A few months ago Michael posted about being involved in and Andy Samberg project...well it is being released on May 10th and Michael is featured in a track entitled Jack Sparrow.  Check out more info here:



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Hey Judy I don't really know you, except here on  Michael's site which I like very much. I have defened Michael over the years for various reasons, I find this one and only song which features the voice of the man we all love not my taste in music I hate rap which started all this kind of lyrics. When mention censoring I meant bleeping  on the song as I heard it the first time. I did laugh at Michael dressed up like women and some other scenes. To me Michael sang a song that I thought he would never do suprise! lol.

I understand, Jimmy.  He stepped outside of the box and it surprised us all.  I'm glad you got some laughs out of it. 



They are just letters that make up words in the English language and your depth of feeling to what those words mean is your right because we live in a democratic society BUT please don't, dislike or, condemn Michael for enjoying and liking that sense of humour - he too lives in this democratic society and, therefore, has his right of choice also !


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Amen Sylvia!!!!!  I totally agree....vulgarity does not bother me when I hear it in music or elsewhere, it's part of our lives.....



Absolutely Love this video, it's hilarious and I'm so glad Michael has done something like this.

Michael has an awesome sense of humour and I think this is brilliant!! :)

He looks fantastic, very gorgoeus and sounds amazing. Love all the characters he does.

Great Fun!!! Love it!! :)


Love Debra xx


The video on youtube has had over a million hits in two days...one of the most watched viral videos on youtube right now...and most all of the comments are positive so one more genre MB has excelled in!!! Way to go!!

Just saw that also, that is wonderful!!  It is so funny to watch, had to watch it a few times...so good to see positive feedback on him...great job!!


What fantastic news Gail - OMG I am so, so pleased for him, so pleased !! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

Sorry Jimmy, but even though I openly expressed my fears over what Michael was getting himself into after reading some of the other lyrics that are to appear on the album and after hearing about the reputations of Turtleneck and chain guys, I think you are in the minority.


I now realise that my fears were completely unfounbded and that Michael is just enjoying himself. Dont we all like to do that once i n a while? I bet even you do Jimmy?


Nothing that Michaels says is not readily heard in the majority of school playgrounds through out the world and believe it or believe it not, the F' word appears in 17th Century Old English and was not originally used in the same tone as it is today.


Besides which, he says two words!! Thats it, just two words or profanity both of which are quite cleverly and discretely tucked in so that they are not immediatley recogniseable. Wheres the harm??


I love it, love, love LOVE IT!!!!!! I've bee nsinging it al day and now my parrot is singing it!!!


Michael has really gone up in my boys (aged 23, 21 and 19) estimation. They think hes really funny now whereas before they would never give him house room. He was always 'some bloke singer that their Mum likes!'


Go back and have another look, I dare you. you'll see it wasnt so bad after all was it?  Ha Ha!!



Michael is certainly the hit right now!  Seems everyone is talking about him!  Between Jack Sparrow and DWTS tonight and Gems... he's hot, hot, hot!  But we all knew that, didn't we!  I'm so pleased he has such a great sense of humor!



It has 1,928,000 almost two million.

To date the number of views little "Jack Sparrow" has had is 1,406,751 - WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)    There are 14,000 comments - I wonder if Michael will read them all - I didn't leave one - just in case he doesn't read them  !!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL.

Date and time is :-  9th May at 23.20 p.m. in Scotland.

Absolutely fantastic - WELL DONE MICHAEL !!! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


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