Welcome everyone to the 2015 Tour Review Thread!   The upcoming year is going to be exciting with many concerts scheduled already around the globe!!! Those of you attending some of the Florida concerts in January,  2015 may see the upcoming Dreamjobbing winner performing as a backup singer for Michael!!  Feel free to share the details of your concert adventures, photos, etc.  This is the best time to be a Bolton fan with so many concerts and we may have a Michael Bolton Charities event later in the year, we never know. Michael has multiple projects in the works and he is good at keeping us guessing. I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2015 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 

Happy Concert Time in 2015!! Let the year long concert party begin!!

Robin in MD USA :)

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Hey Robin, Thanks for the tidbits, and I'm glad he spoke to you, after all of the shows you have been to, you deserve to be singled out:)! Be careful...and ENJOY that Cloud:)!

Mary (meg's mom)!

Great to visit with you Robin! We do have so much fun don't we? Be safe getting home and on your next adventures!


Hey Lynn, it was fun seeing you and Karen.. We just got home a few hours ago, had to plow snow and deal with the foot they got while we were away. I hope to get more organized and do a review by tomorrow. I have to collect my thoughts.

I hope your trip home went ok too Lynn.   I am so ready for spring!

Fun time was had by Jeff and I both!!!

Robin in MD :)

Here is a little starter for the photos from last night's show and this one has been shared on Twitter by Nic and thanks a million for doing so for it is a super photo...thanks Nic !!! :)

Nic has captured Michael playing guitar and singing and not sure if "Sweet Home Chicago" but could be and you can also see Brian on piano, Ryan, Drew and Nelson in shot.....a super photo !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Another pic I've picked up on Twitter of Michael on stage last night in Durham and a super pic of Michael and the band it is too and it comes courtesy of Callan Loflin.

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend.


Thank you very much for the beautiful pictures Sylvia!
Petra (Germany)

Thanks Sylvia, I was just over from the smaller speaker to the left in the front row in this last one!! LOL

Robin in MD :)

Durham, NC 3/4/2015


Hi everyone, I got home today mid-day.  It has been a long week, but a fun one.


The Durham, NC concert was a much needed break for me with all the crazy weather and family stuff my hubby and I both have been dealing with for a while.  I was happy he offered to go with me to this concert as I was originally going alone. We added a few other things into the trip too!!   I had an extra ticket (I got front row after getting 2nd row) and he sat just a few seats over. The row I was in ended at my seat so he had no one in front of him and we were only a few seats apart.


We saw some BB’s there as already reported, Lynn and Karen and Nic with her mom (Sorry mom I forgot your name). All lovely ladies and it was great to visit and hang out, catch up etc..Thank you ladies  again for being so sweet to my hubby, Jeff. He enjoyed it all. He has not been with me since 1996 to see MB and I really wanted him to enjoy it all with me and he did!!


MB was full of quick come-backs and jokes during the show. He started with To Love Somebody and Doc of the Bay instead of Soul Provider. So when MB first came out he talked a little and saw me and said Hello Robin. :) As he sat down to play guitar he talked about the tour heading up to the Northeast and the winter weather. I said yes we have it in Maryland and he looked at me and said something like- in Maryland, and he said he’s in CT (which I know!!LOL) and said that’s what he was being told about the weather, he’s not experienced it.  Then he says, now that we’ve talked about the weather..then started the intro to To Love Somebody!!LOL   I looked over at Jeff and he grinned.  He had never seen that before. LOL  MB announced he was back out touring for a while and this was the first show.  MB was joking with the people yelling out to him from the audience. One lady wanted him to turn around and Jeff said afterwards he guessed she wanted to see his rear end.. LOL I guess. MB said it wasn’t that kind of show. Then a lady had a Bolton fan related license plate on the other side near where Karen and  Lynn sat and there was a conversation about it and how her hubby would not let her renew it.LOL  MB thought it was funny and very cool and later the girls said when he was in the audience near them and that lady the security guy held it up so they got a pic of MB singing WAMLAW and the license plate. How sweet was that security guy!!  One other lady told him about getting married and how long she’d been with her fiancé and this and that and MB repeated it all back!!  Another person yelled out about having babies and he joked about he’s doing a new album and that’s like having a baby but takes a lot longer than 9 months.  He also commented about people going straight to having babies. LOL I don’t remember all he said on that one.   Those may not be his exact words but something similar to that.  He was funnier than I’m able to convey it to you all here. LOL


His voice was wonderful and he nailed all the songs and notes.  Lots of smiles and he seemed to be ready to hit the road.  This was the first time I saw Amanda do the duets. I miss Kelly but Amanda killed it too with MB. She has her own style and I like her.  Jeff liked her and said how attractive both of the ladies were on stage with MB. It’s a shame Amanda just stays up in back the whole show. Jason came out front to do a solo and pointed when he saw me and I pointed back. He came over and I got some pics of him I will put on FB for him. LOL He mugged it for my camera.  The audience was a great one with a lot of energy and calling out to Michael. He was smiling a few times in between songs and he said he loved the voice in the dark too and one other time how garbled whatever someone is yelling to him comes out by the time it gets to him on stage!!LOL

They weren’t horrible about pics but I did get asked to turn off the flash, which I did and got some w/o it with the motion setting.  My camera was eating batteries this time and I hope it’s just a lousy batch of batteries. I had to switch them out during Sweet Home Chicago so I only got a few during that one.  (Thought of you Kathy T).. I love him playing guitar, MB can really rock it!!! Of course Ain’t No Mountain really rocked the house and everyone was chair dancing and having a fun time.


Nessun Dorma-What can I say, brilliant and gave me chills, standing O for that one. MB decided to pick on me during that one when he says the audience can take over and he puts the mic down, he did it to me first and I was smiling and shaking my head and he smiled and then did it to someone dead center stage. I was sitting just left of center a few seats over, my fav spot.  MB is too funny. A few times he smiled as I think he knew I know what he’s going to say introducing some of the songs!! LOL  Jeff said he saw him smiling at me a few times.  Jeff is totally cool with it, he thinks it’s neat I guess after all these years!!LOL  I told him before how MB is very nice to myself and my friends and to his fans in general. 


We had to chair dance during HCWBL and TLT. But for the encore everyone stood up and Jeff did too and we stayed standing. He did Lean On Me which was pretty and he got a roar of applause at the very end. I did get a pic at the end but the camera was dying again and didn’t catch the line-up but I got a cute one of him as he was waving bye to the audience. 


I was happy that I got to give a staff person his birthday card as we know now they did celebrate his birthday after the concert. I was told he received it and that was neat.  At the end of the show I asked for MB’s set list and there wasn’t anything new on it that he didn’t sing, I was curious with us submitting the song list.

After the show we saw Jason talking to some folks and we waited and I was able to introduce Jeff. Jason asked me about my pics and I promised I’d post them!! LOL He’s funny. Jeff liked him.  Jeff also met Milo very quickly out back as we waited to see MB leave with the girls and that was fun too.  Michael was very sweet to all of us waiting to see him leave and security there treated us nicely and we did move for the crew to pack the cases and such but they didn’t fuss at us for waiting to see MB  which was nice.  MB saw us all standing behind the little temporary gates as he came down the loading doc and he waved to the group of us and he got into the opposite side of the SUV from all of us. I saw him then move over to our side, so they moved slowly out and he had them stop close by us and then go slowly and he rolled down the window to talk to the fans. He said Hi Robin when he saw me and I was hoping to tell him Jeff was with me.  But two young guys jumped kinda in front of Jeff and talked to MB and by then he was past us. One of his staff said they told MB I had my husband along and that MB thought that was nice. So darn, I wanted him to see Jeff but maybe another time. Jeff saw him pretty close up tho!!LOL Jeff enjoyed it all.  He really talked about the show and the people and the fans and MB being so funny on stage afterwards and the next day he was remembering stuff. He liked him on the recent TV shows too and I’m glad he got to see MB’s funny side in person.  That made this show fun for me, not only catching up with the BBs (Lynn and Karen after a lot of years) and having him along to experience it all with me. 


 I have to work on photos over the weekend and hope to get them up soon.  They aren’t all that different from ones I have taken before so I hope you all don’t get bored. I need to sit at another angle more. LOL  I just love that spot on the left side. My bad!!! LOL

Lynn, Karen and Nic, if I left something out please feel free to add anything else that stood out that I forgot.  The more the merrier on this thread!! :)


So for me concert #139 was a lot of fun and extra special with having my husband along for the ride! I’m so glad he asked to go along!!!!

Robin in MD :)





Thanks very much for your review Robin, much appreciated after the long drout. :D Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Thanks a million for another great review Robin especially on this cold, dreak, dismal Scottish Saturday morning for it certainly has put a little sunshine back into it and brought back memories for me of MB and that mike pointing at me and me not having a clue what to do, just totally dumbfounded, yeah, like a dummy sitting there grinning and no camera either to record the event but one I will NEVER forget and then the car and leaning over and the huge wave from him and of course Jason and the band too and all the fun they can be.....OMG.....get back to the UK soon MB, please !!! LOL   Seriously, Robin, thanks so much for review and so glad to hear you did enjoy every moment and more especially that Jeff enjoyed it too....think you might just have a new tour buddy there !!! lol

Obviously glad you did get home safe and hoping everything worked out okay for those at last night's show and that we get some reviews and to start things off on that one here is a pic from MB singing WAMLAW and it comes courtesy of Dana Mattioli 

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Robin, Karen, Nick, Lynbn, & Everyone. Thanks for such awesome reviews & sending photos. Wow! all this awesome conversation & eye contact so to speak. I miss that stuff but oh! well! It's all good. Love this thread; my favorite one out of all thread & I think they're all neat but.....Neat Robin the voice&eye contact you had with MB. I'm so glad Jeff came. Robin, I don't know why I thought Jeff was with you in 2005 in Englewood NNJ & perhaps it was Jan&Bob who are now nearby me. Love these reviews & I hope someone can come in from last night's show. Come on Michael. Come to Vegas&L. A. :)

Thanks Robin R. No Jeff has not been to a show since 1996..It was a great time!!!

Robin in MD :)


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