Ok...understand, I don't have confirmation of this but since I've found it on a number of sites...we seem to have the title and release date of Michael's new book:


The Soul of it All: My Life, My Music - release date 11/13/12


Here it is on amazon.com and it is also on itunes for those with ibooks.



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Hi Nic, I think you've raised a good point, but even if it is true and they will ship the signed book, would the store have state or country restrictions? As Gail said, it would make sense that they'd favor local people, but on the other hand, would they want to pass up the opportunity of selling many more signed books if they can? I guess we'll have to wait for official word. Take care Nic. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada


Yes, thank you for letting us know that it's not "official" yet.  I hope it happens and I want to get tickets ASAP. But it is annoying that the venues advertise before it's definite. 



Thanks for your reply Gail and I know, without question or doubt, you have and will always get any information you have on what Michael is doing out to us here on this website as quickly as you are able to and under no circumstances am I questioning that, or anything you do on here, because the role you play and what you do couldn't be bettered.  

I am, I know, as I am "want" to do "getting my knickers in a twist" and probably getting worked up over nothing and I must admit I have been lifted a little by the news Joy found that you can buy your book/ticket over the phone/internet from the bookstore and whilst I appreciate not all bookstores may operate the same principles, it is a possibility that they would and therefore, not having to go physically to the book store initially, has made me feel a little better because to let you all know I have thought, if Michael only does one book signing in the UK and that obviously would be in London, I am seriously considering driving the 500 odd miles to go to it because that is what my dream of meeting Michael means to me and I am just scared if news of a book signing anywhere slips by me, opportunity and dream goes !!  

Sorry to be such a worry wort !!! :( 


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Thanks Gail for your info. And I can understand your frustration also Sylvia and now I am thinking that ALL the bookstores are probably going to FORCE us to buy a book from THEM in order to get it signed... :/  This has happened in the past. I forgot about that loophole. We .....the great fans order ahead of time to support Michael but we can't then use those books for the signing....bummer. Of course this has nothing to do with Michael but with the greedy bookstores. I don't mind owning more than one book and will buy another if I have to but everyone should be aware that this is a real possibility. Maybe it won't be the case but it most likely will be. I have never heard of tickets being sold for  a signing...very clever of the bookstore..lol I agree Gail in that they are referring to buying a book at their store. I think we should be allowed to buy any item....maybe even a book marker...as long as we buy something from the store to make them happy. In reality the bookstore should be very happy because Michael is the one bringing in the crowd. Just venting also here...sigh...I just WANT my BOOK!!!!! LOL

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Like you Kathy I do not mind buying another book and in fact depending on how far you have to travel it may be better than carrying a book all the way there for it would only be on the return journey then that you would have to carry it !! lol.


Sylvia    Your wee Scottish friend.


I know when I went to CD signings, you'd purchase the CD such as "Vintage." Now, to be honest, I bought in certain CD'S to be autographed&perhaps that's rule breaking--Oops but nothing was said; thoughs on the other hand, I don't know :) but anyway, Net gifts for certain BB'S I know & to get them autographed. Boltonnut from L. A. CA who loves life & Michael Bolton :)

That is not a bad idea Robin CA especially if you have purchased the audio book....could take that to be signed for sure it must be small enough that you could hide it in bag till it became your turn !!! lol.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Always be prepared as I have said and I have been known to "find" additional items that NEED a signature...LOL Goodnight Wee One :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hey Robin from Ca, God bless your heart for being sweet enough to get autographs for "certain BB's" with limited to no access! Hey, you can't see what CD you're handing out, right? Love you girl, take care. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada :D

You know it Sylvie. I know what inaccessibility is all about & I try to think of those in predicaments such as that. :) Boltonnut from L. A. CA who loves life & Michael Bolton :)

Hi Gail,

Thanks so much for letting us know that you will indeed keep us informed on the booksigings.  As for the bookstores themselves putting out advanced notices, well I guess it's up to us fans to check out our local bookstores, but I will indeed wait for Michael's management to confirm all dates.

Thanks for all you do Gail,


Hey Sylvia,

   You got the News 1st...and you know he willbe coming to you soon...you've been Patient this long..so what's a little more time:)! Oh boy what a Grand story you will have to tell:)! That is after you let go of him:)! I can hardly wait for you to finally get to Meet Michael! Dream Big Dreams:)! The sky is the limit!

Mary (meg's mom)!


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