HELLO EVERYONE, Since the 2011 Tour Review Thread is not playing nice and throwing us all back to the beginning lately, Gail asked if I would go ahead and start the 2012 thread. So here it is.. We can all share our excitement for Michael's upcoming touring and events in 2012 and chat and have fun here till the shows start in 2012.

Everyone is welcome to post and share their stories and pictures, videos from concerts and trips to see Michael do what he does best-SING!!!   Michael will be touring in 2012 starting so far with some shows the end of January.  There could be other events sooner too so if anyone attends a great Bolton event/concert, feel free to share your experience here.  I hope to have a review after the Chester, PA show on January 28th along with some other fans that have gotten tickets for that show and  the Atlantic City, NJ show on January 27th as well!  After that there are shows in Australia so far listed for 2012.  Following those shows we have the Concert for MBC and Traveler's Golf Event in June, 2012 and later on the MBC Gala in Sept.. We already have some exciting events to look forward to next year and I know there will be much more to come.

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum.. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as before.


Welcome everyone!!!!!


Robin in Maryland USA :)


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Just popped over to Dianna's Robin and saw Cameron's post and I wonder if Dianna did something special for Cameron's birthday, which was on Sunday, especially when she also mentions card.....it was Steve Milo's birthday too for remember last year we got the photos of the cakes that MB had given them both and them cutting into them.....wonder what they did this year or if the thrill of being in Australia was enough of a birthday present !! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


To let you all know I got it wrong again.....one of these days a miracle will happen I will get it right and there will be a blue moon in the sky when that happens but the previous picture that MB sent from the Opera House, remember Sylvie and Robin CA, where I thought he was standing on a walkway round the Opera House and there were canopies to protect the people from the sun it turns out that was in fact taken from Michael's dressing room in the Opera House for he has posted another picture on FB with comment telling us where the picture has been taken and he is standing looking out this time but he is still at the same window and what I thought were canopies are obviously shutters that you can push open .....I thanked MB for letting me know.....thought I had better !! LOL    Here now for everyone is the picture along with MB's caption !! :)

View from the Sydney Opera House dressing room. Great shows Sydney!

 For Sylvie and Robin CA it is a left profile shot of Michael and you are looking up at his face but the expression is definitely one of reflection....it is a beautiful photo for there is just the hint of a smile which you could imagine becoming a beamer !!! :)



Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.





Found below article which has been published in tomorrow's Advertiser in Australia and the picture they are carrying is the same one as previously used of MB and Orianthi sitting together on the couch and I had put it over in the "Tidbits from Australia" thread because felt it wasn't directly to do with a concert but on second thoughts it does refer specifically to one concert so thought I would bring over here too....hope you enjoy !! :) 

"IF YOU thought Michael Bolton's shirts were a little tight during his concert at the Adelaide Festival Theatre last week, you might be on to something.

Confidential hears the US crooner, right, used several costume changes during his show to quickly lift some weights in a dressing room next to the stage.

All of which explains the singer's particularly buff physique during his brief visit to the City of Churches.

The Grammy legend is currently touring Australia with former Adelaide guitarist Orianthi Panagaris."


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


I remember reading on FB about Cameron's birthday. Didn't know it was Steve's as well. Sylvia, thanks, once again, for descriptions. Right. True. If it weren't for Michael, we all wouldn't know one another. he's gonna be in Westbury NY 6/13 & I'll be in MD. Wow! He's also gonna be in CT & DC. Wow! I won't be ale to make those events as I'll be in MD visiting 2 weeks. :D boltonnut from L. A. CA who loves life.

Morning everyone

I have no idea where to start

What a week-end we are home now :)


Saturday night came and we were so excited, to be in the Opera House what a magic place although we had been there we're never seen a proformance there. I have pictures and will post some after I have time to go though them,

The set list was the same as Jupiters on the Gold Coast

Can I just say Kelly was much better on the Saturday performance and Michael said something like . We will stand for this one (over the rainbow) for there are some high note's LOL!

I don't want to say she's a bad singer for I honestly believe she has a powerful voice I just honestly don't think Michael's songs are suited to her.

When she sung her melodies 3 songs Michael has written for other artist, Were not making love anymore, I found someone and forever she done a great job I really like her singing I found someone it seem to suit her very well. She is gifted she had a beautiful voice and looks beautiful and she seems like a nice person I got some smiles off her for probably being a nut but still !

On the Saturday night when Michael sang WAMLAM i just thought ok I will go to the stage but honestly not a good idea I remanded the only one there and was tapped on the shoulder by some stupid idiot and told to sit back down which I just simply said no! I had a gift to give him :) I went over to the side of the stage though there was about 4 of us then :) I finally gave him my gift which was 2 Australia little wall plaques that saide "Millie" and "Olivia" he smiled and and gave me the thumbs up with that little grin of his.I also gave him a skull necktie he will never wear it I know but I just wanted him to know that I knew about Jack Sparrow :)

I did manage to get a few photos Michael did say to take all the photos you want but I really wanted to have some fun.But we did get some.

On the Sunday I met up with some family members and had some lunch which lastest all day and we had just enough time to get back to my Aunt's and get ready for the Sunday night concert :)

We really are country folk and a bit nervous walking around the city and we were dressed pretty well usually when we go away, Bill is the only one who takes his wallet I don't carry a bag ( I had to take my bag it had the camera and my ipad in it )so I was a little bit worried til we got to Circular Quay where of cause there are people everywhere so we feel a bit more comfortable. We never caught the train of a night, we took taxis back to where we were staying.

You know his band is just fanastic they are so talented you couldn't fault them

So Sunday were doing the usual filling in time although the concert started early 7pm we got down to Circular Quay about 4:30pm so were walking around looking in the shops had bought Cameron (Michael's unbelieveable Trumper / Flute player) a birthday card but I found a little token in one of the shops and it was a key ring that had 3 Australian symbols on it (Opera House, Bridge, and I can't remember the third thing LOL! but it was nice and I put it in her card just a little something.

Sunday night we had front row seat and we had a great time ( although I stand by I would have favoured just Michael and the band :) )

So after Michael was introduced and he said how much he was enjoying Sydney and he looked so much more relaxed and really was enjoying himself you could just see it he was happy :)

I yell "Happy Birthday to cameron she had her ear piece in and didn't hear me but Michael turned to her and said "Is it your Birday when she nodded he went overe and gave her a little kiss she was so surprised when I called her over to give her, her card she was so very gracious and so very surprised.

It wasn't long after that Bill (we bought a jar of vegemite for him) went to the stage and handed him the jar of vegemite he says something like " And ipad and a jar of vegemite in the front row, that's a first!"

We had a few chats with him though out the night Bill and I and the night was special for us BUT IT WAS VERY SPECIAL for 2 other people whom we were talking too before the show.

We were sitting outside waiting to go in and I noticed 2 people probably a little older than us both beautifully dreassed the man had a beautiful color bright Orange tie ans the lady also beautifully dressed had a bright orange shawl and a orange ribbon ( Like the breast cancer ribbon but Bright Orange) Me being Me had to ask rather than keep whispering to Bill wonder what the ribbons are for?

As it was their son had bought concert tickets for her and her husband a few months prior and had paid for them to have a weeks holiday in Sydney (they came from Toowooma QLD) but the young man had been killed she started crying and Bill put he's arm around her he was closest to her seat and we all had tears in our eyes but we managed to calm her down and I didn't ask how he died or anything but they were there for their son as well as themselves, Michael the beautiful soul that he is dedicated " Time, Love and Tenderness" to them I can't remember their name just now but I probably will and when the show was finished he said he would like to dedicate the whole show to them and their family it was just so touching and beautiful, Michael Thank you so much for being you :)

The set list was the same except for he didn't sing Pride as the last song he sang Georgia it was wonderful

The photo police was about that night even though Michael had said to take all the Photo's we wanted I wasn't allowed to video but I did do the last 2 songs on video :) I though she wouldn't thow us out near the end surely and she didn't :)

I will probaly write more but Caitlyn needs to get to school and Seanna is walking and Crawling all over the place please excuse any spelling mistakes

Will write more later

Love to you all

Dianna and Bill xxx

Hey Dianna, Wow lady  you had a fantastic time way it sounds!  You go girl...Oh that story of that couple on Sunday night, how moving! MB knew their story then?  How amazing that must have been for you guys and sad too, oh my..  I am looking forward to your photos from the shows and the vids too when you have the time to share..

I am thrilled for you both!! Sounds like Sydney was a blast for you guys as well as for MB and the band!!!!!  Thanks for jumping on here and taking the time to post..  I'm sure you are still up on Cloud 9!!!!!

Robin in MD :)

Wow Dianna, what else can we say? Thank you so much for the detailed report! I’m so glad you and Bill had such a nice time and were able to do almost everything you were there for and I’m sure both Michael and Cameron very much appreciated your kind attention! Good to hear you enjoyed Kelly’s performance more on Sunday. As I’ve said before: not everyone is as versatile as our Michael... :D Out of curiosity, was there any merchandise to be bought, like programs, Tees or mugs? Oh sweetie, what a special memory about the couple, thank you  for sharing it and God bless them and Michael for his kind heart too... OMG, does that mean you got “Georgia” on video? Oh, I hope so... I’m glad you were able to record a couple at least. What on earth is those people’s problem? Okay, just one last thing: whatever happened to the announcement Michael was supposed to do about the new CD? I was hoping to read it on a blog today... Well, thanks again ever so much for everything Dianna and we’ll look forward to anything further you want to share. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada :D

Dianna, these were the Hawkins.  Their son, Campbell, was 25 and a big Michael fan as is his mother. He bought tickets for her and him, hotel and airfare so they could go enjoy the concert.  He was a teacher who worked with at risk students.  Just a few weeks ago he was killed in a car accident so she and her husband made the trip that she was going to make with her son in his honor.  Michael was very touched by the family and what happened to someone who believed in the same cause he did.  So glad the concerts are all going so well!!! Thanks for all the reviews and writeups.

Thank you for sharing about the Hawkins family Gail..AWWW what a sad story..MB must have been so moved by the family's story.

Robin in MD :)

Dianna what a weekend you had!!! And your last concert sounds heaven sent!!! So glad you had a wonderful time and all the chatting with Michael...I LOVE it!!! Good for you staying at the stage....way to go girl!!!! I sure had fun reading your reviews!!! That must have been special to see Michael share his sympathies with the Hawkins family. Gail thanks for the back story. I have an only child...a son and I can't even imagine that dear mom and dad and their sorrow that night. Michael is just soooo wonderful and how kind and empathetic he was toward them!!! Very touching and thank you Michael :)))))  

Well Dianna....you wil be floating for quite a while girl...ENJOY!!!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Kathy & everyone, I don't have any children & can't imagine their loss. God gave them the strength to go to the show as their son would have wanted them to. God was watching them & so was their son. God bless all of them & thank you Michael & God bless you as well. Boltonnut from L. A. CA who LOVES LIFE :D


Oh girl it sounds so wonderful!  You had a magical time at this show also.  Such great memories for you and Bill.

Here is a Cloud 9 for you!!
Joy in NJ (USA)



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