HELLO EVERYONE, Since the 2011 Tour Review Thread is not playing nice and throwing us all back to the beginning lately, Gail asked if I would go ahead and start the 2012 thread. So here it is.. We can all share our excitement for Michael's upcoming touring and events in 2012 and chat and have fun here till the shows start in 2012.

Everyone is welcome to post and share their stories and pictures, videos from concerts and trips to see Michael do what he does best-SING!!!   Michael will be touring in 2012 starting so far with some shows the end of January.  There could be other events sooner too so if anyone attends a great Bolton event/concert, feel free to share your experience here.  I hope to have a review after the Chester, PA show on January 28th along with some other fans that have gotten tickets for that show and  the Atlantic City, NJ show on January 27th as well!  After that there are shows in Australia so far listed for 2012.  Following those shows we have the Concert for MBC and Traveler's Golf Event in June, 2012 and later on the MBC Gala in Sept.. We already have some exciting events to look forward to next year and I know there will be much more to come.

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum.. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as before.


Welcome everyone!!!!!


Robin in Maryland USA :)


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 Disclaimer:  kleenex may be needed!                                                                         

                                                                         Michael Bolton Charities Dinner and Concert

                                                                                Sunday  November 10  2012

                                                                              Eldorado Hotel Casino, Reno, Nevada


                                                This adventure started with me wanting to buy a single ticket to MBC event and then Bob...aka LAFD Bob... decided it would be a fun birthday gift fpr me to enter the Michael Bolton Auction for the MBC event and watch me sweat bullets wondering if I would be out bid!!! Oh such a commitment!! Do I want to get involved and then have to glue myself to the time clock as it ticked down to the closing seconds....announcing the winner?? Well... you bet I do!!! LOL We thought it would be well worth the "win" to donate to MBC! The win included two tickets for dinner and the concert, one night stay at the Eldorado Hotel, photo with Michael Bolton, VIP seating and an invitation to the after party. That sure sounds like a Bolton Adventure to me!!! And so the story begins...

                                                  We brought along our son because his birthday was on Sunday, November 11th and we have a pact to always be together for our birthdays. Was he excited???? He takes the fifth!! lol But at least we were together.....I say to him ;)  We pack the car....yes the car...we drove almost 8 hours to Reno, Nevada in Michael's honor!! What did you say Mary??? I didn't hear you??? lol It was like the classic story of walking through snow and sleet and rain to get to school...remember those stories?? Same here but we were on four wheels to go see Michael. The temps went from 95* at home to 27* in Bridgeport, Ca.!! A typical California day...lol The snow was beautiful as it capped the trees and roofs just right to make one fill with the holiday spirit. Too bad that includes sciatic pain and stiff joints also while enjoying the view. We quickly realized why we flew to Michael's concert years ago at the Silver Legacy....and there was another concert in that area for which we can't remember the northern location...but we were there!!! LOL We will remember where in a few days. I thought I would act like I knew something about fb posting and successfully posted some pics as we traveled. Ok...so Ryan, my son helped me. I couldn't get too complicated and attempt to also post pics to the forum....my son has only so much patience. We arrived safely and upon checking in I see the other Michael....Lington talking with some of Dave Mason's band members :) They were delightfully chatting so I simply watched as Bob dared me to go over and say hi. I couldn't get thrown out of the hotel this soon so I demured. I mean we didn't even have a room number yet in which to run into while security tried to catch us!! One must plan for such entrapment!! There is always another time I tell Bob ;) He nods knowingly. We get to our room and settle in when my phone rings. It is Tom and Ashley checking in with bad news! They were snowed in at the Salt Lake City Airport!!! What???? I ask how soon can you escape???? Tom says they have a flight out on Saturday morning and he will call when they arrive. We then go look for Andrena to say hi and catch up on details for the auction win. We run into Cameron and have a little chat :) She is so sweet and beautiful and as Ryan says...WOW!! We go through FOUR security people before anyone knows WHERE the room is that Andrena is working in. Geez...I was ready to break out my sign language and a GPS!! We finally find Andrena and we are perspiring after having covered the entire hotel. Mind you it is 20* outside so some knuckle head decides the heater inside should be set at 90*!! They need to hire more women over 50!! Andrena sees my damp forehead and says the hotel is warm and she would know for they had her in a hidden room that no one in the hotel even knew existed!!  Maybe a fake dungeon..I don't know but I am sure Andrena was happy once 5pm Saturday came...lol  

                                                    Saturday arrives with a light coating of snow once more :) I catch up with Tom again and he says they de-ice the plane and then by the time they are ready to take off it is time to de-ice all over again. This sounds worse then water boarding!!! I speak with Ashley and she is thrilled to be seeing Michael once again....oh I feel her pain...lol Tom and Ashley finally arrive in time and they find me taking photos at the convention room for the event before it fills with guests. We go collect Bob at the penny machines and we all go get some refreshments. Ashley...what did you order again???? lol I will let her tell you :) As we are chatting in walks some of Michael's peeps and we have a nice chat with "them". So sweet...all of them!! So much name and no-name dropping...it is exhausting!! lol We all go our own ways to get ready for THE event!!!

                                                     I am hastily getting dressed. No hurry...just excited. Well...too excited...as I was brushing my hair the brush hits my earring and dislodges it from my pierced ear and where does it go??????? Where oh where??? This is more mysterious than the immaculate conception!! We can't waste any more time looking for my favorite cherished earring. I have the post and clasp left...no main setting. We call the plumber and put Ryan in charge and we leave the earring behind....somewhere. I soldier on like a good Bolton Fan!! We arrive with about 15 minutes to spare. We find our seats and discover we are sitting right behind Ashley and Tom :) We sit at table 2 where salads have already appeared. We meet our table mates. All are Bolton fans for decades and one newbie at 4 years under her belt. Michael walked about the room mingling with security close behind but not over bearing :) He made sure to go say hi to Ashley and give her a kiss before the night started!! I was still feeling shy...so I stayed in my seat :)  lol

                                                    The dinner hour is over and the purpose for the gathering begins. This portion of my review takes on a serious note so bear with me momentarily :) Joan Lunden starts the evening with speaking eloquently about the services provided by MBC and the immediacy of keeping VAWA on the books!! I will pass on her words to encourage all of us to contact our state governments and demand that the Violence Against Women Act stays the law. We all remember Michael testifying in Washington to the importance of WHY this law must remain. I sense the urgency and devotion of all present who support MBC. What a wonderful group of tireless people all headed by Michael Bolton! Next is some entertainment from a comedian for levity and then some awards given out. The first award was presented by Lisa Niemi Swayse and she spoke with a heavy heart as she informed the crowd that the recipient of the award is one of MBC's board of directors, William McNamee, and he wasn't present because he had just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and was undergoing treatment. The room fell silent... for Lisa Swayse knows all too well and so much about pancreatic cancer! There was hope in her words but a sadness also. Some more entertainment with a magician and another comedian. Joan then introduced Michael and we all applauded loudly!!! But Michael seemed to be missing a bounce in his step....It took him a while to appear onstage and he quickly told us why. It seemed he very recently just heard about his friend's illness and was so moved by the news that he even thanked Lisa Swayse for helping him get through ten minutes of crying. My heart skipped a beat!!! When there is a man onstage with the dynamic persona that Michael Bolton carries on his frame at every performance and you watch him speak haltingly and pensively and keep his head bowed while speaking....well... you KNOW that something heavy is on his mind. Suddenly the whole night meant even more and the purpose to help MBC couldn't be any clearer!! Michael started to thank those who work so hard for his charity and he thanked his daughters Holly and Taryn who were present. He said all his daughters were precious but those two were present, As he spoke about them his voice started to break. Michael continued to thank others all the while looking down at a paper in his hands and then remembering to look up. Ohhhh....I so wanted to just say...it's alright Michael...LEAVE...and we will be ok here amongst ourselves!!! I can't even imagine having to go onstage after being hit with such news but he is a professional and by the time he was done speaking he gathered us up in his purpose for the night and then said ...are you ready to have a good time??? We couldn't possibly let Michael down and NOT have a good time!!! So the music starts with Dave Mason and some of his Traffic hits. Just what we all needed... some great music blasting and making us all move to the beat!!! Then Michael appeared once again and of course I don't remember the order of songs but I DO remember the moment he said ..."My new album is coming out in February and it is called Ain't No Mountain Higher and I will sing the title song with Kelly Levesque!!! OMG!!! A long time fan...Sandy Wilson....grabbed my hand in excitement because we knew we were hearing the song for the first time!!! This is right up there with the time I heard Michael sing Hallelujah for the first time at DWTS!!! They rocked the song!! Kelly about jumped out of her skin and was so emotive!!! Michael was a bit more reserved but who could blame him??? He still sang beautifully with Kelly and then they sang The Prayer and boy did that have meaning tonight!!! Michael also sang Nessun Dorma..oh my!!!!! That brought everyone to their feet of course!!! Michael also sang SILYBIL. His voice was strong as always at even a difficult time for him. And then the blue guitar came over Michael's shoulder and you know what that means...LOL Either SHC or Rock Me. This time it was SHC and Dave Mason joined him!!! Very cool indeed!!  There was another song that Michael sang and Bill Champlain joined him but the title escapes me!!! Did you actually think I would get through a review without forgetting something???? Of course Michael blew Ashley kisses throughout the night!! I lost count!! Michael gathered the band for their bow and that was the end of the music...until the next concert!!! Next was our photo op and apparently Dave Mason wasn't so eager. No offense Dave but none of us minded either if you didn't want to pose :) But Michael wouldn't hear of that and so we had our photos taken with Michael and Dave. That is ok...I had a plan B :))) We were told quite sternly there would be NO autographs!! I guess Tom didn't "hear" that rule...LOL!!! You gotta do what you gotta do!! Michael was gracious all night and through the photos but the night didn't end there!!! Now it was time for the after party which was held in a small section on the casino floor near a bar and card tables. What else would you find in a casino??? lol Tom and Ashley called it a night as it was now nearly 12:30. We actually thought the after party would be cancelled because it was so late. But once again...the show must go on and Michael kept his commitment. Michael mingled with all his donors and supporters in tight quarters just like a nightclub. I eventually make my way to Michael and I get my "Michael Only" photo!!!. I told Michael...no offense to Dave...but I would like a photo with just you :) He laughed and said he wouldn't tell Dave. I said ok...good. I didn't want to stay too long because soooooo many people wanted his undivided attention. I couldn't stop thinking of how cordial Michael is to EVERYONE even in difficult circumstances. And mind you he had a plane waiting to take him to L.A. for The Grove appearance!! HOW DOES HE DO IT??? I can't even guess!!! Bob and I meandered over and talked with other band members. It was 2am and Michael's people finally got him out and off to board his plane :) And so the 7 hour long event has come to an end.....until next time as I always say!! And boy do we all have lots to look forward to with Michael's new cd and book coming out...YIPPEE!!!! And if you can donate to MBC please do!! I KNOW now a fan compilation of donations for Michael's 60th birthday gift is even more appropriate than ever!!!

By the way...while changing out of my outfit....what should appear????  But a small shiny earring that had earlier disappeared!!! The earring remained clinging to my lace blouse through 9 hours of mingling!! Now that is a record!!!! 

                                                                   THANK YOU MICHAEL FOR ALL YOU DO!!!!  

Oooops.....the above short story is written by 

Kathy and LAFD Bob


Hi Kathy, I always enjoy reading your reviews but this is a very special one, I have no words. What a beautiful touching review Kathy! I'm so glad you had a wonderful evening.

Big hug, Nicolette xx

Kathy, you write extremely well. The story about Michael's friend being ill with cancer, I could feel his emotions through your descriptions.

Thank you, Kathy, for sharing this beautiful story. So glad you all had a very memorable evening for a very good cause, MBC.


Kathy T. :-)

Hi Kathy, thank you ever so much for your wonderfully detailed story and all I can say is God bless Michael Bolton, take care sweetie. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada xxx

That's an awesome review. Very touching!

Hello Kathy,

my English is not as good as I wish so that I am not able to express exactly what I am feeling ... words are not enough. Thank you for your very emotional written review which I really enjoyed.

It must have been a very strange evening as everybody know Michael always smiling and I really cannot even imagine him crying, it must have been a very sad evening for him and he surely had to take a lot of courrage to entry the stage and talk to you.

Eventhough I do not know William McNamee, I wish him to win the fight with this illness.


Hey Kathy,

    Sounds like you All had a Great time,but OMG did you say you all drove 8 hrs. ...I am nerous just thinking about that (LOL)!

Getting ready 4 work, wanted to say Thanks for another Great review:)!

Mary (Meg's mom)!


YES Mary...8 hours!!! That is why I put YOUR name in my review when I wrote the length of our drive. Perhaps a little inspiration there!!! LOL  Just to let you know many of us travel hours and hours!!! lol  So I want to hear that you can/will extend your next concert traveling by ...let's see...30 more minutes. Increase the time slowly...LOL You will get there. I will be your travel therapist!!!! LOL 

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hi Bob's Kathy - LOL,

thank you for sharing your recent amazing "Bolton-Adventure" - I spent my weekly Forum time reading it and enjoed every line. BTW, Happy Belated Birthday !!!


Thanks Assstrid!! Miss you here girl!! Glad you come by when you can. I know it is difficult sometimes......take care. See you when you get "new" minutes for more reading!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob


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