We may start getting a few promotional appearances for GEMS now. The first will be June 8th on the Loveline with Dr. Drew from 10 p.m. to midnight. You can find a station here:
Also it looks like you can listen live or on the website either after but you have to be a loveline member.
Hi, All
I called to my favorite radio station and Sony Music of Venezuela one week ago
to resquest or if they know some about the MB's new Cd, and their answer was, yes
probably very soon.... and this afternoon I heard I'm not ready. the DJ did a long
and good commentaries about and that make my nice day!!!,
About the Cd will be on one month....
Take care
That is wonderful news Mariu - get the promotion going and if Michael hears about maybe a little show in Venezuela soon but that is great news and thanks for sharing it with us.....I still haven't heard anything in Scotland - okay, I am not listening to radio 24/7, but ................. !!! :)
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
I'm glad some Radio Stations are finally listening to Us (the Fans)! It's about time:)!
Thanks for that good news:)!
Mary (meg's mom)!
Hi there,
Wikipedia mentions GEMS and the track list so far in a short article. What I think really is interesting is that the author linked all songs - except "Love is everything, I'm not ready and Sajna - and most of the original artists incl. writers and composers with their own articles. But be careful: I spent hours while reading and yet not have reached the bottom by far LOL.
Greetings from Astrid
Hi Folks,
Didn't know quite where to put this little piece of news so I decided in here as it is most assuredly and was done most assuredly to promote Gems and that is that I sent in a request to Bremen Radio to play "Make You Feel My Love" by Michael and Helene Fischer and they have just done so, unfortunately, only one person was listening to it and heard it and that was Christine . I requested it to be played for the Pink Ladies, naming us all, and also for Bolton Buddies throughout the world and I had so wished that they had sent an e-mail telling me when they were going to play it as I was going to let you all know and put on the link for Bremen Radio that you could have all heard it but, tomorrow is another day, and I will send in another request at some time and hopefully then I will be listening to Bremen Radio and so will all of you !! :)
Below is my request that I sent in and as I've said to the Pink Ladies I do hope my German was okay and that I didn't swear at anyone :-
Sie waren so freundlich auf Anfrage auf zu spielen lhr radio-station auf 15th August die wurde von Christine Rathjen geschickt und ich sollte mehr sein als freun, wenn Sie mir das Kompliment zuruckgeben lassen von Schottland durch Bremen radio. Mein Wunsch ist einer, der loszieht, um all die "Pink Ladies" d.h Christine, Martina, Astrid, Tina und Manu aus Deutschland; Ivana aus Prag; Nicolette und Jacqueline aus Holland; Silvy aus Schweiz; Sylvie aus Kanada und Jaana aus Finnland and fur alle Michael Bolton Buddies der ganzen Welt, sind abgestimmt auf Bremen-Radio und diese forderung kommt von Sylvia ein kleines Schottisches Freund and ich bitte Michael Bolton und Helene Fischer singt "Make You Feel My Love" von der CD "Gems - The Duet Collection".
Thank you so very much for reading my request and I send you all warmest greetings from Scotland."
Please don't bother about the little sign that says "Click Me" that was a little smiley face I put in my e-mail but when they are transferred that is how they show up.....yes I even sent a smiley face to Bremen Radio because I love them and they are definitely going to get another one as I am going to thank them very much indeed for playing my request !! LOL.
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend. |
Hi Sylvie, Christine and Robin,
Yeah pretty good going - will we start trying for one a week and then we will all know to listen to Bremen Radio !! lol. Yes Christine I am over the moon even though I didn't hear it - never had a request played before and certainly not one I have submited in German unless some of these stupid Scottish radio stations that I have sent requests to have played it and I haven't heard it but I doubt it !! :) Och well, as long as we keep it going in Germany and get it up there in your charts Christine and give Michael something to come back to Europe for!!! :)
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
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