Welcome everyone to the 2013 Tour Review Thread!!!!!!!  It is hard to believe another year is soon upon all of us and it should be a fantastic Michael Bolton year full of fun and adventures for Michael's fans around the world!

Feel free to post  your stories and pictures, any videos from concerts and trips to see Michael do what he does best-SING!!!   Michael will be touring in 2013 starting in Jamaica in January.  There could be other events  too so if anyone attends a great Bolton event/concert come on in and share your experience here. We also have shows scheduled in the USA for February and one is on MB’s birthday which will be extra special!! This should be a very exciting year for all of us with MB’s new book coming out as well as a new CD and possibly his TV show starting later in the year too? We never know with MB as he’s got so many things going on at once!!LOL   We can report here if there are any book signings as well if you all want to. Also, later in the year the Michael Bolton Charities will schedule their events to raise funds for the MBC.

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 


Again welcome everyone!!!!!


Robin in Maryland USA :)




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Aw! Cool! sylvia doing this cloud for Joy. Up there in the clouds as we all are. Thanks for alll descriptions.

Glad you liked it Joy but are you sure that Michael really has to come on here to know we are all nuts ???????? LOL


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


So true Sylvia, LOLOLOL. Astrid

No, I guess not! After all these years he already knows! And do we look like this on his side of the stage?  If so, yep we are crazy and nuts!  But in a good way, and you know he is glad we are crazy about him after all these years.
Picture is a black & white of crazed Beatle fans!
But when I am up there by the stage that's what
I feel like, don't you?  Like I am 15 years old again!

The thing is girls I've never grown since I was 16. I still am. Love being on these clouds.

Hate to think what I will be like Joy.....better take a bucket of smelling salts with me and Michael had better get ear defenders because my screams will probably be louder than Ashley's !!!!!! ROFL


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


But Sylvia, if one faints, you miss out. You treasure every second, girl.

Well, let me see, Michael sees how Crazy we are when we are at his Concerts, so that should be a Clue...and I'm sure he peeks sometimes...but as to where I wouldn't know...I just hope he didn't his "Brainstorming for his B-Day..LOL!

Girls (& guys) as for me I am Nuts, (certifiably) ask anyone who knows me....but Not in a Bad way....I just like to have fun...and spread Laughter & Cheer! So if ever I make someone LOL, cause my Blonde roots show from time to time...that's the way I like it....Life is toooo Serious! Joy, you know he has touched you in your Heart:)! Ok, I'm off my rant now, I feel bettter! Looks like I have quite a bit to read, so I'll be on for a bit!

Mary (meg's mom)!

Hello again Bolton Buddies :) Sorry for my continued delay but this flu bug just won't go away!! Here is my triple header all in one review. Enjoy....

                                                                                Jay Leno Show

                                                                                 Feb. 4 2013

                              Oh how the times have changed! Back in the day Little Pam and I would wait for hours outside the NBC studios in order to get front row to see Michael Bolton perform!!! We started our day at 5am...lol Well....our bodies don't cooperate anymore so we have a different ticket routine....one that keeps us off the street!!! LOL We met at NBC studio for Jay's show and got in our appropriate line and waited and waited some more. We got to our seats...not bad...fifth row right in front of the performance stage! The bottom 3 rows are ground level and you can run up and shake Jay's hand right at the beginning of the show. We have done that in the past so we passed on that opportunity. We happily waited in our comfy studio seats which are angled up like the theatre. Hugh Jackman was first and is so adorable! Then Jessica Chastain. Pam and I yelled and screamed each time Jay mentioned MB!! Then Michael was finally introduced and the curtains on the stage opened and there he was with the beautiful Melanie Fiona!!! Oh my with a new outfit also...the open neck black shirt with the loose gray tie. Mighty fine indeed :))) He and Melanie were color coordinated in black and grey. Very striking couple! Michael sang wonderfully!! They sang Nothing Like the Real Thing. A very odd thing happened because MB used cue cards while he sang. I suppose the teleprompter wasn't working? I have seen him on the Leno show live at least 10 times and he has never used cue cards! That would be so tricky because the person holding the card better know the song well in order to change cards at the right note..lol It all worked out and MB rocked the song!!!!  Pam and I jumped to our feet and tried waving to Michael but there is always so many tv cameras with long arms that are everywhere so we couldn't get his attention....this time :) Then he sat and chatted for a few minutes with Jay and it went way too fast!! MB was able to plug his new cd and book and do some Rodney and President Bill Clinton imitations!! Very funny!! I hope Michael's next visit will allow more time to chat with Jay. Until his next visit......

I then went off to Vegas and saw Michael at the Venetian on the 8th and you have read that adventure :) I then met up with Pam again on the 11th for the Grove book signing. Our Bolton Adventure follows......

                               I met Pam at the Grove at 10am as we wanted to get our bracelets early for the book signing at 6:30pm. They were giving out the bracelets first in the morning and you had to have one for the book signing later. We purchased our books and got our bracelets. We got the silver bracelets because I am a B&N member and we are told we don't have to wait in line at the signing. We get to go to the front of the line. Well fancy that... we know we will line up anyway...just in case. Remember..you must always be prepared!! Once again we didn't feel like waiting there all day so I drove Pam back to my house to kill some time. On our way out I noticed a poster advertising the book signing and so I tried to take a photo of it but the sun glare was too strong. While doing so a member of the Extra Show walked up and asked if we were Bolton fans??? LOL....does a fish like water??? YES we chimed!! She said ...well come back at 3 and meet her on the grass area because they will be doing an interview with Michael. We said we will be there!! We returned to the Grove about 3:20 and caught Michael during his interview. Before we left for the Grove my husband Bob says.."Why don't you take along cardboard Michael?? There won't be any seats or anything." I say...brilliant!! I go take MB's cardboard stand-in off the wall where he has been since he landed in my hands from the Laughlin concert in 2010!!! LOL He just fits in my back seat and off we go to the Grove. I haul cardboard MB out to the Grove and to the area where he is being interviewed. Everyone passing by enjoys my cardboard Michael :))) Pam and I find a place in the crowd. We "hold MB up" and the real Michael sees "himself"....LOL He says..during the interview..."well...he sure looks happy"!!! We laugh and tell Michael we will see him later at the book signing. He laughs and says...oh yes...I have a book signing! He had been talking about his Vegas concert to the interviewer and they hadn't gotten to the book signing yet. A good segueway for his next interview topic..lol We couldn't hear the interview because the sound was so low. After the interview Michael turned back to Pam and I and said..."I will see you later" and in unison we said..yes you will :))) !! We march off to Barnes and Noble with cardboard MB perched in between us. We make ourselves comfy in the first place spot....and we wait. Of course 6:30 comes and goes but Michael does appear shortly there after. The first few fans are all aboard in agreement that Michael should sign my cardboard poster....lol I am hoping he will but one never knows how the B&N drill masters will cooperate. I know MB will want to sign but it's the "others" one has to worry about :/ We all received our list of rules to remind us to behave. Michael arrives and as he walks up he sees me and asks..."Where is your poster?' I laugh and say "he" is resting comfortably against the wall. How cute that MB remembered :) I knew then at that moment I was safe to ask to have Michael sign it :) The paparazzi are taking lots of photos and MB kindly poses our way and I take several photos. (hope to post soon) Pam and I plan our routine for making sure we get our "proper" signing.....lol She goes first and breaks the ice. B&N drill masters don't let me cross to the other side to get a photo of MB and Pam during her signing...not this time ;) I go next and happily bring my poster much to Michael's delight. Drill master sees MB enjoying the poster so she doesn't say a word. I ask Michael to please sign his poster and on the guitar please!! He laughs as I try to adjust the life size poster on the table in front of him. MB says..."you could kill someone with this thing!!" I tell him it landed in my hands after the Laughlin concert and he reads the date and says he can't remember that far back. He so sweetly signs the poster on the guitar and then I give him my book to sign and soooo very sweetly I ask..."Can you please write To Sylvia?" Yes...the Wee One...LOL I couldn't get out the Wee One because MB was replying..."well they might get mad at me if I do and with that he so kindly wrote To Sylvia" :)))))) Take that B&N drillmasters!!! It is fun trying to help Sylvia enjoy Michael Bolton since she is a major fan who still hasn't had the opportunity YET to see MB in concert. I thank him sooo much and tell him how much I enjoyed his Vegas concert. He thanks me and then Pam and I run back in line :)  Pam had bought 2 books so she could get one signed for her friend. She didn't get hers personalized...yet....so that was her plan the second time around. I had bought only one book at the signing for Sylvia and to get the needed receipt for my plan :) I brought my previously purchased Premiere book which was already signed by Michael and I used that book to get my personalization and used the book receipt I just received...lol Oh my ...the planning! The drill master sees us again and we matter of factly say...we didn't get a photo so we are back. Mid way through the signing MB started taking photos at the table with the fans after he signed their books. Pam goes first again and gets her book personalized and gets her photo with MB!!! I go next and ask Michael to please personalize my book and he does and I tell him we will see him at the Grammy Museum. He laughs and says see you there :)  The drill master makes her last announcement of the evening and that is that you can buy MB's new cd signed and you can order it now. I decide to wait for my HSN cd to arrive :) Maybe if the cd was there at the signing I would have bought it....lol  Soooo that takes us into Feb. 12th. at the Grammy Museum.....

                                Pam and I meet up once again but only after we each get properly lost! We finally find the right parking lot and the Grammy Museum. No easy feat since it is in the heart of downtown L.A. which is a quagmire of buildings and more buildings all in the Staples Center area. We check in early at the ticket window at the museum. Of course we are early so we kill some time at Lawry's enjoying a light dinner. We are trying to avoid the cold night air and so we linger. It is finally 6:30 and we get our tickets. The man at the window says don't forget to pick up your gift on the table as you enter. Gift? Well that is a surprise! We get to the table and there is our surprise waiting for us...Soul of it All!!! LOL I have lost track now of how many MB books I own!!! Oh the challenges of being a MB fan!! lol Pam and I laugh and we gather our books. We are then escorted upstairs to the Grammy Museum. A BEAUTIFUL museum at that! They are displaying a Whitney Houston exhibit at this time. That was fun and sad to look at and the Grammy store inside is very nice. They had a very nice display of MB's book :) We wait in another line for a bit and then we are finally seated. We sit in the 3rd row center in a very intimate venue. Very nice :))) The program starts with the Jack Sparrow video on a movie screen. OH MY!!! To see Jack Sparrow plastered across the wall larger than life was too much!! I will never be the same...LOL Michael's face filling the huge screen popping up and saying...and now to the good part!!!!! Too FUNNY!!! The interviewer introduces Michael Bolton and then they proceed to chat at length about his book. Michael laughs that maybe they should have played the G-rated version of Jack Sparrow! lol MB is impressed that the fellow has actually read the book and asks great questions. Michael always a jokester!! They discussed the basic info that we have heard Michael speak about in regards to his life. Michael was very relaxed and even mentioned how close we all were and how cozy the venue was. He was wearing the wonderful loose tie outfit :) He took questions from the audience at the end of his interview. He answered about 3 questions which all were related to whether Michael had a preference for writing vs. singing. Then he non-chalantly stood up and said I guess this is when I sing. Lol...He also says I guess we shall just wing it or something to that effect. It was a very relaxed evening and basically what ever Michael wanted to do and in what ever manner was his for the choosing. It was nice to see him in such an informal setting :) I think Michael could have spoken all night when the subject of music is on the agenda! So Michael then sang several songs. Melanie Fiona joined him on stage for Ain't No Mountain High Enough. Michael than sang WAMLAW :) I laughed to Pam and said "I wonder if he is going into the audience??" LOL He ended the night with Nessun Dorma!! Omg....in that small venue with that GREAT voice!!! The song never sounded sooooo beautiful!! Of course the audience stood and applauded and some were pleasantly surprised!! We were than invited to join Michael for a book signing. Well Imagine that!!! lol Of course Pam and I wait in line again :) Oh the temptations of all the nice items to buy in the Grammy store while we were waiting in line. Smart move Grammy museum. This is just like the candy aisle while you wait in line at the market to buy your groceries!! lol I behaved and bought nothing...after all I had another MB book in my hot little hands :))) I tell Pam well we must do something different this time around. Pam has Michael sign the Hollywood star photo of MB in the book and I decide to have Michael sign the photo of him that was used around the Soul Provider time :) Michael laughed and said..oh yes..I remember that time. He wrote to Kathy and signed his name. He asked how I liked the show and I said it was great but that I was still recovering from him and Smokey singing on stage in Vegas! MB said that was a great time and that he is in talks with Smokey to do more together!!! That will be FANTASTIC and I sure hope they work something out be cause their pairing is soooo dynamic and should be shared live with a larger audience!! I also asked if he had plans to perform in Scotland. LOL I wonder who wants to know??? lol Michael said he didn't think this year as he will be in Europe soon and probably the UK....I think he said the UK...?  He did say he would love to go back to Glasgow or Edinburgh. So there you go Sylvia :))) As I said...I am trying to help her get to her MB concert!! lol And that was the end of our night at the Grammy Museum and so ends my Bolton Adventure week!!! What a week and what a fun ride!! THANK YOU MICHAEL for all the great music and all the signatures :))) Until next time....

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Awesome reviews, girl.Thanks. Cool speaking with Michael @ all events&getting autographs&photos.

OMG Kathy....what a story and I feel that all Michael has to do, for a good part of his sequel, is come in here and he has got pages written already !!!! LOL.

Okay folks I am not going to act as though reading Kathy's words are the first I new about what she had done because she has told me....not the whole of it though so reading it ALL here has made me definitely feel a part of it again....thanks Kathy and at least I have one claim to fame I got Michael Bolton breaking the rules, once again and somehow, that little thrill in life, I think he still enjoys !!! LOL   Looks too, as far as concerts, I am going to either have to settle for getting on a little plane and heading to Europe or saving up all my little pennies and hope it is a full concert tour of the UK he may do in 2014 and then will go to every concert.....a tour round the British Isles in my little buggy...yeah, that appeals !!! lol.

Thanks Kathy for a wonderful review of all your BOLTON ADVENTURES and I am so, so glad that you all get the opportunity to have them for it is wonderful to feel so much a part of it all, when I am across a huge big ocean, by everything that all of you share on here....THANKS !!! :)

I have got to say, THANKS too Kathy for being such a good friend and for thinking of doing the things you have done for me to make me feel a little bit a part of everything and I want to thank Kathy T because the last concert she was at she got me a signed photo of MB as Jack Sparrow as a surprise present and to thank too a lot of other people who have offered to get things for me at concerts or book signings.....THANKS to you all for making me feel so, so much a part of your Bolton Family.......it means the world to me and I just feel I have had to say this now because I think sometimes I don't truly show how much I really do appreciate it .....thanks everyone !! :) 


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Thanks Kathy R for your great reviews!  I feel like I was there with you at all the events!!LOL I remember getting back in line at the autograph events before too!!LOL Glad to hear Little Pam was with you, I hope she's doing well..  Nice of you to get a book signed for Sylia and to ask about shows over her way.Sylvia, he will be well worth the wait!!! I know it!!!! LOL

Glad to hear you got the big MB Michael poster signed..I remember you tell me about it when you got that one!!LOL

Nice to know he and Smokey may be doing some things together in the future! That will be amazing!!!!!!! You have a lot of great news!!!!


Still on a Bolton Cloud here now from two shows.  I hope to get my Hazelton review up today!!  Doing them as the shows happen or they will all run together in my head!!LOL


Thanks again Kathy R!!! So glad you had fun and hope you are feeling better now!

Robin in MD:)


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