Welcome everyone to the 2013 Tour Review Thread!!!!!!!  It is hard to believe another year is soon upon all of us and it should be a fantastic Michael Bolton year full of fun and adventures for Michael's fans around the world!

Feel free to post  your stories and pictures, any videos from concerts and trips to see Michael do what he does best-SING!!!   Michael will be touring in 2013 starting in Jamaica in January.  There could be other events  too so if anyone attends a great Bolton event/concert come on in and share your experience here. We also have shows scheduled in the USA for February and one is on MB’s birthday which will be extra special!! This should be a very exciting year for all of us with MB’s new book coming out as well as a new CD and possibly his TV show starting later in the year too? We never know with MB as he’s got so many things going on at once!!LOL   We can report here if there are any book signings as well if you all want to. Also, later in the year the Michael Bolton Charities will schedule their events to raise funds for the MBC.

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 


Again welcome everyone!!!!!


Robin in Maryland USA :)




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I am definitely getting myself in a knot with all these threads...OMG worse than sewing on a button (LOL)...am on tonight to let you know that radio programme Pulse fm has just finished and that was the one that was going to have the special section of three back to back songs of Michael's and what Martin played was "A Time For Letting Go"; "Soul Of My Soul" and SILYBIL and he also gave the UK Tour a plug as well as mentioning, quite a few times, that Michael had answered his tweet....think he was really thrilled at that and too I got a surprise for I got a shout out from him as did Jo and another girl who was onto him on Twitter requesting MB's songs......what a nice fellow !!!! lol.   Believe no surprise to you but have tweeted Michael and let him know.


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Sylvia, good for you sweetie. It's always fun to hear your name on the radio, especially if it's linked with Michael! :D Take care Sylvia and thanks for sharing. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

oh Sylvia, that is awesome about you shoutout on the radio. I'm thrilled they played Soul of my Soul, it's one of my all-time fav's!!!!!!

sandy in MS xoxoxo

Mine too, Sandy!! I would like to have heard that one from your end, Sylvia :). Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

Awesome Sylvia hearing your name & having a shout out on the radio. Now. How cool is that? I'm glad for you. Thanks for all photos, articles & descriptions if I hadn't said that already. :)

Petra, it's good to see you up here. Will you get to go to any of the shows beings you're in Germany? I hope so&I wish you well.

That was Great Sylvia, keep promoting our Michael:)! Those 3 songs are All Great....but then our Michael only has Great songs...Right:)! "Soul of my Soul" is definitely one of my favs!!!!!!!! Way to go getting a shout out:)!

Mary (meg's mom)!

Martin has a special programme coming up in November and he said on Twitter about requests for that as he was sure he could fit in some more MB's songs as it was a longer programme, 2 hours, and I asked him for TLAT and the Southern Ballad and he tweeted me back and said he would......not too sure about the Southern Ballad but I will text and tweet  him nearer the time and see if he can find it to play it .....I will let you all know how it goes !!!! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Sylvia, well the fact that he played "A time for letting go" on the radio is event enough in itself, but I do hope he plays "Southern ballad". Thanks for keeping us posted, take care Sylvia. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Believe the way Martin spoke about Michael that he is a fan himself for when he went to play Soul of my Soul he said that was one of his favourites and as I say too he was definitely tickled pink with the tweet from Michael....that was a definite !!! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Sylvie & Sylvia,

I don't think I have ever heard this song "Southern Ballad" what cd is it on....how did this slip by me? LOL!

Mary (meg's mom)!

Hi Mary, "southern Ballad" is a Black Jack song. It's from their 1979 selftitled album. Check it out:
Ahh, I love this song!You could tell that Michael's tone was in transition at this point, just gorgeous... :D If you don't know about Black Jack girl, we gotta talk! :D Take care Mary. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada <3


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