2010 Concert Tour Reviews-Please share your reviews with us here!

Hi everyone, I thought it might be nice to have a thread for everyone to post their concert reviews in again like we've done in the past. It's such fun hearing about all the shows and everyone's experiences and see their photos. 


Anyone attending, please post your review.  Its exciting that Michael and his band are hitting the road again and traveling the world!


I hope you all don't mind I started this thread for concert reviews.  I'm looking forward to reading about everyone's experiences!



Robin :)


P.S.  Update-Nov, 2010-I wish them well and cannot wait to see the show again in 2011!!! MB totally rocked it at NJ PAC 11/3/2010!!! Thanks Michael!!!!!


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This concert was the same length as the others, but I think the audience would have kept him all night!! I have seen him at alot of casinos, but never had I seen him do the autographs....at any of them!! So maybe it will be something new for him to do, I hope!!! I do love to see him at the smaller venues!!
Wanna warn you Juliet. the machines are tight. You'll be donating instead of getting a donation. Take it from me. I know. Unless you have much more luck than me&I wish you well in Vegas.

Robin the boltonnut from L. A. CA USA
Thanks so much Kerie for a great review
Only thing missing was MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love Dianna xxx
Hi Kerie, as usual, a terrific review! You sure sounded like you’ve had a good time! It’s so strange that he’s taking out “Hope it’s too late” from the show… I’m glad the audience was appreciative, that’s the way Michael likes it. You see, another loud audience, another “Rock me baby”… Guess we’ll have to pass the word along to the Brit girls for Jennifer to hear it at the RAH! :D Wow, it must have been so much fun to hear all that audience interaction with him… Good for you getting first row! I guess if your husband goes with you to the next show, he’ll try to be more inconspicuous not to be pointed out to sing again? Lol May I ask where are your seats in Branson? Well, lucky you seeing him so many times in such a short period of timeKerie, keep the good reviews coming! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
I hate to tell ya Sylvie, they are front row center!! Branson did something a little different then most venues. When I saw he was going to Branson, I found out they were gonna have a presale for Bolton fans. You had to give them your email address ahead of time before the regular sale started, I think it was a few weeks ahead of time, and they sent an email and said to call them on that day and you could buy tickets, then they went on sale to the public a couple of days later. When I called, I think she said I was the 2nd caller!! So she gave me the best she had....pretty cool!! It is a funny story on how I got to see him so many times in a row...see Branson was announced first, and that was the closest to me...been wanting to go back for a visit, so as good of a reason as any, right. Two days after I got those, Tunica was announced, well that is 30 minutes from me, so I couldn't not go, right? So I got those the minute they went on sale, no holding tickets for high rollers this time, so front row...After I got those, Nashville was announced, well my daughter lives there, I had to go see her, right? Again, front table! with meet and greet!!! Then to top it off, he was in Hartford area in March and my sister lives there, was going for a visit anyway, what better excuse!! and those were meet and greet, so that was a given!!!! Now I am working on Atlanta, as my daughter just moved there and I gotta go see her, don't I? She is in school at Georgia State, right next to Georgia Tech where the atlanta concert is!!!! Won't be front row, but it is a very small venue!!! Just call me crazy...I have figured up if I go to Atlanta, that will be my 55th concert and I turn 55 this year!!!!!
Anyway, yeah my husband will be singing in Branson!!!!
Hi Kerie, lol thanks for your response! Well, indeed it is your lucky year girlfriend: maybe you should buy a lottery ticket at your last concert!  Wow, that’s really awesome Kerie, good for you! Ah sweetie, that’s not crazy, it’s enjoying life while you can and frankly, if this was crazy, there wouldn’t be enough asylums to put us all!  Well, have fun at your concerts and as I’ve said, do report back! Thanks again so much for sharing, take care. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Kerie what a great story I loved it you were meant to go to all those shows that's for sure
How wonderful Thanks for sharing :)
Love Dianna xxx
You go Kerie. All those shows&reasonable excuses, I'd say. Wow! I'm glad for you&the meet&greets. Awesome. I'm glad for you. You go girl is all I can say. :)
Oh Sylvie, if I could hear 'rock me baby' live at the RAh..that would make my night!! Wooooooohooooo!!!

I shall have to get out the T-shirt that I made last year and wave it in Michaels face when he comes over to our side of the stage.

Carol and I are in the front row again so we'll have plenty of chances to wave it at him and shout out to him!! Ha Ha!!!

I'm usually embarrassingly vocal anyway as I'm sure Helen will tell you. My friend gave Helen her front row ticket once and I think Helen was a bit sorry after as I couldnt stop myself calling out!!! Ha Ha!! Michael takes it all in very good humour as always. I hasten t oadd here that I never shout anything rude or embarrassing to Michael.

I've got to tell you that I'm really enjoying reading these great reviews. Lets have lots more please!! Thank you.

Love Jennifer XXX
Hey Jen, Oh we all know how much you love your “Rock me baby” and I can’t blame you! I know he’s told you he’d recorded and I do wish he’d release it already… Uhm, didn’t he sing it on November 2 last year? Dumb question: why didn’t you make a flag that said “Rock me baby” instead of a shirt? Lol Jen, you’re a riot, you go girl! Well take care Jen. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Oh, kerie,

Thanks ever so much for you review. Awesome about the autographs. You go girl. Sounds as if y'all had a blast&neat meeting BB'S.

Robin the boltonnut from L. A. CA
Like I said Kerie, awesome about the autographs. In Henderson, Michael came back to me 4 times&held my hand each time. No joke. I was totally stoked.

Robin the boltonnut from L. A. Ca

Hope I'm replying in the right spots.


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