something lovely,funny,entertaining etc


Hi everybody you know sometimes perhaps in an e-mail or something you get some lovely things that I am sure some of us would love to share or perhaps a joke


They must be polite and not rude or anything that would offend anybody nor can they be racial

and please no chain letters.........

We don't need to see Violence or stupidy......


Remember people over the many MIchael Bolton boards we have always tried to respect one and another so lets see how this goes :)


These are some of the picture's sent to me in an e-mail

enjoy  :)


Cherry Blossoms Japan 





Autumn in Germany


The beauty of Antarctica




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Molto bello, spero che il 2014 sia un anno come il menu di bordo!!


claudia italia

Hi All,

Just wanted to share a bit of info that I just saw last night, some of you may already know this. My Mom and I were watching the Disney movie " The Three Musketeers". After the movie ended the song "All For Love" played, and I noticed in the credits it was performed by Rod Stewart, Sting and John "Mutt" Lange. Many of you know that "Mutt" was in Michael Bolton's band for a long time.

Thanks for letting me share. :D


Hi Kellie, not that it's important, but Mutt Lange co-wrote the song, he didn't perform on it: Rod Stewart, Sting and Bryan Adams did. Tommy "Mugs: Cain was Michael's drummer for a good while. Mutt Lange did produce and co-wrote a few of Michael's songs though. I know it's fun  finding names we know in movie credits, isn't it? I remember once I heard a Bryan Adams song I didn't know at the end of a little known Robin Williams movie. Anyway, you were right in associating the name with Michael though! :D Take care Kellie and thanks for sharing sweetie. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada

P.S.: Sorry for being little miss know-it-all again... XD

 Mutt Lange was married to Shania Twain!!! She is a Michael Bolton fan as well:)!

Mary (meg's mom)!


So So sorry gals,

I have been laughing at myself for an hour now. This is the second time you have corrected me on these two men. I have been on some pretty potent meds for the last few days, as I had to have a tooth pulled. The sinusitis and bronchitis was due to the bad tooth and have been dealing with sickness for about a month now.

It's a good thing you caught me on this again though. Once I was given a backstage pass and was talking to Tommy, and I think I might have called him Mutt. No wonder he looked at me kinda strangely. LOL Guess I had better get my guys right! Who knows I just might meet Mr. Lange and call him "Mugs"!!! LOL at least there was some association in my brain.

Thanks Sylvie,

Kellie :D

lol God bless you Kellie: I was feeling all bad being miss know-it-all again...XD Ooh, I hope you're feeling better poor girl. I know how it is though: once you've gotten into a habit of calling someone a name, it stays stuck in your head: my husband is the same. I have to say it's confusing that they label songs with the songwriter's name when you don't know. A friend of my daughter's was trying to look up what he thought was a singer, but turned out to be the songwriter who has a completely different voice. In any case, you must be starting to come out of your fog if you remember that I've told you this before! :D Take good care of yourself Kellie. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Hi all, I just wanted to share something cute a friend sent me. Happy Easter to everyone! Take care  and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D


                                                        HAPPY EASTER


All I need to know

I learned from the Easter Bunny!

list of 11 items

• Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

• Everyone needs a friend who is all ears.

• There's no such thing as too much candy.

• All work and no play can make you a basket case.

• A cute tail attracts a lot of attention.

• Everyone is entitled to a bad hare day.

• Let happy thoughts multiply like rabbits.

• Some body parts should be floppy.

• Keep your paws off of other people's jelly beans.

• Good things come in small, sugar coated packages.

• The grass is always greener in someone else's basket.

list end


To show your true colors, you have to come out of the shell.

The best things in life are still sweet and gooey.

May the joy of the season fill your heart.


Happy Easter!

Hallo Petra, this is the "off topic" section sweetie, so fans would not think to look for Michael stuff here. Maybe you can put the picture on the "Miscellany" thread? This thread is to share things unrelated to Michael, pictures, info, poems  or forwarded messages that touch our hearts that we often get in forwarded E-mail messages. If you have time, look around the thread, you might enjoy some of this, if your translator site is good enough... :D Take care Petra and have a great day. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Many thanks Sylvia! I have put the picture in other thread!

Petra (Germany)

Hi everyone, a friend just shared this with me and I thought I'd share as well, enjoy! Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D


The victory of Annie Glenn, Wife of John Glenn.



For half a century, the world has applauded John Glenn as a heart-stirring American hero. He lifted the nation's spirits when, as one of

the original Mercury 7 astronauts, he was blasted alone into orbit around the Earth; the enduring affection for him is so powerful that even now people find themselves misting up at the sight of his face or the sound of his voice.

But for all these years, Glenn has had a hero of his own, someone who he has seen display endless courage of a different kind:

Annie Glenn.

They have been married for 71 years.

He is 93; she turned 95 on Friday.

This weekend there has been news coverage of the 50th anniversary of Glenn's flight into orbit. We are being reminded that, half a century down the line, he remains America 's unforgettable hero.

He has never really bought that.

Because the heroism he most cherishes is of a sort that is seldom cheered. It belongs to the person he has known longer than he has known anyone else in the world.

John Glenn and Annie Castor first knew each other when -- literally -- they shared a playpen.

In New Concord, Ohio, his parents and hers were friends. When the families got together, their children played.

John -- the future Marine fighter pilot, the future test-pilot ace, the future astronaut -- was pure gold from the start. He would end up having what it took to rise to the absolute pinnacle of American regard during the space race; imagine what it meant to be the young John Glenn in the small confines of New Concord ..

Three-sport varsity athlete, most admired boy in town, Mr. Everything.

Annie Castor was bright, was caring, was talented, was generous of spirit. But she could talk only with the most excruciating of difficulty. It

haunted her.

Her stuttering was so severe that it was categorized as an "85%" disability -- 85% of the time, she could not manage to make words come out.

When she tried to recite a poem in elementary school, she was laughed at. She was not able to speak on the telephone. She could not have a regular conversation with a friend.

And John Glenn loved her.

Even as a boy he was wise enough to understand that people who could not see past her stutter were missing out on knowing a rare and wonderful girl.

They married on April 6, 1943. As a military wife, she found that life as she and John moved around the country could be quite hurtful. She has written: "I can remember some very painful experiences -- especially the ridicule."

In department stores, she would wander unfamiliar aisles trying to find the right section, embarrassed to attempt to ask the salesclerks for

help. In taxis, she would have to write requests to the driver, because she couldn't speak the destination out loud. In restaurants, she would point to the items on the menu.

A fine musician, Annie, in every community where she and John moved, would play the organ in church as a way to make new friends. She and John had two children; she has written: "Can you imagine living in the modern world and being afraid to use the telephone? 'Hello' used to be so hard for me to say. I worried that my children would be injured and need a doctor. Could I somehow find the words to get the information across on the phone?"

John, as a Marine aviator, flew 59 combat missions in World War II and 90 during the Korean War. Every time he was deployed, he and Annie said goodbye the same way. His last words to her before leaving were:

"I'm just going down to the corner store to get a pack of gum."

And, with just the two of them there, she was able to always reply: "Don't be long."

On that February day in 1962 when the world held its breath and the Atlas rocket was about to propel him toward space, those were their words, once again. And in 1998, when, at 77, he went back to space aboard the shuttle Discovery, it was an understandably tense time for them. What if something happened to end their life together?

She knew what he would say to her before boarding the shuttle. He did -- and this time he gave her a present to hold onto:

A pack of gum.

She carried it in a pocket next to her heart until he was safely home.

Many times in her life she attempted various treatments to cure her stutter. None worked.

But in 1973, she found a doctor in Virginia who ran an intensive program she and John hoped would help her. She traveled there to enroll and to give it her best effort. The miracle she and John had always waited for at last, as miracles will do, arrived. At age 53, she was able to talk fluidly, and not in brief, anxiety-ridden, agonizing bursts.

John has said that on the first day he heard her speak to him with confidence and clarity, he dropped to his knees to offer a prayer of


He has written: "I saw Annie's perseverance and strength through the years and it just made me admire her and love her even more." He has heard roaring ovations in countries around the globe for his own valor, but his awe is reserved for Annie, and what she accomplished: "I don't know if I would have had the courage."

Her voice is so clear and steady now that she regularly gives public talks. If you are lucky enough to now the Glenn’s, the sight and sound of them bantering and joking with each other and playfully finishing each others' sentences is something that warms you and makes you thankful just to be in the same room.

Monday will be the anniversary of the Mercury space shot, and once again people will remember, and will speak of the heroism of Glenn the astronaut.

But if you ever find yourself at an event where the Glenn’s are appearing, and you want to see someone so brimming with pride and love that you may feel your own tears start to well up, wait until the moment that Annie stands to say a few words to the audience.

And as she begins, take a look at her husband's eyes.


What a beautiful story Sylvie, Thanks for sharing....

Mary (meg's mom)!

Bellissima storia


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