HELLO EVERYONE, Since the 2011 Tour Review Thread is not playing nice and throwing us all back to the beginning lately, Gail asked if I would go ahead and start the 2012 thread. So here it is.. We can all share our excitement for Michael's upcoming touring and events in 2012 and chat and have fun here till the shows start in 2012.

Everyone is welcome to post and share their stories and pictures, videos from concerts and trips to see Michael do what he does best-SING!!!   Michael will be touring in 2012 starting so far with some shows the end of January.  There could be other events sooner too so if anyone attends a great Bolton event/concert, feel free to share your experience here.  I hope to have a review after the Chester, PA show on January 28th along with some other fans that have gotten tickets for that show and  the Atlantic City, NJ show on January 27th as well!  After that there are shows in Australia so far listed for 2012.  Following those shows we have the Concert for MBC and Traveler's Golf Event in June, 2012 and later on the MBC Gala in Sept.. We already have some exciting events to look forward to next year and I know there will be much more to come.

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum.. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as before.


Welcome everyone!!!!!


Robin in Maryland USA :)


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Thanks Gail!!

Robin in MD :)


Thought some may be interested in hearing this as it is MB singing SILYBIL in the Sydney Opera House on 21st April and second link is SILYBIL on 22nd April but a short version....enjoy !!! :)






Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.




Thanks Sylvia!

Robin in MD :)

So beautiful - I get withdrawal symtoms back here in Germany. I hope he will come to Germany very soon.


Manu from Germany

Thanks Sylvia and Gail!!!

The next concert on MB's tour in Australia is scheduled for 4/28/2012 at Wrest Point Entertainment Centre,Tasmania, Australia


Robin in MD USA :)

Who may be @ MB'S concert the 28th, hope someone is able to come out with reviews. Boltonnut from L. A. CA USA who loves life.

"AUSTRALIAN guitar prodigy Orianthi, left, will go for glamour over gore when she performs with US crooner Michael Bolton in Hobart tonight.

Adelaide-born Orianthi, 27, has recently been playing with veteran rocker Alice Cooper, whose schlock-horror theatrics are at the opposite end of the musical spectrum from the clean-cut Bolton, inset.

"They're so different, but I have a lot of fun playing with both," Orianthi said.

"Playing with Alice Cooper, I dress as a zombie - I've got blood over my face, tease the hell out of my hair ... I'm not doing that with Michael Bolton."

Orianthi whom Bolton describes as "a monster guitarist" has been playing since the age of 11, after being inspired by a Carlos Santana concert.

She performs with Michael Bolton at Wrest Point from 8pm"


Found above article in Hobart news published on 28th April and although Australian tour all over now thought and hope, still of some interest  !! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Thanks for the article. Alice Cooper is one of the nicest people I've met. Hmm. Zombie!!!! Orianthi said she was with touring with or playing with Alice Cooper. Wow! Boltonnut from L. A. CA USA who loves life.

Hey Sylvia, thanks for the articles and the link sweetie, much appreciated. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Thought I would  bring this one link over here from youtube and it is of Michael and Orianthi performing "Sweet Home Chicago" in Melbourne on 27th April and it is FANTASTIC !!! :)    Have put links to other five videos from Melbourne over in the "New Videos On Youtube" thread and each and every one is pretty great and I am glad they were uploaded !! :)




Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



Thanks Sylvia

Great video's thanks for finding them :)

Love Dianna xxx


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