Welcome everyone to the 2013 Tour Review Thread!!!!!!!  It is hard to believe another year is soon upon all of us and it should be a fantastic Michael Bolton year full of fun and adventures for Michael's fans around the world!

Feel free to post  your stories and pictures, any videos from concerts and trips to see Michael do what he does best-SING!!!   Michael will be touring in 2013 starting in Jamaica in January.  There could be other events  too so if anyone attends a great Bolton event/concert come on in and share your experience here. We also have shows scheduled in the USA for February and one is on MB’s birthday which will be extra special!! This should be a very exciting year for all of us with MB’s new book coming out as well as a new CD and possibly his TV show starting later in the year too? We never know with MB as he’s got so many things going on at once!!LOL   We can report here if there are any book signings as well if you all want to. Also, later in the year the Michael Bolton Charities will schedule their events to raise funds for the MBC.

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 


Again welcome everyone!!!!!


Robin in Maryland USA :)




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Great news Joy .....fantastic and hope you have a wonderful time and some banter with MB too !!!!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


I found it Joy&Lee. Awesome you girls are going to the interview in NYC&y'all have front row seats. Now. How cool is that? Reviews, please? :)))))

Hey Joy, have a fabulous time and please bring us a full report! Maybe you could prepare a question or 2 if there's an actual Q&A, since you'll be so close? In any case, pay attention or call me! lol I'm really happy you and Lee got great tickets sweetie, take care Joy. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Hi Sylvie,

Yes, I was already thinking of that. Have to come up with some questions to ask him in case they do have a Q&A session. Has anyone been to one of these?  I don't know what to expect, just happy to be in the first row! "Pay Attention" ?? Are you kidding?? LOL!



I never had. :)

I have Joy....at the Grammy Museum :) Congrats on your great seats!!! At my event Michael did sing a few songs and that is super because these events are usually in a cozy setting. The questions seemed to be a bit planned at the one I attended. They were more technical musical questions and not so fan based. Perhaps because most of the attendees were members of the Grammy Museum? They also showed the Jack Sparrow video on a full movie screen and that was FANTASTIC and so much fun to watch!! I was in the second row and I felt like I was in the video!!! At mine they also sold books and we lined up for them to be signed :))) ENJOY!!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Have tried and tried to locate video of the show and I can't.....do not where it has gone and can't remember which thread it was placed in but we had it on here plus photos from the event too .....I will keep looking !!! lol

Wanted to mention on here, in case anyone had forgotten and would like and can go, but Michael is supposed to be appearing at the Jewish Community Center for Greater New Haven in Woodbridge, CT on 10th September to give a talk on his book and link below gives details plus how to purchase tickets.



Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Sylvia, what event video are you looking for? Just wondering, maybe I can help. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada

Hi Sylvie and thanks for offering to help and it is the one at The Grammy Museum, LA where he did the interview and sang and it was on 12th February and I know I have seen the video and there was a whole load of photos that went along with ...... I have looked through the "Soul Of It All" thread and the "Promotions" for book and CD thread plus went into youtube (that was when I found the two from Phoenix) but can't locate and as I was on for over an hour trying to find eventually just gave up and thought would start looking somewhere else tonight but if you have any ideas that would be fantastic !!!! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Sylvia, I've sent you an E-mail with the links, but the site seems to be under maintenance right now. In the future, try checking the admin's blog, since you can check by the month. Take care girl. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Thanks for e-mail Sylvie but have to say none of the links you sent work but will check them again later on in case site still down and that is how I can't access. 

Have to say that I checked the blogs for February because I did that first in my search as I remembered there had been a separate blog on the event but that blog contains no links or, at least, not the one I looked at referring to the event at the Grammy Museum and I also checked March's blogs in case it had been placed in another one after the event but didn't find;   if you have managed to find the blog it is in so well and good.

I wiil check through later on and see if I can find but the whole thing is really of no importance; only something for myself  !!! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Kathy, I got to read your review last night...computer wouldn't let me respond...so now I can! LOL! As always you had a great story to tell! And hats off to your hubby...he got there in time for you with a Picnic Basket:)! LOL! Just one question,Why did you Not sing back to Michael? He would have Loved it:)!

Mary (meg's mom)!


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