Hi Everybody

Seems the other thread got left behind so here's a new one

I have 35 more sleeps

All the best

Dianna xxx

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Have a wonderful time, the clock is ticking down fast for you Dianna! MB is as excited to see his fans there as you all are to see him!!!!

Robin :)
Robin I think you might be right
Wonder how the tickets are selling over here.
It has been a long time.
I was buying some makeup the other day ( don't use it much just special occasions so had to buy some going to try that mineral stuff at least it is surpose to be kind to the skin and NOT tested on animals so that's a real plus) any way the lady there had no idea Michael Bolton was coming to Australia.She said she would look at getting some tickets cause she enjoyed him singing.
Not long now !!!!!
Love Dianna xxx
Hopefully the sales are going well and then he will come again next time around and you won't have to wait so long between tours there! Sounds like people want to see him..I sure hope it all goes well.
Robin :)
Oooohhhhhhh Dianna its getting sooooo close now xx
9 more sleeps Sharon
Love Dianna xxx
Yes Robin I trully hope the sales are all going great would love to see more of him.
Love Dianna xxx
Are you getting excited Dianna?
Gosh is it really only 9 more sleeps til you see Michael?
I hope you have a wonderful time.
Love Sandra xx
Getting close!!! I know you can hardly wait!!! Really enjoy, tell him Hi from us all LOL!!! I know you will have a great time but the time goes by soooo fast, never long enough show!!! Maybe he will throw in some new songs for ya'll. Will be thinking about ya.
Kerie I can't believe how fast it is going.
I will tell him hi from all of us here at the forum.
I hope he sings "hope it's too late" I really love that song but my all time favourite is the one I really want to hear "Said I loved you but I lied"
Love Dianna xxx
8 more sleeps Sandra isn't it just flying
Here's to a fanastic time in Michael's world even if it is for just an hour or so!
Love Dianna xxx
Well it's 2.45pm in Perth concert starts in a few hours
7 more sleeps for me!

Love Dianna xxx
He has just got the most gorgeous eyes. 7 more sleeps for me, I cannot wait. Tissues will be in my purse by the dozen. Hope the show is on when my ticket says it is 8 - 9.30. I am in Row L I think. Husband didn't want to pay over $100 to see him, he doesn't listen to him at all.

Cheers Pam


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