Welcome everyone to the 2013 Tour Review Thread!!!!!!!  It is hard to believe another year is soon upon all of us and it should be a fantastic Michael Bolton year full of fun and adventures for Michael's fans around the world!

Feel free to post  your stories and pictures, any videos from concerts and trips to see Michael do what he does best-SING!!!   Michael will be touring in 2013 starting in Jamaica in January.  There could be other events  too so if anyone attends a great Bolton event/concert come on in and share your experience here. We also have shows scheduled in the USA for February and one is on MB’s birthday which will be extra special!! This should be a very exciting year for all of us with MB’s new book coming out as well as a new CD and possibly his TV show starting later in the year too? We never know with MB as he’s got so many things going on at once!!LOL   We can report here if there are any book signings as well if you all want to. Also, later in the year the Michael Bolton Charities will schedule their events to raise funds for the MBC.

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 


Again welcome everyone!!!!!


Robin in Maryland USA :)




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Hi Robin!

Tomorrow I wish you a breathtaking meeting with Michael!

I would be present with pleasure!

Petra Christine (Germany)

Robin in MD,

With you in the crowd, it will surely be a rowdie party! Hope you have blast, good luck sweetie. Hope the weather cooperates and you stay safe in your travels. Looking forward to hearing how it went. Tell Michael to come to Indianapolis for me. LOL

Have fun with him.


Robin MD-

Have a great "rowdy" time girl! Hope your weather is good, have fun! Can't wait for a detailed review....

Joy ;)


LOL Thanks Joy!!!! How cute!! Thanks about the weather too.. we are to get a little snow but nothing that's going to be major I hope..I'm so ready for spring!!LOL

Robin in MD:)

Hey Robin, At least there won't be any Bugs, it's too Cold...LMBO:)! Have a Safe & Fun Adventure:)! Looking forward to hearing all about it:)!

Mary (meg's mom)!

Hey Robin,

Safe travels and have a grand rowdy time :)).....excited for all of you ;)). Hugs

Kathy T. :)

Yeah, the venue has a bug in it. I'm going to be listening to the show from where I am. Did I say a bug is gonna be there? Teasing Robin. Had to. :)

Sorry this is a bit late, but I went to the Bossier City concert, and all I can say it was AWESOME!!!!  Before the show started, I was looking around at the people in the audience and thought this was gonna be a quiet group, no one around really looked to be too excited at being there.  The whole front row were ones who had bought the tickets with meet and greets and no one I saw seem to fit the bill of "real" Bolton fans (been going a long time and you just get this feeling!) LOL!!  Michael came out on time and the first song, he seemed to be kinda feeling out the crowd!!  Well before the song was over, the crowd was a totally different group than I thought it was gonna be, it was very, very rowdy in a good way!!  He really felt it and I tell ya, he gave it his all and more!!! He sang for 2 1/2 hours!!!  He talked and joked alot at all the people, encouraged picture taking and even told a joke or two! The people took his word at taking pics and they filled the center aisle taking pics and filling it up quite a bit but all nice and sat on floors and knees to take pics.  Every so often they would come clear it, but no one really fussed, Michael commented on how many were coming down taking advantage and he said just make sure they are all in the good light and came to the center for several pics!! 

Kelly was there tonight, she was out sick the last time I saw him, and she was really great.  They sang Silent Night together that sent chills up my back!!  They also sang the Prayer, To Make you feel my love, Aint no mountain and How am i suppose to live without you...

When he came out for WAMLAW the crowd went crazy and we took our place at the stage before he headed up there.  By the time he was on stage the front was packed...there was no way they were gonna come and make everyone sit down, I think half the room was up there!!!!!  He sang couple of more songs like usual then left the stage. He came out for encore and did Georgia.  He then followed that with Time Love Tenderness, then he said you have been such a great audience, I am going to stay and sign some autographs for you after the show, very unexpected as he already a big meet and greet planned, then he said you want more, so he did Hallalueigh,  and again said you want more, so he did  Lean on Me..I think he would have kept singing all night!!  It was one of the best shows I have seen in a very long time.  I got a song list from the night and the gentleman that gave it to me just laughed and said well you will need to add a few songs to the list tonight!!!! LOL!! I took it anyway.

He was signing the books and cds he was selling and I had brought my cd to be signed just in case and luckily was the one he was selling so I didnt have to buy another one!!!  I got in line toward the end just to be able to watch him longer LOL!! and took lots of pics. He was very friendly like always and my husband had come over to wait for me and by the time it was me up there, by hubby told Michael I should have brought my Honda care book for him to sign and he laughed with my hubby.  He then asked if we were still seeing the commercials and I told him I liked the last one and he didnt know which one was last so I told him and he said they were so much fun to make, he never knows which one is showing!! I did tell him it was an awesome concert tonight and he thanked me.  I wished him a Merry Christmas and he said it back along with happy holidays!  He stayed for over an hour signing stuff so it was after midnight by the time we left!!!!

I had a fantastic night and always enjoy it when you meet up with people you haven't seen in awhile.  Thanks Lynn for being part of it and was great to see ya again!!

I will post pics in a couple of days as I am really busy the next few days...

Everyone going the next couple of shows, have a great time and have safe travels


Wow Kerie, great review as usual! I do hope we get to catch some videos from the show on YouTube and especially the encores! Sounds like it was a fabulous night for everyone and glad all worked out for your signing too. Thanks a lot Kerie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Wow great interview, great "rowdy" show huh? So good to hear, I just love when you go to shows like that were they don't fight you to go up to the stage and so many of us are just rockin' it out up there and MB is just lovin' it. I mean he always puts on a good show, even when everyone has to sit in their seats, but he feeds off the audience so much you can tell and it makes the shows amazing! Just loved hearing about it, wishing I was with you.
Joy ;)

Alrighty now Kelly. Whenever you're ready to present your review, we're ready. :))))

Oh Kerie!

Many thanks for your report. I would have been with pleasure on your side! It must be a breathtaking adventure to meet Michael!

I hope you can live a long time on it! I am already glad about the pictures of Michael!

Petra Christine (Germany)


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