Hi everyone, well this is my first attempt at starting a discussion so hope I’m doing this right... :D . A couple of weeks ago, I asked Gail when she thought would be a proper time to start thinking of what we fans want to do for our Michael’s 60th birthday. She said she was out of ideas, but suggested I’d start a thread asking fans for suggestions. I figure we have exactly 4 months, starting today,  to come up with something fun and get mobilised to achieve it. I’m no organizer, I just thought we could share ideas so let’s put our heads together and see what we can come up with! :D Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada J

*The 2 most popular suggestions so far are:


- individual donations to michaelboltoncharities.com, mentionning they are made in honor of Michael’s birthday, of any amount you feel comfortable with.

-a collective wall-hanging made from personalized fabric squares sent by fans that will be stitched together. The 4 inch/10 cm squares (with small blank margin) only need have your signature and location but can be crafty as you are able. For

more info, ask here, or PM either me, or Amie Angeli who will be doing the stitching and presenting the finished product to our Michael.


**Note: The final deadline for recieving fabric squares is February 15th, so you don't have much time left. :D

**It would also mean a lot to Michael if fans donate to the Red Cross for victims of hurricane Sandy at:


then E-mail Gail at boltoninfo@aol.com with your name and location, so she can add  them to the MBC donors list.

**If you feel strongly about sending Michael a card or personal gift, you may send it to:

Michael Bolton

c/o Michael Bolton Charities

P.O. Box 936

Branford, CT 06405


*Note that the deadline for recieving cards and presents is February 20th 2013, whether you send them to either Gail or Michael Bolton Charities.

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I think a donation to the RedCross is an awesome idea. All ideas coming out here are totally awesome. Boltonnut from  L. A. CA who loves life & Michael Bolton :)

Amie I know it about the weather. Hoping to be there too but we are rolling the dice up this way in winter.  I had good luck the last few times tho in winter going to see MB so we are just going to be positive and we will have great weather and all get there just fine!!LOL

I cannot stitch a lick.  I'm sure you all are going to make it beautiful. I would love to see a photo of it too.

Robin in MD:)

LOL!  I only hit snow once all last winter in my travels/driving, and guess where I hit it?  York, PA!  The next morning (once some kind man with pickup and chains dragged me out of my "stuckness"), once I got around Harrisburg, it was clear & dry roads all the way back to Wpt.  Believe me I know snow, as in Snow Belt, Dakota Blizzards, etc.  Hence, best to be cautious.  Have I learned the hard way?  ROTFLMAO!  Of course!  Amie

Hey Robin,

    You don't have to stitch, if you really want to have your piece in the gift...just go to your local hobby store and have a look around...believe me it's easy! I think you should be in this for sure, please try:)!

Mary (meg's mom)!

Awww Thanks Mary...We have a Michael's Crafts here....maybe I can take a peek..

Robin in MD:)

It's so cool Michael's gonna be in York PA on his birthday. How cool is that? As I've said before, love all the ideas out here. Boltonnut from L. A. CA who loves life & Michael Bolton :)

Hi Robin in MD, Mary does have a point: all that was asked was a square of fabric with your name and location on it. As my mom used to say: just pull out your Sunday handwriting! :D Hope you do decide to join in, take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

OK Sylvie, Then let me ask a stupid question from someone that does not do crafts...LOL How are you putting these things on the squares....I don't know what you do if you don't sew??? Are you using some type of markers or how are you doing this??? People are talking about pictures and such???Thanks.

Robin in MD:)

Hey Robin in MD, well it's not a dumb question. I will personally use a marker to sign mine, I'll just need help to center it and make sure it's legible. :D I am personally crafty but I'll only sew on a ribbon to frame it. People who print pictures are better people than I am! As I've said, keep it simple. I know some people use glue or paint or whatever and good for them. Mary does have a point that you're a long time fan and you belong in this project sweetie but it's up to you. Take care Robin. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada :D

Hi Sylvie,

I am certain that your signature will definitely be appreciated as much as everyone elses, just give it your best shot. I saw your reply a few days ago and I most definitely intend to send my square after Tulsa concert.


Kathy T. :-)
YOU CAN DO IT ROBIN MD. !!!! but I will let our crafts experts tell you how and I will take all the tips I can get as well.


Kathy T. :-)

Lots of ideas people have come up with: transfer a photo onto fabric; use textile paints; sign with Magic Marker or indelible pen; applique (sew, Superglue, etc to attach "stuff"); counted cross stitch on Aida cloth; embroidery; cut the fabric square from the dress/etc you wore to your first MB concert; cut pieces of felt & glue them onto felt-square background; more . . .  I guess pretty much anybody can come up with something, crafty or not-so-crafty!

Idea sources: any crafts department at Walmart, etc, or crafts shops like Michaels; women's magazines - every book store, library, etc, is loaded with them.  Children's toy stores/departments have lots of craftsy sorts of stuff for people who have never made anything, and some of them are lots of fun for us (supposed) "Grown-ups!"  Cheers, Amie


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