I wanted to start a new thread here to keep any promotional tv or other appearances for Michael new book or CD.  So far this is what I have.  They will also be listed on the main page but I will try to remember to bring them over here.  As always, check your local listings for times and stations but most will be NBC.  Times will vary:


Monday, January 28th
-Good Day NY 9:20am

WednesdayJanuary 30th 
-Today Show and performance



Thursday, January 31st (this is actually at 12:30 a.m. EST so definitely check listings on this one)
-Jimmy Fallon 

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Hey Joy, Have Fun up on that Cloud:)! Take your time, details girl details:)!

Mary (meg's mom)!

Lovely cloud you are enjoying and looking forward to your review, Joy :)) Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

Hi Joy,

So happy you ladies had such a great time, enjoy your cloud as long as you want Joy!!!


Make of these what you will !!!!!  Michael has tweeted them after book signing last night and think we are definitely seeing FUN Michael Bolotin ....love them !!!! :)

Michael Bolton     @mbsings                6h       

??? Just finished great 3 hour book signing!fyi: I don't drink and tweet!

  • ``JJJJJJjjHhjHYttYý


    I obviously have had to put in answer to both and on one above I have just asked him if that was the name of his next album...or...if he was still working on it ??????  Plenty of fun comments put in but great too to know night went well for him.


    Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


I told him he had me on this one!!LOL Funny MB!!!!

Robin in MD :)

Thanks Sylvia, cute tweet by MB, 3 hours, WOW!! Had to be a fantastic time for all. Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

Here is a terrific review from Sheila DeLeo who goes to book signings and does reviews on them and I have thanked her for this one for it is great and it is on last night's event in Waterford.

Michael Bolton signs The Soul Of It All


20130911-222205.jpg Consider this a public service announcement!  You never know just who might show up at your public library!  Tonight in Waterford, CT at their public library grammy award winner Michael Bolton was there to talk about his book The Soul of It All and entertain the crowd with stories of his career which has spanned many years.  At times the mood of the room was so comfortable you felt like you were sitting with an old friend.  Except I don’t have many old friends who can share amazing stories such as singing opera with Pavarotti or talk about meeting Clive Davis 40 years ago.

Michael also has quite the comic side to him and this was clearly shown when he did a few of his Rodney Dangerfield impersonations.  When I came home and told my kids who I met they said “oh you mean the Captain Jack Sparrow guy from SNL?”.  So from commercial jingles, to grammy awards, to opera in Italy with Pavarotti, to author, to the funny guy from SNL — there certainly is a lot going on and more to come.  Michael said “he isn’t planning on growing up, it’s overrated”.

Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Thanks Sylvia, MB had a blast too from those tweets and I love these pics.Thanks for bring them here.

Robin in MD:)

Hi Sylvia, thanks for sharing this, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada

Yeah, now that I'm back on twitter, I read MB'S time line. Cool. Saw yours, Robin. :)

Thanks Sylvia, it would have been fun to have been there. You and I need to do some pond swimming one of these days to a New England MB event :))) Hugs,

Kathy T. :)


Here is another one and a little video as well.


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