Hi everyone, well this is my first attempt at starting a discussion so hope I’m doing this right... :D . A couple of weeks ago, I asked Gail when she thought would be a proper time to start thinking of what we fans want to do for our Michael’s 60th birthday. She said she was out of ideas, but suggested I’d start a thread asking fans for suggestions. I figure we have exactly 4 months, starting today,  to come up with something fun and get mobilised to achieve it. I’m no organizer, I just thought we could share ideas so let’s put our heads together and see what we can come up with! :D Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada J

*The 2 most popular suggestions so far are:


- individual donations to michaelboltoncharities.com, mentionning they are made in honor of Michael’s birthday, of any amount you feel comfortable with.

-a collective wall-hanging made from personalized fabric squares sent by fans that will be stitched together. The 4 inch/10 cm squares (with small blank margin) only need have your signature and location but can be crafty as you are able. For

more info, ask here, or PM either me, or Amie Angeli who will be doing the stitching and presenting the finished product to our Michael.


**Note: The final deadline for recieving fabric squares is February 15th, so you don't have much time left. :D

**It would also mean a lot to Michael if fans donate to the Red Cross for victims of hurricane Sandy at:


then E-mail Gail at boltoninfo@aol.com with your name and location, so she can add  them to the MBC donors list.

**If you feel strongly about sending Michael a card or personal gift, you may send it to:

Michael Bolton

c/o Michael Bolton Charities

P.O. Box 936

Branford, CT 06405


*Note that the deadline for recieving cards and presents is February 20th 2013, whether you send them to either Gail or Michael Bolton Charities.

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Thank you, Tami, this is very nice of you. I am with the other ladies here, I would be happy to chip in on the cost of the cake as well.

Kathy from Tulsa :-)

I just think it's neat that the Red Cross is represented on the quilt or wall hanging&in honor of Sandy Storm. Gosh.

Hi Tami I have been a fan since the late 80's. What a wonderful idea. Thank you.  Sharonrose. 

Hi all - quick update on receipts while I post individually to senders on their pages or thru private messages - check your page!  DHL arrived from Germany!  Somehow DHL managed to do what UPS & FedEx do not!  Also Montreal & Indianapolis. 

Afraid I have some bad/sad news, however, and have to go to the "fallback plan," as I advised there would be when I first suggested this.  Cannot make it to York (boo-hoo-hoo!) despite trying every which way, so will have to deliver to his house here in Westport.  The good news is, of course, that I'm just a few minutes from his place, so it can get delivered no matter what.  Will post some pics of "partials" as sections are done & then pics when it is completed.  Will try to get pics of MB opening his gift to post here, too.  It will all get to him!  I promised, and I deliver.  I want to go to York so badly, but it's just not possible even though it's only a day's drive.  Phooey and double-phooey!  However, be assured he will get his wallhanging, also a few "odd bits," I'll call them people have asked me to deliver along with the wallhanging.

Best regards to everyone - Amie

Sorry to hear you won't make the concert Amie for think it will be a rather special concert in more ways than one !! :)   Glad to hear you are still getting in all the squares and do hope something can be arranged for you to deliver to his house.....if no one in and as long as not raining, hang it over the gate but make sure you don't set the alarms off at the same time for we are not bailing you out !!!!! LOL.   Good luck Amie !!! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


I wouldn't dare "ring his bell" without an appointment so he was expecting me!  Nor will I just hang it on his gate, either - LOL!  Bummed about not being able to make it to York - so very much want to go.  Finished posting to senders' pages/private messages a few minutes ago, but know there's more packages coming.  Lots of great squares contributed to this, and expect MB will love it.  Cheers, Amie

LOL, I can't stop cracking up!!! Amie what are you afraid of the dogs? ROTFF OK Ok oK Ok WoW so plan B now is what? Hey is the woman with Cake Tami going to the Concert? Can she take the wall hanging with her?

I would do it in a heart beat, only I'd need a little more notice and a lot more mula'.

Surely you will figure out something.

Be sure that I am taking the Cake for his 70th.


That's one heck of a tall gate there, my friends but then, I'm short. :)

Ok Amie,

I see plan B now, also I am sorry you can't make the concert, but what better way to get a Birthday Present, privately. Good plan, hope you can take pics and that Michael really enjoys his gift from all.


Hi Amie, thanks for the update and we'll keep our fingers crossed for the delivery. It's really  a shame about the York show but let's keep positive about the delivery and pics. Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada

Hey Amie, Sorry to hear you can't make it to his B-day Bash! It's gonna be Fun for sure! But somehow I think you being able to deliver it to him will be much more personal for him to receive his B-day gift from all of us (via: you)! LOL! Just as long as he gets it! You have worked so hard on this..going to the post office etc...and putting it all together:)! Your reward will be Awesome:)!

Mary (meg's mom)!

Think by the looks of Michael's schedule will be surprised if he is home in the next couple of weeks, unless he keeps flying in and flying out, so believe if you can arrange, through Gail, to get it delivered to his house that will be great and maybe, just maybe he may get someone to take a picture for us all when he eventually gets home !! :)



Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.



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