Sorry it has taken me a while to do a sticky of this link to the birthday calendar.  Thanks, Dianna, for the great job you did putting this together!

*****UPDATE -10/15/2015

I've added an updated calendar below for those who are asking. Thanks, Sylvie for updating it.  I have posted it in two formats so all should be able to get it.


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Sylvia, I almost was taken a back there. :))))) Love it. Cool descriptions there,girl. Thanks for sharing your tweet. Wow! I'm glad for you. :)))))

OMG you are too funny lady!! Love that postcard to us all!!
(It does not look photo-shopped at all)
I know, I know......that's because it's not, you were really there right?
I chuckle everytime I look at this, Joy and Sylvia, wish I had an 8x10, love it!!! Hugs,

Katht T. :-)

I will admit that that picture has been photo-shopped, from the original, because I changed the colour to what they call tungsten, for my postcard, for the original photo of Michael and I on Bondi Beach is in colour.    Talk about starting a rumour.....something I would love to do and let it spirral out of all proportion and sit back and laugh !!! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Tghere's this photo shop not far from the Walk of Fame & there was a picture of Michael&I had it taken with me&it looked so real. Never got it but heck. Oh! yes, I do have it somewhere. It looked so real folks said. So, cool Sylvia how you fixed up the pictures there. :)

Thanks Mary for your kind wishes and I don't know about meeting him one day but I will sure be a happy bunny if I ever get to see him on the stage  and if I get near enough to hold that hand for a second that sure will be my icing on the cake !!! :)


Hey Robin CA it is great to have you back on have been missed girl that is for sure !!! :)    I am assuming because you have not gone to your birthday messages that you have lost all your notificatons about those pages as you did once, quite a while ago, when your system went down and I will do what I did then and send you those pages in e-mails because your birthday messages are pretty special and I wasn't the only one to get a tweet from the man himself and obviously don't know how much of your Twitter stuff has disappeared but if it has thank goodness I put the tweet on here.   What I will also do is send you copy of the tweet I sent to Michael asking him to tweet you but unfortunately I didn't take a copy of Tina Papa's tweet that she sent so unless she can take a copy of hers and send to you I don't have that because I didn't see her one for a day or say because I checked before sending mine that no one had already requested a tweet for you from MB and as no one had I sent mine and then, as I say, it was way after when I spotted Tina's.  Will have a quick look through other threads and see if anything you may have missed but not really a lot of stuff going on Robin except on the page of Michael getting the Award from BMI and I will send you that stuff too - okay ??    Great to have you back Robin !!! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey there Wee One,

So sorry I missed your Birthday, just so you know I was there with you and Michael. That's me behind you on the towel, having a cold one for you. LOL  Happy Belated Birthday to you Sylvia, and just think Michael is still waiting to receive his gift from us. So know harm in getting late wishes, hope you will get a concert soon.


Girls, do you know when they say, "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas?" Well, that was Michael & me secretly meeting. Didn't get to take photos. Taped it though. Gees.  I wonder why I couldn't take photos this week? JK girls. Don't I wish? I don't know where the broadcaster's convention took place but I met some folks that were participating in it though. As I said, "Now how cool is that?" Michael & I were in Vegas & we didn't know it. :)))))))))

Sylvia, KKeep in mind, where there's life, there's hope. I'm praying you'll meet Michael.y

Thanks Sylvia. I didn't lose anything but I have been away from the 8th to the 11th but I will check out what all you sent me & I really appreciate your sending them. Oh! cool! you as well as Tina sent MB letting him know about my birthday. i did get his tweet&thanks everyone, once again, for the birthday wishes. Love it. :))))))))T

Glad to hear everything okay with you and hope you had a great time in Vegas with Elaine for I saw her picture of you and Bari over in FB and the three of you sure do look happy and it is a lovely, lovely photograph !! :)  As I say Robin glad everything okay and hope you do enjoy all your birthday messages when you get chance to hear them and of course, hope too, that you had a wonderful, wonderful birthday !! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Robin R.

Happy Birthday!  So besides hugs from Michael now you get Birthday Tweets, how cool is that?

Hope you had a fun time on your special day.



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