Hi everyone, well this is my first attempt at starting a discussion so hope I’m doing this right... :D . A couple of weeks ago, I asked Gail when she thought would be a proper time to start thinking of what we fans want to do for our Michael’s 60th birthday. She said she was out of ideas, but suggested I’d start a thread asking fans for suggestions. I figure we have exactly 4 months, starting today,  to come up with something fun and get mobilised to achieve it. I’m no organizer, I just thought we could share ideas so let’s put our heads together and see what we can come up with! :D Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada J

*The 2 most popular suggestions so far are:


- individual donations to michaelboltoncharities.com, mentionning they are made in honor of Michael’s birthday, of any amount you feel comfortable with.

-a collective wall-hanging made from personalized fabric squares sent by fans that will be stitched together. The 4 inch/10 cm squares (with small blank margin) only need have your signature and location but can be crafty as you are able. For

more info, ask here, or PM either me, or Amie Angeli who will be doing the stitching and presenting the finished product to our Michael.


**Note: The final deadline for recieving fabric squares is February 15th, so you don't have much time left. :D

**It would also mean a lot to Michael if fans donate to the Red Cross for victims of hurricane Sandy at:


then E-mail Gail at boltoninfo@aol.com with your name and location, so she can add  them to the MBC donors list.

**If you feel strongly about sending Michael a card or personal gift, you may send it to:

Michael Bolton

c/o Michael Bolton Charities

P.O. Box 936

Branford, CT 06405


*Note that the deadline for recieving cards and presents is February 20th 2013, whether you send them to either Gail or Michael Bolton Charities.

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Meggy & Sylvia - yes, 8" x 8" equals four squares, and I can work that in.  No problem!  Can't promise center-stage, but it will certainly work in very nicely.  At this point, I see no troubles working with some "patches" which work out to be multiples of 4" x 4" - such as 8x8, 4x8, 12x12. 

I'm working on ideas for squares or border to say something along lines of "Happy 60th" maybe along top.  Or "from your fans" along bottom/top, or we all love you.  Some such.  And each person has their own pic, design, message, or whatever.  This is turning out s-o-o-o cool!  Cheers, Amie

 Mary, as Amie can work with an 8" x 8" are you okay if I make one out for Ashley because what I am thinking of is a collage picture of 6" x 4" and then that gives me room to add stuff round the side without disturbing the picture.....are you okay with that Mary ????


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


You guys are too FUNNY!! The squares are getting bigger....and bigger...Sylvia your tome will never fit!!!!! 

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Oh, don't tell me Kathy I am not allowed a square 11 feet by 11 feet , or 5' 9" x 5' 9" !!! lol.


Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend.


Sylvia you KNOW you want a reversible quilt so you can have the entire other side!!!! ROFL!!! 

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you know me soooooooooooooooo well Kathy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL.

Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi All! What is going on can I ask!? Been out of the loop!

Thanks Eileen

Hey Sylvia,

   Sounds like you are having Fun with your idea, so go 4 it by all means! I just didn't want Lil Ashley not to be on it!  It wouldn't be right without her:)! After all she gets All of Michael's kisses...so don't 4-get that tidbit of info:)! LOL! What about his Grand-daughters having a Square,too! Go ahead you know you want to:)! They are Fans of there G-Pa! And we steal him from them...just sayin'! Have Fun:)!

Mary (meg's mom)!

Thanks Mary and anybody else you can add to this list ????? LOL:   Actually quite funny you mentioning Amelia and Olivia because the time when I was along in the craft centre I saw stacks of beautiful stuff appropriate for a baby and thought if only I was making one for one of them but one to give to G-pa.....good idea and got more than appropriate pictures for them.   I will get onto it right away and I'll send Tom a message and ask him if he is okay about us including Ashley and will let you know reply and hopefully he will say, yes and then I will get tore in !!!! lol


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Sylvia,

    I can't think of anyone else right now...LOL:)! But that should keep you out of trouble for a bit:)! Let Us know when you hear back from Ashley's Dad...she will be soooo Happy that she was thought of, I'm sure! She does Love him so very much! And with her friend being sick, maybe this will ease her mind a bit, hopefully:)! Have Fun!

Mary (meg's mom)!

Kathy R. in CA. I wanted to write below your message but you enjoy yourself with all these folks. I take it that this event is for Thanksgiving. I can smell the food&desserts cooking now. Don't work tooo hard. :))))) Boltonnut from L. A. CA who loves life & Michael Bolton :))))

Yep. It's hip to be square. Love it. I can't sew my way out of a sewing box. Love what you had to say patricia. Boltonnut from L. A. CA who loves life & Michael Bolton:)


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