Ok...understand, I don't have confirmation of this but since I've found it on a number of sites...we seem to have the title and release date of Michael's new book:


The Soul of it All: My Life, My Music - release date 11/13/12


Here it is on amazon.com and it is also on itunes for those with ibooks.



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Well, the way this year is flying thus far, you can bet 3 months will be here in no time. I can't wait. Boltonnut from L. A. CA who loves life & Michael Bolton :)

Hey to All:   Just like All of you I am excited to read this book:)! We are going to be in for a real treat:)! Oh and then who knows, he just might go out on a few book signings:)! Sylvia, since you have never been to his show yet, I really hope you get to meet him this way! For you are a True Fan!

As for you Ms. Michaelpedia, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't come in here to get info. from you! You know just about everything there is to know:)! So why not!!!

Have a Great Day Everyone!

Mary (meg's mom)!

Thanks Mary and yes I would take all of those two seconds it would take for him to sign my name in a book and treasure the moment for forever !! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Book signings will be awesome. I wish everyone well to have the chance to get their books signed. :) Boltonnut from L. A. CA who loves life&Michael Bolton :) an awesome to meet him. :)

I loved the CD signings and his book singing for Secrets of the Lost Kingdom was a blast in NYC back when that came out. We had a lot of fun..those moments you don't ever forget!!

Robin in MD:)

I never got to go to the book signing in NY but I've gone to a couple CD signings back in 2003 for "Vintage." Awesome or what. Boltonnut from L. A. CA who loves life&Michael Bolton :)

The book signings were great and I went to one in Santa Monica. That was the time that Pam and I and another BB almost got hit by Michael when we foolishly darted out of a parking garage in a hurry to get back to the signing to watch Michael leave. Oh my.....when the car hit the brakes we BUSTED into laughter....after we apologized of course....to actually see it was Michael!!! He was driving a black Mercedes with Ashley Judd as a passenger. They were dating then. What are the chances of that happening?? We all said...well I guess we missed him leaving!!!! lol  Oh boy....the Bolton Adventures are legendary through the years. That is why I was sooooo HAPPY Pam got to see Michael again and get a hug in Newport :)))))  And now.....another possible book signing...oh yes!!!! I will be there for sure and hopefully Pam can also make it.

Kathy and LAFD Bob 

I love these stories and as you say, what were the chances of that !! :)   What you don't tell us though is if MB smiled or shook his fist at you nor what 20 letter word Ashley Judd use to describe you !!! LOL.


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


LOL...Sylvia...we ALL looked like a deer in the headlights!! Frightened all of us for sure. I just remember seeing Michael's and Ashley's eyes that looked like 50 cent pieces 0 0 ....and Ashley did place her hand on the dash. Thank goodness there was no screeching tires! It was all our fault and once Michael had nearly rolled to a stop and heard us all yell sheepishly... a unison "sorry" he turned his head slightly with a half smile and simply drove away :) It was one of those...".that was close"... expressions. I bet Ashley had a few words for us though!!!! I am sure they also thought..oh no...papparazzi and headlines!!! 

Kathy and LAFD Bob


You have enough MB adventures over the years YOU should also be writing a book! LOL!


Hi Joy....my dear grandmother used to always say she should write a book because things in real life happen that are so unbelievable that one could never even "imagine" such stories for a book!! And then here these things happen to so many of us randomly and sooooo unexpected :) Fun times :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob 

You are right there Joy.....a double signing tour !!!! LOL.     Are you really saying though Kathy that you didn't actually ask Michael for his autograph at that point !!!!! ROFL.


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


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