Here's something new I thought we could try

As many of you know I love music of all sorts and have a wide variety of different types I enjoy

Usually if I am on the computer I am also listening to my music as well

It just so happens that right now Ready for you- Michael playing

It doesn't have to be Michael Bolton it can be anybody by the time I finish typing Anne Murray and Kenny Rogers are singing If I ever

fall in Love again

Happy new year


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Thank you Sylvie,


I can see why you couldn't resist posting two of Jacksoul's songs!   I confess I haven't heard the original version of these songs, but Haydain's voice ... especially singing 'High & Dry' ... magical!     I loved it!!  Thank you ... again :)


hugs, di xxx


Hi Diane, oh I’m so glad you like Jacksoul and you’re very welcome! There aren’t many great Canadian soul artists, in my opinion, so I was really devastated when I heard of Haydain’s passing. Jacksoul also have great original songs like “Still believe in love”, “Can’t stop”, “Shady day” and “Gettin’ it on” etc. I strongly recommend their cover album “Mysoul” that contains the 2 songs I’ve posted the links too but also a great rendition of David Bowie’s “Ashes to ashes” and”Try” by another great Canadian  band called Blue Rodeo which are in a different genre, among others. Oh what the heck, here is the Jacksoul version:

It’s really delicious... Well as far as the original versions of the 2 previous songs,

Here’s the Smashing Pumkins “1979”

And Radio Head’s  “High and dry”

Enjoyable songs but I prefer Jacksoul’s renditions. Again, JMO. All right sweetie, thanks for sharing your appreciation, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

"You belong to me" Jo Stafford an oldie :)

Love Dianna xxx

Hi Dianna, oh sweetie, thank you for that great memory! Was this the original version? Jo sang it very nicely but the sweetest version I ever heard was on “American Idol” a few years back, when Olivia Newton-John was a guest judge:

This was a very sweet moment, I’m sure you’ll enjoy the story attached to it. Thanks again very much for sharing Dianna, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi all, I realize that it’s a little late for some to share holliday music, but I made this fantastic discovery over the holidays. The singing group is called “Straight No Chaser” and they’re an acapella group. They’re another one of those YouTube success stories. Anyway, they released a CD called “Christmas Cheers” that got them a great deal of attention, partially thanks to this original song called: “The Christmas Can-Can” and it’s hilarious!

I did a little research and found they have a few CD’s, but of course, impossible to find in stores after the holidays. Anyway, hope you enjoy it. Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Thank you very much indeed for sharing that with us Caro for that reggae beat certainly had me it !!!! :)    If you like that music and it is not just FJ, who is a very attractive young man, that is appealing to you you may like the music of Orrin Bolton, Michael's brother !!! :)    You could visit his website at where he has previews to his songs on his last CD called "Liv'n Like A Man" and many of them are influenced by the reggae beat !! :)    If you do go to Orrin's website I hope you enjoy his music !!! :)

Thanks again for putting that video on here for I will listen to it plenty and will even check out FJ !!!! lol.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Nice one....Thank You Caro for sharing!

Hi everyone, I was doddling on YouTube and found this wonderful gem:

It’s Ray Charles singing “You are so beautiful” with Joe Cocker! Man, it’s too bad there’s no version of Ray by himself... All the videos labled with Ray’s name have Joe Cocker’s version... Well, I hope you enjoy it. Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

"Pleasure or Pain" I love this song!  The album really. Bye for now, MaryLynn

Hi thereGerman lady from Berlin and welcome to the forum. I want to thank you for posting that lovely “Fairy tale” instrumental piece, it was really pretty. I’m glad you’ve joined our thread, but could you just mention the name of the song if you post a link? I’m just asking because some of us have slower browsers and it takes more time to download videos and it would be unnecessary if we know the song you’re talking about. By the way, if you don’t mind my saying so, I can appreciate that you may not want your name to be known, but I feel everyone is “Important” and I would like to call you a real name, if you don’t mind. It doesn’t have to be your real name, but I would prefer personally to call you Ingrid or Gretchen or Maria or any other real name. I hope that’s all right, so I feel like you’re a real person that wants to connect and have friends who share the same interest, which I think is the point of this forum. Just my opinion. In any case, I hope you enjoy the forum and thanks again for your link. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi again German lady from Berlin, that was really beautiful too, thank you for sharing! I even sent it to a couple of my music loving friends. So have you thought of a name I could call you? :D Just checking. Take care sweetie and thanks again. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hey Sylvie, I just thought I'd tell you that I just named "not important" Brenda...she looks like a Brenda to me! So there you go my friend:)! Everyone is important here in Bolton land:)! Right?

Mary (Meg's mom)!


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