Welcome everyone to the 2016 Tour Review Thread!   The upcoming year is going to be exciting with many concerts scheduled already around the globe!!!MB has some Canada and USA shows in February and March 2016 and then he heads to the UK in April 2016!!!  This is the best time to be a Bolton fan with so many concerts and we may have a Michael Bolton Charities event later in the year, we never know. Michael has multiple projects in the works and he is good at keeping us guessing. I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2016 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 

Happy Concert Time again in 2016!! Let the year long concert party begin soon!! 

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Thanks a million for remembering Ozlem and coming in.  Somehow didn't think my "Carlos" sounded very Swedish !!! lol  Thanks again Ozlem !!! :)

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend, AGAIN


you're welcome. if you google Johan Carlsson Music you will see photos of him from a few years back when he was in a band!

oz :)

Wow! Thanks ever so much for your review. I felt like I was there too. Neat the songs you mentioned that he did Sylvia & awesome Charlotte, Sam & Gabriella (pardon spelling) sang with him. Awesome meeting all the BB'S that you & Kathy met & Awesome about the M&G you both had. Cool meeting up with band members & everyone. All of your there in the UK, thanks so much for your reviews. :))))

Hi Sylvia, thanks very much for sharing your dream come true in such detail with us. Take care and God bless. Big bear hugs, sincerely, Sylvie  Qc Canada xxxxxxx

Well I'll be.....Kathy & her 2 Men came all the way back to your neck of the woods, across the pond:)! That is truly Amazing, I just know you 2 were like 2 teen-agers, giggling around! What an Amazing story you told, what with meeting the Bolton fan club along w/Michael, I know you All are still bubbly from this adventure, so please have a great time floating about thinking of the time you had together:)!

Mary Meg's mom)!

ps: Great picture!

OMG after that review it makes me more determined to get to the RAH next time I will start saving now lol.  We all have had the most fab time MB has been over here giving us memories and hopefully if the hint is anything to go by it wouldn't be too long before he is back making more.

Lynne xx

Hi Sylvia

I must apologise, I have just realised I referred to Kathy in your review as 'Rosario' rather than her first name - how very rude of me. Please pass on my apologies, it was early morning reading and a noise cocker spaniel!!

Regards - Sue Norfolk UK

No worries Sue!! Actually Rosario is a woman's first name in Spanish. It just happens to be my last name :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Well what can one add to Sylvia's tome?? lol Not a whole lot ;) But I have to say again as I said a loooooonnngggg time ago and that is that Sylvia is the best PR person for the international crowd of Michael Bolton fans!!! She has made online friends with lots and lots of international MB fans and they were thrilled to finally meet her at RAH. They were all looking for her and even Charlotte came up looking for her :) She wanted Sylvia to meet her parents :) I took a pic of Charlotte with Sylvia as well. Will post with all my photos later. I would encourage anyone who likes to travel or wants to travel or can travel and you are a MB fan that you include the RAH on your tour schedule. MB fans come from around the world to hear Michael sing in his favorite venue. I decided on my previous trip to Scotland that I would include RAH if I ever returned and so I did :) I wanted to partake in Michael's love and energy for this historical venue and boy was it worth it!!! To hear an entire audience sing along with Michael....and drown Michael out...well there are no words!!!! It was beyond beautiful and I don't know how Michael kept it together after that display of love!!!!! A precious memory! I can't add any songs as per usual with me and my lack of setlist skills. The crush at the stage was the worst I have experienced :/ To be squeezed against the stage and have the weight of people's arm pushing your head down is frightening! Survival instincts kick in and I grabbed those 2 arms above me and held them high above my head so I could breathe!!! I was just a little irritated! !!!! I did see Milo walk out onto the front right of stage (from my right) and I saw security start climbing the steps up from the left. Once Michael backed away the crowd eased up. Yipes....but I would do it all over again!! LOL Michael was GREAT and the band were feeling it too!! Smiles were flashing everywhere!! Ashley, Charlotte and Sam were energized and sang great!! Gabrielle was radiant and a bit nervous when she started her duet with Michael. They meshed within seconds though and they were beautiful together! Gabrielle seems like such a sweet giving person. She always searches the audience and connects with them immediately. A gentle sweet soul she is. Michael was his adorable self at the m&g. We shared hugs and then we chatted about my visit to Scotland and my grandmother being born in Scotland. I then asked if he would be so kind as to take a photo with both Sylvia and I and he said of course :) The meet and greet was super as we then got a chance to meet more MB fans. Sylvia mentioned them all and it is impressive to see the distances his fans travel to see him. It is money well spent to see MB at RAH...without a doubt. Funny enough out in the hall of the m&g room is where all the band was walking by and that was fun to chat with all of them :) We even watched Brian's items for a bit as the RAH person he asked to watch them for him left him high and dry! But you can always count on us fans to help you Brian :) Thankfully my hair is up for this m&g photo so I am happy!! It is not a mess like the Glasgow one where we endured gale force FREEZING winds!!! On a funny note Bob and I had already walked the route to RAH so I KNEW the directions to and fro and my sweet Bob and Ryan walked us to the show the night of. Well....on the way back we were on our own as we just missed Bob meeting us sooooo I "listened" to Sylvia and went down 1 street too soon even though I TOLD her we need to go down 1 more street before we turn. So to avoid brawling in the street I relented and then got to say..."I told you"!!!! In fact I said that a lot as we walked around!!! LOL Please get a new phone Sylvia...one with a gps and then you can "debate" with the phone about which way to go!!! LOL Guess who got lost taking her train out of London??? I will leave it a mystery!!! LOL 

                                                                                           I just want to add another THANK YOU to Michael for all he does for his fans!! He not only sings his heart during the concert but then also met with fans who had bought Pledge visits and then met with all of us at the m&g!!! An incredible amount of time. Then he chats before each photo and sometimes after. He shares himself time and time again!!! Thanks for being so giving Michael and thanks again for taking a photo with both Sylvia and I :) Stay well and rested Michael and may you continue to sing as long as you want for we will all be there to listen to your great voice!! Take care Michael....much love.....

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Kathy, thanks so much for adding your heartfelt personal touch to Sylvia's review and adding details to your magical night. Take good care sweetie. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada <3

Oh WOW Kathy what a beautiful review of OUR Bolton Adventure and THANK YOU so, so much for your exceptionally kind words about me...thanks !!! :)  Have to say I was blown away, as you know, by the warmth and love I felt from everyone I met at RAH and I'll admit folks, I lost it and the tears came and I still don't how I managed to pull it together to not soak Michael's jacket when I met him at M&G for those tears were riding just under the surface especially when he spotted had another gift for him and I was greeted, once again, with "AGAIN !!!".... he had given me into trouble at one other M&G for all the gifts and told me to stop so when the next one appeared, I had fun just watching his expression !!! :)   Definitely, AGAIN, is my new non-de-plume as given to me by Michael !!! LOL

Hope you will all indulge me in sharing with you and saying a HUGE thanks to Marianne and to Katrin for the absolutely beautiful sweets/candies they gave me and here is pic of ones Katrin had specially made for me 

To say, "Danke Katrin" goes no where near what I feel in receiving your gorgeous gift and I still don't want to eat them !!! lol  1 Million Dank Ihnen Katrin... ich danke Ihnen so sehr, sehr viel gegeben!!! :)

THANKS to everyone who made this Bolton Adventure more, much, much more, than could possibly have ever thought it could, or would, be and the loudest shout out has to go to Michael himself .... thank you Michael for everything and more especially a huge thanks extended to you, for just being, YOU !!! :)  NOW, BACK TO THE GOOD PART......the NEXT UK tour !!! lol   BRING IT ON !!! lol

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend, AGAIN 


LOL. Sylvia I can relate to being called Again
..I did all 8 ALW shows in Baltimore and 2 in Cleveland. We saw MB at stage door every night and matinee shows too. He started calling me Robin Again!! He signed a show flier that way to me... He signed one to my friend like that too
He has done that at a show once when alot of us went to a run of shows in a row. He asked me then how many shows that tour. LOL. He has given that nick name to some of us here too is what my story is leading up to!! LOL

I am glad all went well. You all are lucky you can buy meet greets as ticket packages
..its rare here. Hope at some point we can too!!

Robin in MD :)


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