Welcome everyone to the 2014 Tour Review Thread.  The upcoming year is going to be exciting with so many concerts scheduled already around the globe!!! Feel free to share the details of your concert adventures, photos, videos etc.  This is the best time to be a Bolton fan with so many concerts and the MBC Charity Event which will most likely be held later in the year too. Michael has multiple projects in the works so we never know what will happen next!!!! I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2014 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 

Happy Concert Time in 2014 to all of you!!!

Robin in MD USA :)

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Nothing yet Petra. Probably won't be any news till closer to show time tomorrow evening. I hope he's better.

Crossing fingers for him and all of you waiting to see him!!

Robin in MD :)

Many thanks, Robin!

Petra (Germany)

Correct...nothing yet.  It will be tomorrow sometime before a decision is made to give him time to heal.

Many thanks for the current status!

If I have driven 150 km to Munich and the concert is extinguished, it was worth to me, nevertheless!

Petra (Germany)

Thanks Gail for the MB update. Hang in there Petra and all the German fans!!! I would still drive to Munich also. You definitely won't be able to see Michael if you don't go!! Sending lots and lots of good thoughts to you Petra AND to Michael that he is able to sing tomorrow :)))))) 

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Thanks for letting us know, Gail. BIG GET WELL WISHES TO MB TOO !! :)). Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

I'm keeping everything crossed for everyone & praying. :)))) As they say, no news is good news some times.

sometimes yes
I have not been on the site for awhile, sick for a few days. Now I hear MB is sick again! So sorry for him, I think he needs to rest more! Sorry for Petra, Christine and anyone else in Germany missing the shows due to cancellations. I feel for you. But Michael needs to get better we all care about him.
Joy ;)

Hey Joy, Hope you are feeling better now:)! And to ALL of you restless ladies awaiting Michael, don't worry it will happen....if Not tomorrow, it will be sometime!!! I hope & pray Michael is getting lots of REST, and a lot of TLC!!! Just think how his family feels knowing here's far away & sick and they can't be there to nurture him back to good health!!! GET WELL SOON, MICHAEL:)!

Mary (meg's mom)!

Da ich bisher noch nicht gelesen habe, dass das Konzert heute Abend in München ausfällt, drücke ich allen Fans, die dorthin wollen, ganz fest die Daumen und wünsche Ihnen, dass es stattfindet und sie ein unvergessliches Konzerterlebnis haben werden.


Michael wünsche ich beste Gesundheit und ebenfalls viel Spaß beim Auftritt.


Katrin aus Berlin

Since I have not yet reas that the concert this evning in Munich Fails, I press my thumbs crossed for all the fans who want to go there and wish you that it takes place and they have to be an unforgettable concert experience.


Michael, I wish you the best of health and also a lot of fun at the gig.


Katrin from Berlin


vielen lieben Dank für alles!
Deine Christine


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