Welcome everyone to the 2013 Tour Review Thread!!!!!!!  It is hard to believe another year is soon upon all of us and it should be a fantastic Michael Bolton year full of fun and adventures for Michael's fans around the world!

Feel free to post  your stories and pictures, any videos from concerts and trips to see Michael do what he does best-SING!!!   Michael will be touring in 2013 starting in Jamaica in January.  There could be other events  too so if anyone attends a great Bolton event/concert come on in and share your experience here. We also have shows scheduled in the USA for February and one is on MB’s birthday which will be extra special!! This should be a very exciting year for all of us with MB’s new book coming out as well as a new CD and possibly his TV show starting later in the year too? We never know with MB as he’s got so many things going on at once!!LOL   We can report here if there are any book signings as well if you all want to. Also, later in the year the Michael Bolton Charities will schedule their events to raise funds for the MBC.

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 


Again welcome everyone!!!!!


Robin in Maryland USA :)




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Have a great time, Joy, you and all going. Hugs,

Kathy T. :)



What did I miss? What show&when is Joy&lee going to? :)

Hi Robin R. (CA)

We are going to see MB at Kaufman Concert Hall in NYC on Sept.9th for his interview! Going with Lee White. Trying to see if Gloria from NY can meet us, and anyone else from NJ or NY can go. This is not a concert, it is a 2 hour interview with a former NY DJ, Valerie Smalldone.

Joy ;)

Have a great time Joy!!! Are you going to buy another book? ;)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hey Joy,

   You be sure to come back & tell Us All about your night out w/Michael:)! Have FUN...I hope you meet up with some people from here...that would be Nice:)!

Mary (meg's mom)!

Hi Joy, I wondered if you would be able to attend this interview. Have a good time, you and all going. Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

Thanks Kathy,

Hopefully a few others can go. Come on NJ & NY people! Let's meet up before hand.

(pm me about it)



Coucou !

I think I can post this video here of MB in Marbella .

Have a good day 

Hugs !


Thank you  Françoise for DOTB! Did anyone notice Michael sang “Marbella... bay »? :D The audience didn’t seem to... I checked and pretty soon, we’ll have the entire setlist from Marbella: I’ve just found “Sweet home Chicago”:


...and also “To love somebody”:


 Anyway, merci  Françoise, c’est apprécié! Câlins, sincèrement, Sylvie Qc Canada

merci Sylvie, Hugs ma belle !

Ok ladies....here is my review for San Diego MB Adventure...enjoy!!!


                                                                  MB in San Diego


                                                             Embarcadero Marina Park                                                        

                                                                August 9 & 10, 2013 

                                    Honestly MB fans....what can be better than a Michael Bolton double header???? Well maybe a couple of things...lol  But I am not here to talk about THAT! No....I am going to write about the extreme measures a DEDICATED fan will go to to attend a Michael Bolton concert. A fan like me will leave no stone unturned if met with an obstacle. Even if that means your firefighter husband has just been deployed to a brush fire hours away from home two days BEFORE a MB concert. Oh boy....the worst could happen and Bob, my husband, not get released from the fire in time for another life altering MB concert that I CANNOT miss. I start spinning my wheels and my dear husband who is trying to stay safe at the Silver Brush fire AND keep the wife happy is spinning even faster than I am! I don't ask for much and I am very low maintenance EXCEPT when it comes to MB concerts. I am like the mail carriers...through sleet and snow and brush fires....I will attend Michael's concerts!!! And so it goes :) The days are passing and the clock is ticking and Bob isn't home yet. Deals and more deals are made and finally on Friday at 12:30 Bob calls and says he is on his way back to the fire station. Yippee.....but now it is crunch time and I will have to drive to his station and we will leave from there to San Diego. I am packed and ready to roll. I have been polishing up my home for house guests who will arrive Friday evening...go figure...why not throw more obstacles my way...lol Exhausted from the spinning and cleaning I head out and meet up with Bob. Neither of us have had time to eat, so Bob thinking ahead ,made sure to grab a sack lunch given out to the firefighters at  the brush fires before he left. That was the best sack lunch ever as we devoured it in the car during our 4 1/2 hour traffic jam from Hollywood to San Diego. We arrive with just enough time to check in at the hotel and change our clothes! We take a deep breath ....and rush out to the concert. The venue is outside and San Diego is unusually cool for August as is all of California. It was cool... until...... Michael appeared on stage and we rolled right into a HOT August night...lol In fact 2 nights!!

                                     We find our seats...front row.....slightly left of center. This venue is set up with tables and 4 chairs to each table. We have the 2 seats in front of the table. Perfecto! We also had front row on Saturday night but slightly to the right of center. The stage unfortunately was rather high so with my neck already tense from my pre-concert obstacle course I figured my neck would just freeze in place looking up at Michael. Not a bad affliction mind you ;) After 20 minutes or so of listening to music by the San Diego Symphony Orchestra...it was finally Bolton time!! The majority of us know the basic MB concert format so I won't be redundant. I will happily touch on the highlights :) We were able to see Milo as he was pacing the stage with phone stuck to his ear....the" Milo Move"...as he is often making 20 things happen at once before, during and after the concerts. He sees us and warmly smiles and waves and says hi. He is so sweet and soooo busy! Michael starts the concert on MB time ;) with a loud welcome from the audience. I heard...Hello??? and Dude??? and Michael Michael etc. shouted from the crowd as we all waited for MB to appear. Of course I am quite vocal. Why be shy??? Such a waste!! lol Keep in mind this was not the usual Bolton Crowd. Michael announces that his concerts with the San DIego Symphony Orchestra have been the third largest draw for 2013!! Congratulations Michael!! I was happy to have a very loud screamer at my table!! As long as she keeps her......under clothes on all is well!! This was a symphony crowd and they DON'T leave their seats..... ever! I overheard from a regular that the concerts usually end by 9:30 so I had to plan my hat delivery to Michael. I attempted to deliver early on and was ushered away by the nicest security ever. So I was very pleasant in return...lol Really...I was :)  Michael continues to sing and it was during HAISTLWY and Michael points the mic at me as he feels it is my turn to sing :) NOT....I instead gesture to the hat and then back to him and then to the hat and he laughs....and he says "I guess not" referring to me singing! He is too FUNNY!!! He had already seen me in the audience and I pointed at him and then that smile of his as he points back :)))) Michael's voice was delicious as ever!! Now you all know me and set lists. The beautiful and sweet Kelly joined Michael for the usual duets also. These are the songs that I can remember...Soul Provider, TLT, Hallelujah :), SILYBIL, SHC, YDKM, SOTDOTB, WAMLAW and the duets: The Prayer, HAISTLWY, ANMHE....and Kelly ROCKS on ANMHE!!!!! OMG....if I could have jumped onstage and joined her strutting and rocking out...I would have!! She was having soooo much fun!! And even more lively on Saturdays concert as well. Bob and I were happy to see Jason on sax once again. Now Jason was having way too much fun at Saturday nights concert. He was entertained by my chair dancing and we were gesturing back and forth and simply rocking out to a GREAT concert!!! Friday was a great concert...but Saturdays concert....ROCKED the San Diego Bay and MB made waves of his own!! The band and MB turned it up a couple of notches and I went with them!! Brian, Drew, Cameron, Nelson and Ryan were all superb also!! Such a GREAT band :))) The venue lets off fireworks every night at 9:30 and MB tried his best to work them into his songs...lol The concerts were filmed by the venue and on Friday they were able to overlap the fireworks with Michael's performance on the large screens while singing Hallelujah. That was pretty fantastic!!! Michael did go into the crowd during WAMLAW both nights and sadly.....no stage dancing for fans either night. Like I said...not a real MB crowd. But being in the front row a fan can still get that connection while chair dancing...or in any seat for that matter!! LOL At least I can....maybe I am disturbed!!! LOL That is right...don't DISTURB me while chair dancing at a MB concert!!! 

                                        I passed on trying to catch Michael after either concert. Bob was running on empty and we both needed to catch up on sleep in our own beds. But I must admit the San Diego Hotel on the Bay was beautiful!! We enjoyed the water view and relaxed on the balcony sipping our morning coffee :))) I did chat with Kelly and Brian after Saturdays show. I had to tell Kelly how much I enjoyed her duets with Michael and especially ANMHE!! She said she saw all my chair dancing!! I then joined Bob who was talking with Jason. We all laughed at our fun we had and thanked Jason for his infectious enthusiasm!! Lington is wonderful also but the Turtle certainly comes out of his shell and has a GREAT time!! Way to go Turtle :))

                                         Lastly...THANK YOU Michael for a wonderful double header!! You always "show up" and give your all and I appreciate your continuous and endless effort. So.... if "little bluebirds fly over the rainbow.....then why can't ?????" ;) One day!!! I will be seeing you again this month.......can't wait!! Take care and safe travels!!

                                          Kathy and LAFD Bob


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