Sorry it has taken me a while to do a sticky of this link to the birthday calendar.  Thanks, Dianna, for the great job you did putting this together!

*****UPDATE -10/15/2015

I've added an updated calendar below for those who are asking. Thanks, Sylvie for updating it.  I have posted it in two formats so all should be able to get it.


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cheersssssssssssssssss my Marie Tchin tchin for love always

Thank you


To All of the June Birthday babies, I hope you have a Great Birthday WEEK, and that you have many more to come:)! 

Mary (meg's mom)!

The Cake is he Best part! Have a slice for me!!! LOL!

Hi everyone, I just want to underline my lurker daughter Olivia’s  birthday today, the 16th. A very happy birthday sweetie pie: have an absolutely wonderful day and I wish you that your new endeavours make all your dreams come true! Take good care sweetie and God bless. With all my love, Mom xoxxoxoxxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxo

Hi Sylvie , Happy Birthday to Olivia . Hope she has a fun day . Regards Usha

Joyeux anniversaire à Olivia

Que du Bonheur

Bisous Sylvie xoxo

Happy Birthday Olivia, have a amazing time.

Regards Marie

Thank you for posting Marie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada xxx

Happy Birthday Olivia and hope you are having a wonderful day !!  Hope the two wee ones give you some peace to be able to have some "special YOU time" today....hope so !!! :)  Take care Olivia and have a lovely time !!! :)

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Happy, Happy Birthday to you Olivia !! :) Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

Dear Usha, Katia, Sylvia and Kathy, thank you so very much for your good wishes for my daughter, I’ll be sure to pass them on. She’s pending moving, which is work enough in itself, so you can imagine with 2 little ones... Thanks again for your sweet attention. Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada xxx

Popping on to wish Dianna Shipman a Happy, Happy Birthday !!! :)  Happy Birthday Dianna and do hope you are having a wonderful, wonderful, day and hope too everything going well in your neck of the woods.  Hope too you are still very much a lurker on here and it is only busy, busy, busy with family and shop (hope that is still going well ??) that doesn't give you any spare time to post here....hope so Dianna !!!  Hope too you may just get a Michael concert tour your way again in 2017 and hope, if so, you can get to at least one show.  Take care Dianna !!! :)

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


A very happy birthday to you Dianna, I hope you get some time just to feed your own soul today. Best wishes of health and happiness to you and I'm sure all the people you devote selfless time to will make your day special. Take good care sweetie. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada xxx


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