Welcome everyone to the 2013 Tour Review Thread!!!!!!!  It is hard to believe another year is soon upon all of us and it should be a fantastic Michael Bolton year full of fun and adventures for Michael's fans around the world!

Feel free to post  your stories and pictures, any videos from concerts and trips to see Michael do what he does best-SING!!!   Michael will be touring in 2013 starting in Jamaica in January.  There could be other events  too so if anyone attends a great Bolton event/concert come on in and share your experience here. We also have shows scheduled in the USA for February and one is on MB’s birthday which will be extra special!! This should be a very exciting year for all of us with MB’s new book coming out as well as a new CD and possibly his TV show starting later in the year too? We never know with MB as he’s got so many things going on at once!!LOL   We can report here if there are any book signings as well if you all want to. Also, later in the year the Michael Bolton Charities will schedule their events to raise funds for the MBC.

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 


Again welcome everyone!!!!!


Robin in Maryland USA :)




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Thanks for posting Kathy and very nice to see and didn't think there would have been anything like that added to the programme !!! :)  Thanks again for the share !!! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Thanks Kathy R. I appreciate the chance to see this. I did not expect this either

Hi ladies....I had no idea myself and it was nice to see so many forum fans names listed! Thought the list certainly belongs here :))))) Posting photos from my camera to fb is soooooooo easy but after multiple attempts to teach me, Ryan finally approved my ability to post photos from my google+ account onto the forum....LOL  

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hey Kathy, Now that was very nice of you to Add on here! I know it must have made a few forum fans quite Happy to see there name there in Print:)!  Bet our Wee One is dancing all around her house:)! LOL!

Mary (meg's mom)!

Thanks for posting this! Love all of your adventure stories :)



I think it's awesome too about the list of donors though I was unable to do so this year. Wow! Sounds like fun was had by all as usual.


                                                                                  Michael Bolton 21st Charity Event

                                                                                           Reno, California

                                                                                           August 25, 2013

                                                            We arrived in Reno on Saturday after having a great time at the Brooks concert on Friday and had the day to relax before the MBC event on Sunday. Geez what a week!!! I am still flying high on Jack Sparrow fumes!!! We were strolling about the casino when we saw Milo with a couple of the head stage folks helping him with luggage as they checked in all loaded down. I thought of that funny airport photo that MB sent out with the huge pile of luggage! I also then saw Drew briskly strolling through the check-in area and at his pace a small case holding drumsticks fell open and the sticks were strewn about the floor. Bob helped him gather all the drum sticks and then I teased Drew that I hoped he had extra sticks for Ashley. He laughed and was surprised to see who was helping him!!!! I didn't chat with any of them as I knew they all wanted to get to their rooms and settle in. A quick hi was appropriate :) We also caught up with Tom and Ashley and as they walked up....what was Tom carrying?? He had a big grin on his face and sure enough...there he was holding a LARGE MB poster from the Brooks show that happened to land in his hands!!! Oh I know that feeling so well :))) It is quite miraculous actually. You attend a MB concert and these random posters just "land" in fans hands....lol  What is one to do??? You must just accept the gift and RUN!!!! LOL  

                                                              I arrived early to the event this year as last year I had an earring fiasco and just made it on time for dinner. I met up with Tom and Ashley and we perused the silent auction items. Tons of items!!! Traveling packages, entertainment tickets, wine and coffee baskets, lots of beautiful jewelry, home and garden items, art items, signed guitars and music tickets and memorabilia, sports items, and health and beauty baskets!! Jackie and Andrena and their crew were VERY busy taking care of business!!! They quietly work sooooo hard behind the scenes and the  MBC event certainly wouldn't be successful without them!!! Thank you ladies for all your hard work and then fielding lots of fans questions as well....mine included :)) THANKS!!

                                                               We munched on hors d'oeuvres being passed around and we mingled about watching MB chat with his many many friends and guests. I also saw Richard Marx chatting with someone so I took his pic and he said...."it's no fun if you aren't in the picture" so he invited me to take a photo with him! How SWEET is that?!! He is a very kind man and so thank you Richard for the photo op!!! It was time to get to our seats and as doing so John Hurley was near our table so Tom showed him the t-shirt Ashley was wearing. It had a photo of Ashley and John on it and John LOVED it!!! Tom took more photos of Ashley and John Hurley. Tom started the night wearing a t-shirt with a photo of Gail, Andrena and another gal...not sure who...but he then changed as he felt he was underdressed.....lol  Some very LARGE football players also walked by and chatted with Ashley and took photos. The tallest fellow...Olden Polynice had to fold like an accordion to take a photo with Ashley...LOL And last but not least....who should walk to our table??? Why Michael Bolton himself :)))) Awww...he is soooo sweet and such a gentleman. He bends down to chat with Ashley and give her a hug and kiss!!! Ashley is smitten as always :))))))) I don't remember if Tom took photos or not as it happened so fast and unexpected. Michael then comes over to me and gives me a hug and kiss on the cheek. Oh my....my night is made!!! lol He said thanks for coming and I THANKED him for singing JS in Brooks. He said he had a lot of fun singing it!!! I said I hope he keeps it in his setlist for the other fans :) He said either he is working on it or thinking about it...not quite sure because he said that as he was walking away...lol He is sooooooo busy with sooooo many people and guests to chat with that I don't know how he keeps so calm and patient during his charity event!!!! Now it is time to eat....if you can...lol My night is complete now after chatting with Michael so anything goes and is ok with me!!! We had a nice salad before the filet mignon arrived. Very yummy dinner!! Nice dessert also. There was a full bar that made great Long Island Ice Teas for someone ;) lol 

                                                                   Time for the live auction led by the Storage Wars stars as the auctioneers: Dan and Laura Dotson!! They were very chippy and cheery auctioneers and kept the crowd moving. Lots of $ being raised!! There were trips and VIP show ticket packages, golf trips and jewelry!! Most importantly was a dinner with Michael Bolton in Beverly Hills!!!! Maybe I could do the dishes that night at the restaurant!!! LOL Bidding started at $10,000!!! Can't remember how it finished or even started!!! LOL Too much talking at the table I guess...lol It sure appeared that LOTS of money was raised!!! Way to go MB!!! Bob Saget did a stand up routine!! Oh my....he is hysterical!!! His jokes were along the line of a JS video...LOL I thought well....perhaps they will show the JS vid in full and it would have fit right in!!! Omg....can you imagine??? It would have brought the house down. I believe there was only one child present...an 11 year old...the son of the Trepp's so I guess Michael thought it wouldn't be appropriate. Two hysterical vids were shown starring John Hurley. One was a spoof on an infomercial and it discussed the Secrets to a great Golf Game. Bottom line...Hurley was NOT going to share his secrets to a good game!!! His other vid was over the top with discussions about his golf balls!!!! Of course everyone being interviewed for this vid excitedly reported on how they enjoyed John Hurley's balls!!!!! Somehow the word "golf" got lost!!!! So you see....MB's JS video would have been sooo appropriate!!!! LOL Lost opportunity Michael ;))))

                                                                      Music time next!!! Dave Mason started the rockin' out for the night!! He sang his favorites...Feeling Alright and All Along the Watchtower. There were more songs...but my memory :/ I refer you to Tom's vids :) The crowd loved his playing and gave him a standing ovation :)) Dave had many fans present also. Next came Richard Marx who was also warmly welcomed and he took us down memory lane with Right Here Waiting and Hold on to the Nights. And yes there were more songs...go back to Tom's vids again ;) There were Marx fans present also and the room sang along with Richard. He also ended with a standing ovation. The crowd was a very warm and appreciative audience :)) And then finally....Richard warmly introduced Michael Bolton!!! Of course I stood and cheered MB on!! Michael looked very handsome in a dark suit and tie :))) MB started by mentioning the mission of MBC and thanking the many people who have volunteered their money and time throughout the year. He mentioned that Joan Lunden couldn't make it this year after her 20+ year attendance. Michael only said that his heart is with her so I take it that she was experiencing a family situation of some type. Hope she and her family are doing ok! Tom, Ashley and I sat at a table toward the back which worked out great for me because I NEVER sat down once during Michael's set of songs!!! FINALLY....I wasn't limited to chair dancing and I was not letting the chance pass me by!!! I danced my heart out!!! LOL Michael then motioned to the band....and the music started!!! MB sang SILYBIL, ND, YDKM, and duets with Kelly: ANMHE, Prayer and I know there were more songs....once again...cue up Tom's vids!! lol I have too much fun rolling from one song to the next and don't internalize which song is being sung for later reporting. The encore was a glorious group rendition of Stand By Me!!!! It brought the house down!!! It was beautiful and I did record it as did Tom. I will post my soon :) I was disappointed that Stu Walls didn't take photos of the attendees with Michael :/ I know last year I heard Dave Mason saying he didn't want to take photos. That is fine but I hoped Michael would this year as he did last year. Perhaps it would have been too much with all 3 main stars....but I would have gladly waited my turn :)) Hopefully next year Michael something can be worked out with photos for us fans!! Please??? The night ended with an after party for those who bought a ticket to attend. Michael mingled with his many many guests and I actually just didn't find the exact right time or energy to approach Michael. Perhaps I was too tired after a week of concerts and the late hour. I arrived at the event at 5 which is when it started and I didn't leave the after party until 1am sooooo it was a very long night.  It was held in a night club with more munchies and drinks! I caved and headed back to my room...lol I was more than satisfied with my chat with Michael early in the night and I suppose I shall just wait until next time!!! lol

                                                                          THANK YOU Michael for a GREAT So Cal series of concerts and I will see you when you return!!! I also enjoyed your MBC event and will be there to support you next year!!! And THANKS again for singing Jack Sparrow.....simply delightful :))) And do remember Michael...."if little blue birds fly....then why can't....???? ;) Safe travels Michael and rock out where ever you go!!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob 


Hi Kathy, thanks for your Reno report. I smiled thinking of Tom holding the poster: those things shouldn’t go to waste! :D Aww, how sweet of Richard Marx... Cute idea about Ashley’s T-shirt! :D Of course Michael would stop by for Ashley but good for you getting in your own action Kathy! :D  Sounds like it was an action-packed night. I’m very much looking forward to your “Stand by me” video and thanks very much for sharing it Kathy. Take care and thanks again. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada

thanks so much for this Kathy. I wish I could have been there!  Tom's t-shirt sounds interesting...is the Gail you are referring to me or another Gail?  I love attending this event and hopefully in the future I can make it back.  Andrena and Jackie and all the volunteers work so hard and do such a fantastic job!!

Whew Kathy, I'm worn out & I didn't even go...LOL:)! Girl how do you do it? You go like the Energizer Bunny...I can tell! I am sooooo glad Ashley got her Kiss....it just wouldn't be right if she didn't get it:)! I will be looking at those video's maybe tomorrow night after work! Can't wait! Until then thanks for sharing your adventures w/Michael and his team....I Love hearing these Awesome stories!

Mary (meg's mom)!

Thanks Sylvie and Meggy and yes Gail....it is YOU...lol I hope to see you one year eventually Gail!!! It was a jammed pack night, I am still on the road up here in Mammoth :)  Ashley is definitely on MB's agenda! Fortunately I have put in almost 25 years as a fan so Michael does know me as a fan :) He always tells me he enjoys seeing me in the crowd. He appreciates the dedicated fans and gets energy from all our support and enthusiasm!! Richard Marx is just adorable!!! I am hoping that one year Michael has Jackie and Andrena come onstage for a HUGE round of applause for their hard work lasting decades!!!! Maybe :)))) Now I shall wait and read all the other fans reviews since my MB Run is finished for now...lol

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Thanks so, so much Kathy for an absolutely wonderful review that, without doubt, takes you right into the venue and especially so when you speak about Michael coming to your table and after seeing Tom's short pre-concert video of the layout can actually see him walking toward you all and am so, so happy for you that you got that "special" moment with him and after following him around CA for 25 years you so deserve every special moment that comes your way;  every single one !!! :)   On Drew and those drumsticks that was such a lovely and beautiful thing for him to do and so glad Tom has "captured" it on video or, at least, Drew getting nearer and nearer and darn good shot of those boots Tom (lol) and then Ashley saying thank you....so, so special and so lovely for you to think you may just have planted the seed that made it all possible !!! :)

Thanks again for a terrific review !!! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.



Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.




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