something lovely,funny,entertaining etc


Hi everybody you know sometimes perhaps in an e-mail or something you get some lovely things that I am sure some of us would love to share or perhaps a joke


They must be polite and not rude or anything that would offend anybody nor can they be racial

and please no chain letters.........

We don't need to see Violence or stupidy......


Remember people over the many MIchael Bolton boards we have always tried to respect one and another so lets see how this goes :)


These are some of the picture's sent to me in an e-mail

enjoy  :)


Cherry Blossoms Japan 





Autumn in Germany


The beauty of Antarctica




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Hi everyone, I want to share something my daughter shared with me. It’s only a minute and a half, but it hits home:

Here’s the description:

“At Fisher-Price, we believe making time to play is an important step in bonding with your little ones. We invited a group of moms to a studio and asked them to read a poem they'd never seen before.…”

I had a really nice visit with my granddaughter yesterday and this makes it all bubble up to the surface. Share your love today! Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Oh Sylvie,

Cela m'a émue jusqu'aux larmes ! c'est magnifique ! ces mots ont chaviré mon coeur ! j'adore J'adore ! mon fils et mes nièces viennent de l'écouter ! nous nous sommes fais un énorme câlin , merci pour nous avoir fais partager ce moment d'amour, ce poème ! Plein d'amour pour toi ma belle Bisous

Allo Katia, tant mieux si vous l'avez aimé: c'était le but! :D Rien que d'y penser, j'en ai les larmes aux yeux... :D J'espère que tu as eu une belle journée ma belle. Prends soin de toi, câlins, sincèrement, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Hi Katia, good for you if you enjoyed it: that was the goal. Just thinking about it makes me teary-eyed... :D I hope you've had a nice day sweetie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Oh Sylvie,
Thank you so much for sharing that! I am crying! This is mothers and their babies, but so holds true for us grandmothers too! Fitting that I saw your post today, as it was my babysitting day. My son-in-law texted me late in the afternoon to tell me not to forget he was on call so there was a chance he might work late. Sure enough 4pm, he said yes, I won't be home until maybe 9pm. My daughter gets home about 8:30pm, so I told him ok, you do your job. As long as I know, I will eat dinner here with Emmett and get him to bed no problem. My daughter felt so bad, she was all apologies when she got home. I spent 12 hours, less his 1 hour nap with my grandson today. Maybe I got on Facebook and did a few emails etc for an hour. I didn't get much else done, but it's ok. I cherish my time with him so much. And this poem really hit home, I wonder when he grows up what he will be like. I know things will change, I won't be able to kiss & hug him like now. At least not in front of anyone! But the love is there and he will know it.
I wanted to get the poem in print and when I Googled it I came across this article about one of the mother's that was in the commercial. Very nice article.

When I look back many years from now
Will I recall this day
When there was only you and I
And we had the time to play

Will I remember how you looked at me
With that sparkle in your eye
Will I still see your glowing smile
Until the day I die

Will your joy today, bring hope to me
When I’m lost for what to do
Will the echo of your laughter
Be the thing that helps me through

And you my dear, I wonder
What you will remember of this day
While my mind says very little
My heart won’t let me feel this way

For I believe when you grow up
And I watch your from a far
That the cherished moments that we shared
Will be a part of who you are

No matter what the future holds
A promise I’ll make today
As long as you will let me my dear
I’ll make the time to play

Hi Joy, great to read you here sweetie! You’re very welcome and you’re absolutely right about grandmothers too! You’re very fortunate to have your periodic time with Emmett. Girl, you had me crying too! XD Thanks very much for sharing the link Joy and especially for coming in. Take care sweetie. Big warm bear hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Beautiful poem Sylvie, This is how i fell totally with my daughter, who is 29 now, but still my baby-girl! I will always have time time to play a game or two w/her! Especially our BINGO!!! LOL:)!

Mary (meg's mom)!

We like YAHTZEE the best:)!

Hi everyone, I heard this story on the radio this morning and was truly moved so I had to look it up and share with everyone. Take care and big hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D


Cured by a cuddle: Teen's lost memory regained after hug from little brother

A RARE condition left Chloe Inman without a single memory of her life – until a hug from her little brother brought them all back.

Published: 16:25, Thu, March 5, 2015

By Sarah Francis


The teen has a special bond with her brother Caleb who was six at the time

After suffering amnesia doctors tried everything to help the 16-year-old regain her memory but it was a loving hug that did the trick.

Two years ago the young teen underwent a lumber puncture to remove fluid from her spine but in a nightmare twist she awoke with total memory loss.

Unable to recognise her friends and family or even herself, Chloe was left feeling lost and confused.

Then, one day her six-year-old brother Caleb walked into her room and gave her a cuddle.

It was at this moment, insists Chloe, that her memory miraculously came flooding back.

"I had forgotten my entire life, which was absolutely devastating. I literally lost everything," explained the school girl from Plymouth, Devon.

"Mum and dad would get very upset as I didn't recognise them and it was hard for them to deal with it

"We had tried everything. I would look at family photographs and I knew it was me in them but I just couldn't remember anything about why I was there.

"It totally ruined me. I could not go back to school and I lost my family and friends and did not know who I was. It was dreadful," Chloe recalled.

"My brother and sister, who were six and eight at the time, didn't really understand.

I had forgotten my entire life, which was absolutely devastating. I literally lost everything


"It sounds weird and is hard to explain but the first thing I remember was my little brother Caleb.

"Our bond is a really powerful thing and he just came in to my room and gave me a big hug.

"We have always had a close bond and a special relationship and somehow that moment just triggered everything coming back to me.

"After that hug all my family memories came back - every last one of them."

For six years Chloe had been suffering excruciating headaches, yet it was only when she turned 15 that doctors diagnosed her with rare illness, idiopathic intracranial hypertension.

This meant that the intense pressure building inside her skull was causing the headaches.

She underwent lumbar puncture to drain excess fluid from her spine but tragically experienced severe memory loss.

Miss Inman, who lives with her parents Julie, 41, Daryl, 42, sister Ellie, nine and Caleb, now seven, said that in a flick of a switch her memories vanished.


Chloe can slowly but surely but her life back together

Describing the horror she said: "I didn't recognise my mum, but I immediately thought  she must be important as she didn't leave my side through the whole ordeal.

"I didn't recognise my mum or my family. It was a weird feeling in my stomach as I felt like I knew them from somewhere but I couldn't think where.

"I thought she must be my mum but I didn't remember anything about her or anything that we had done together.

"It is a known side effect to the treatment. I have since heard that some people forget how to do their jobs and forget their families."

Doctors sent Chloe home hoping it would trigger her memories, but the horror continued.

"I was off school for two months. I didn't really understand what was going on - I just kept thinking 'I don't remember you'.

"But with my best friend it clicked immediately just by the way we started talking to each other.

Despite her memories returning the ordeal took a toll on her school life.

"I really struggled with school as I had to take so much time off and had to be taken out of all my lessons," she explained.

But the inspiring teen, who studies performing arts at City College in Plymouth, is determined to fufill her dream of becoming an Army medic.

Her mission now is to raise awareness for the rare condition which "ruined her entire school life."

"I had to fight the memory loss and now I remember nearly everything that I couldn't remember before and my life is slowly getting back together," she added.

"It's quite scary looking back on it now. It did ruin my year and really my whole entire secondary school life.

"My pain was ignored for so many years. My consultant tested me for quite a lot of things and ran out of what to give me to help."

Chloe has been prescribed acetazolamide to help reduce the fluid in her back and thankfully has been headache free for a year.

However there is still a big unknown hanging over the school girl.

She explained: "My condition hasn't been properly diagnosed or treated yet because they don't really know what causes it.

"But they know that if it comes back to perform a lumbar puncture as a quick solution - but I'm terrified I could lose all my memory again."

"My condition is so powerful that it can kill people, either by it not being treated and too much pressure on the brain or people get fed up of being told it's just a headache that they lose faith and end up committing suicide.

"No-one really understands how painful it is," she added.


Hi everyone, today I’d like to share a video. This was in the radio news last Friday and it’s a report on what this Boise lady did to promote self-acceptance:

That was a very cool idea and God bless her for doing it, I hope you enjoy. Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Am adding these pictures on here of "beautiful churches around the world" on behalf of Sylvie.   Thanks for share Sylvie for some of them are indeed beautiful, rather unusual and far from looking like churches !!! lol   Have to say I rather like the Crystal Cathedral at Grove, CA....pretty spectacular and wouldn't mind seeing that.  Hope you all enjoy and thanks again Sylvie for share !!! :)

Beautiful churches around the world
The neo-Gothic Las Laras Sanctuary sits perched on a bridge spanning a deep river gorge in southern
Colombia -- one of South America's most dramatic churches.
Notre-Dame Basillica of Montreal
Barcelona’s and Antoni Gaudi’s, LaSagrada Familia
The soaring pillars and rainbow-hued stained glass windows of the Sagrada Familia’s interior.
Asis Church, Taos, N.M.
Cadet Chapel at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs.
The 150-foot tall Cadet Chapel......17 spires.
Chapel of the Holy Cross, Sedona, AZ.
Borgund Stave Church, Norway
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Washington Island, Wis.
Duomo in Milan
Greek island of Santorini
St. Vinzenz Church, Heiligenblut, Austria.
Sainte-Chapelle in Paris.
Saint Peter’s Basilica, Rome
Interior of Saint Peter’s.
St. Michaels Cathedral, Kiev, Ukraine
Cathedral-Basilica, New Orleans.
Church of Assumption, Bled Lake, Slovenia
Church of Our Savior, St. Petersburg, Russia.
St. Peter’s interior.
Chapel of the Rock, Estes Park, Colo.
Heddal Stave Church, Norway
St. Bartholoma, Lake Konigssee, Germany
Metropolitan Cathedral of Our Lady Aparecida, Brasilia,Brazil.
Brasilia’s interior.
St. Basil’s, Moscow, Russia.
Collegiate Church of Notre-Dame, Dinant, Belgium
Lutheran Church of Hallgrimur, also known as Hallgrimskirkia, Iceland
Chapel of Thanksgiving in Dallas, TX.
Our Lady of Covadonga Cathedral, Spain.
Salisbury Cathedral, Britain
Yosemite Valley Chapel, Yosemite National Park.
Nuestra Nenora de Gracia, Cuenca, Spain
Stowe Community Church, Stowe, Vermont
Santuario Dom Bosco, Brasilia, Brazil
Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, San Diego, CA.
Russian Orthodox Church of Mary Magdalene, Jerusalem.
Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes, Canela, Brazil.
St. Charles Cathedral, Vienna
pogost , or enclosure, of Kizhi in the Russian autonomous region of Karelia dates back to the 18th century and includes two wooden churches -- one with 22 wooden domes -- and a wooden clock tower."
The UNESCO-listed pogost, Kizhi, Russia.
Crystal Cathedral, Grove, CA.
Sacre-Coeur Basilica, Paris
Church of Panagia Paraportiani, Island of Mykonos
Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, Moscow, Russia.
Basilica of the National Vow, Quito, Ecuador
Church of Dmitry on Blood, Uglich, Russia.
Memorial Temple of the Birth of Christ, Shipka, Bulgaria.
Notre-Dame-du-Huat, France.
Notre-Dame-du-Huat Interior.
Saint-Michel d’Aiguilhe, Puy-en-Velay, France
Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend

You're welcome Sylvia, thanks for the help, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Hi everyone, most likely, this will b my last post of the year on this thread but I wanted to share a nice quote my friend Brigitte shared with me:

“People like you


A brand new year!

A clean slate on which to write our hopes and dreams.

This year: Less time and energy on things;

More time and energy on people.

All of life's best rewards, deepest and finest feelings,

greatest satisfactions come from people - people like you.

(by Joanna Fuchs)

Coincidentally, the ”more time for people” motto fits right in with my already decided resolution for next year. Best wishes to all, hugs, sincerely Sylvie Qc Canada :D

A Funny story that happened to me at my Dr. visit.

My Dr. is a real joker at times, last month I had a pain in my right thigh, so I went in and he did some test and found I have blocked artery. So he scheduled a surgery date, when he told me the only day he has coming up available is Feb. 26th! I have to be awake while he does this surgery, so I said to Dr. Kingba, who I call AbKing cause he is rather built, would it be alright to listen to Michael Bolton while he is doing the surgery. He replied I don't know that would be sterile. I said well I don't know about that part of Michael! LOL He said I'm not that kind of Dr. either! LOL I said it is his Birthday! Then he said I am not kind of Dr. either! Rotlf or maybe you had to be there!

Have a great day all!



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