HELLO EVERYONE, Since the 2011 Tour Review Thread is not playing nice and throwing us all back to the beginning lately, Gail asked if I would go ahead and start the 2012 thread. So here it is.. We can all share our excitement for Michael's upcoming touring and events in 2012 and chat and have fun here till the shows start in 2012.

Everyone is welcome to post and share their stories and pictures, videos from concerts and trips to see Michael do what he does best-SING!!!   Michael will be touring in 2012 starting so far with some shows the end of January.  There could be other events sooner too so if anyone attends a great Bolton event/concert, feel free to share your experience here.  I hope to have a review after the Chester, PA show on January 28th along with some other fans that have gotten tickets for that show and  the Atlantic City, NJ show on January 27th as well!  After that there are shows in Australia so far listed for 2012.  Following those shows we have the Concert for MBC and Traveler's Golf Event in June, 2012 and later on the MBC Gala in Sept.. We already have some exciting events to look forward to next year and I know there will be much more to come.

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum.. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as before.


Welcome everyone!!!!!


Robin in Maryland USA :)


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I'm a little nervous writing. Thanks Robin&Gail for the 2012 thread. Folks in NJ&PA, got some concerts up&coming. Woo Hoo or is it yee hey! yahoo. I'm glad. Sylvia, but honey, MB will be in or will he be in Australia around our birthday. Nope. So, where there's life, there's hope. :) I mi   miss everyone. Pardon any errors.

WOW Robin CA you made it....you got here - fantastic !!!! lol.     Little bit of perservance and courage gets you everywhere - you go for it girl !! :)    To be serious.....if that is at all possible with me...... I am glad to see you on here and hope you get all over place ducking and diving in and out all the threads Robin.....certainly a better finish to 2011 than you thought and where more appropriate to begin it than in the 2012 thread !! :)

Hey Robin, let you into a little secret, Michael could well be heading to Australia when it is my birthday so I believe he is going to pop into Largs on the way there.... you know, a little "stop over" and he can have a round of golf too........don't tell anyone !!!!! LOL.

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

I'm behind on the scroll but Sylvia about your secret? How can it be a secret? You told all of us. :)))))) I'm here for now but gosh knows how long. I'm determined to beat this thing. Boltonnut from L. A. CA USA

Great to have you on here Robin CA......just clearing up on e-mails and when your name popped up for the Forum and this thread I thought, hey wonderful news ......just keep everything crossed and it will all go well !!! lol.   Not a lot happening on here so at least you have come back in at the right time just before those concerts start again and of course we have MB's first date for the New Year coming up on 14th January......see if we get any information about or pictures via Zimbio that we can share and then not long now to the first "real" concert on 27th and then the start of those reviews !!!!! :) 

Hope all does keep going well and you get in when you want to......just give the machine a good kick if it starts playing up again !!!!! LOL

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

Hey Robin from Ca, good to have you back girlfriend: you show that Jaws who's boss! lol Take care sweetie and hope to read you again on here. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

It's a heck of a battle to do this for sure. It's enough to make one grhrhrhrhrhrols. Pardon folks the way I wrote this as Sylvie gets it what with her having speech. Which JAWS are you using Sylvie? I'm on 13&it's a pain. Something needs to be done. Love coming out here&I miss all of you. Boltonnut from L. A. CA

Hey Robin from Ca, I have the luxury of having both, so I'm using my Jaws 9.0 to post, the 13.0 I use for other things. God bless you for battling with it girl! Take care Robin. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Glad to know you're "Back to the Good Part" Robin R.

Mary (Meg's mom)!

Thanks!!! Works perfectly and I have saved all. Thanks!!!!

Thanks a lot Gail; managed fine to read comments I couldn't access before - thanks again !! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

OK now that it IS 2012 I can say I see Michael at the END OF THIS MONTH!! Woo Hoo!!!

Happy 2012 Tour Thread everyone!!!

Robin in MD USA :)

Congratulations Robin, I know you will have the time of your live ... LOL. I am looking forward to read your review.

Greetings from Germany



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