Ok...understand, I don't have confirmation of this but since I've found it on a number of sites...we seem to have the title and release date of Michael's new book:


The Soul of it All: My Life, My Music - release date 11/13/12


Here it is on amazon.com and it is also on itunes for those with ibooks.



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Hi Robin R.,

I just got home from work a few minutes ago and am sitting and winding down. I did pick up my audio version today but have not began listening to it yet.
So happy that you are going to The Grove and having yours autographed. That will be a fun time for you, Robin R.

Goodnight and you have a good evening.


Kathy T. :-)

Thanks Kathy from Tulsa. I plan on it. &thanks to everyone. I plan on it that's for sure. Just leave it in the Lord's hands. What will be will be. :))))))) Boltonnut from L. A. CA who loves life & Michael Bolton :)


So glad to hear you are going to the Grove CA book signing! Wonderful!

Good for you..........



Great news Robin CA that you are going to the Grove....super and not all that long to wait now !! :)

Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi to all!

We had a great time at the book signing Tues. night in NJ. Eileen and I met and had dinner at Applebee's next door. We hadn't seen each other in a long time although we do talk on the phone once and awhile. We are planning our next two concerts in New Brunswick and Atlantic City NJ, so we had a lot to discuss! Half way through dinner, guess who comes in? Chiara from Italy! So she sat down and chatted with us for awhile. Eileen had purchased her ticket/book so she was going to be with us for the signing. She is very nice and bubbly! Has a wonderful accent but speaks English well, I had no problem understanding her. Here are a few photos of before we went inside and I will post the rest next.


from the Jersey Shore

Poster on the window of Books & Greetings in Northvale, NJ
Eileen & Joy
Eileen, Chiara, & Joy

Hey Joy,

  How did it feel to finally get to talk to him for a minute? Or is that on here and I haven't found it  yet? Thanks for sharing, your pix are Awesome!

And you 3 look like a very happy trio:)!

Mary (M&M's)!

Hey Joy, another teaser? We're really glad to hear you girls had a great time together, but pardon the expression: "where's the beef?" lol We want to know how you've experienced finally meeting Michael girl! Were you able to get any words out? I really hope the rest of it is further down here and I haven't read it yet... :D Looking forward to reading it Joy because it sure sounds like you're flying high! Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada

..................So the three of us went in the book store about 7:15pm, no Michael yet! We had our tickets #44,45,46. But when we picked up our books, they told us to get in at the end of the line! That was suppose to be your position in line, oh well.  The line was not that long anyway, my guess is only about 60 ladies, maybe another 15 came in after that. MB came in about 7:20pm and sat at a table up front.  Security, store employees, publishing people whoever were posted all around him.  It was very hard to get any pictures of him, someone always in the way.  They wouldn't let you get any posed photos.  You couldn't ask him to sign any memorabilia.  The book was signed in front of you, but it wasn't personalized.  It only said "Love, Michael Bolton". Some ladies were upset by it all, but really the line was not that long.  We had fun, talked while we were in line and kept trying to get pictures whenever we could as the line moved along.  Chiara and Eileen went a few people before me.  When it was my turn I was pretty nervous, but not because of Michael so much.  He was very calm, nice and relaxed.  It was the others, they rushed you and were so close that you felt like they were listening in on every word.  I did ok, I told him I was so happy to meet him in person, was a huge fan for years and his music meant so much to me.  He did take my hand at that point and held if for a few seconds, then signed my book. I said I would see him at the next two shows in NJ.  Front row at one, and he said something like "Wow, I don't even have front row seats!" Big smile, and then said thank you so much for coming tonight..........It went by so fast, only about 45 seconds I think. 
I also had an 8X10 I wanted to ask him to sign and I really wanted a picture of me next to him but I have to be happy with what I got.  And I am, I didn't go expecting to get everything I wanted.  So whatever happened was enough, I am thrilled about it, I finally got to meet the man up close and in person! Actually talk to him if only for a few seconds, and look into those gorgeous blue eyes.............
From the Jersey Shore
Pile of books and poster on the main check out inside the store.
MB signing Eileen's book (Love that smile!!)
MB talking to Eileen
MB signing Joy's book

Great pics Joy.Thanks for sharing!!!! Love the smile too..Always :)

Robin in MD:)

Thanks for the great photos and review, Joy. Glad you all had a great time and that you finally got to meet and talk to MB. Enjoy your cloud, Joy.


Kathy T. :-)


Thank you very much for the photos, what a beautiful moment, I love his smile. Have a good day.


Hi again Joy. In my reply above I forgot to thank you for these great pics. Gorgeous smile! A keeper for me! Thanks again, Astrid


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