman had a major breakdown and actually went quite insane after the show finished and ended up in a mental institution (The Priory) for therapy because she couldnt cope with being boosted to the max for weeks and weeks and being told she was going to win over and over again and then being shunned and cast aside at the last minute infront of millions of viewers. Everyone thought she was going to win, but I knew she wouldnt because she is too old, too fat and too ugly (this is not my opinnion) and not the image they were looking for.
The votes are definately fixed in the UK shows. I have no doubt on that score. Crikey ,anyone would go a bit doo lally if they were in the same situation. Coming from nothing, and being told your worthless by your family and friends and peers for all of your lifeand then suddenly entering a competion and being told how marvellous you are and that youre going to be a star and be very very famous and exceedingly rich and then having it snatched away in a blink!
It seems that there are people from all walks of life and ages in the show, and I dont think they do have an age limit on any of these programess to start with in the Uk but the older contestants are always whittled away and pushed by the way side and its the good looking young ones who are in the final and who eventually win.
I know they do this purposley in the UK because there was a huge scam last year where votes were rigged when Mary Byrne was in the contest. She was being voted for by the public, but they kept that weirdo guy in called Wagner instead becasue he was entertaining even though they knew he wouldnt win. The young lad called Matt Cardle won even though Mary was getting all the votes. There was another young lad who was well lets say 'portly' so slightly over weight. He had the most amazing voice, but he was chucked out very near the end of the show even though he'd been saved 3 times by the voting public. The public really loved him, but again he wasnt the image the TV guys were looking for. He was young, but he was too fat!
I'm so glad its not as corrupted as this in the US. Atleast your TV producers have sense that we're not all 'put out to grass' becasue we're older and not the normal star. Thank goodness for that. I didnt realise that Steve Tyler is judging. He's georgous!! Yummy!! I quite like the other guy, Randy Jackson too. He's very cute.
It's such a sad situation because there are some extremely talent older people who enter these contests but dont have a hope in hells chance of winning becasue the TV guys dont think they are going to be 'money makers' for them as much as a younger person winning would be. They're attitudes are really quite appauling and I believe a true disgrace and insult to the talented older less ' pretty' people of the UK.
This is just my oppinions from my observations on these shows in the UK.
I'm seriously tempted to have a peep at the UK American Idol. It sounds a lot more fair and just than our programmes. Which channel is it on please?
Love Jennifer XX
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