As part of our latest Michael Bolton giveaway, we want to know what YOUR favorite single is on Michael's latest album.
Post your answers below and on July 9th, 2010, one of you will be randomly selected to win a signed 3x3 Michael Bolton poster!

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Hi, All
Yesterday at last I can hear the 2 new songs of
American OLOW album and My Lady I would
have to say is one of my favorite, I'm in love
Take care
Bottom line, Michael Bolton is a wonderful musician, he still sings and performs amazingly, the concert was wonderful. That being said, we had meet and greet tickets, there was about 45 -50 of these tickets sold and we did pay extra for them. After the concert we were taken upstairs for the meet and greet, there was about 35 of us, where we were informed that there would be no personal pictures taken, no autographs, not to ask him any questions, and he would only do pictures in groups of four, so if you only had two tickets you were going to get your picture taken, by thier photographer, with Micheal and two other people you didn't even know, then in a couple of days you could go to a website and download your picture. Now I find out that you have to pay for the picture itself from thier website. What a dissappointment! Wasn't aware that Micheal Bolton had gotten so big that he doesn't have time for his fans any more. Or maybe he forgot we're in a recession and people are taking what little money they have left at the end of the month to see him, and he doesn't have time (He's PR person said " there's about 40 of you here if he spent two minutes with each of you that would be over and hour) to sign 40 autographs. Really he doesn't have two minutes (which I've never seen an autograph take two minutes) for the people that just fatten his wallet. Maybe he's forgotten the fans that put him on the pedstal to begin with. My 63 year old mother-in-law, lives, sleeps, eats and breaths Michael bolton, bought one of his tshirts and the concert for him to sign at the meet and greet, well that didn't happen. Yes, she still got to shake his hand and get a picture with him (that we have to pay for) gee thanks Michael!

Ticketmaster should make it known somewhere in the ticket sales whether or not the artist from there "Meet and greet" tickets sales is actually going to MEET AND GREET, sign autographs or interact with the fans. Cause this was sickening and heartbreaking for my mother-in-law and a few other people in the meet and greet line.
Hi Jean, I take it this was at Nashville? I'm so sorry it sounds like they didn't have alot of time for some reason. That's a sad thing for fans and also for Michael. Actually, only 4 people in a group isn't bad.. I had a meet/greet with Clay Aiken and Kelly Clarkson from AI a few years ago when they toured and they broke you up in groups of 10 people. My friend and I have pics with 8 people we don't know in the group picture.. It was done very fast as well to accomodate the folks there. We were put in groups along a hallway and they walked down the line and took the pics. Done very fast.

From my own experience MB enjoyes talking to his fans and meeting people when he can as well as signing autographs. I hope your mother-in-law enjoyed her quick meeting and that the photo turned out well so she can have that to remember meeting him by.

I had a prof photo taken with him recently as a friend of mine won a contest. Long story short, we were thrilled to get the pics as they turned out well, quality was wonderful and it was worth the price. It's an extra expense and I totally understand what you are saying about money etc..but what a treat for her and you to have a professionally taken photo with him, even with 2 other folks in there..I'm sorry it didn't turn out as you all thought it would and I think too sometimes things aren't spelled out about these meet/greets as they should be with any artist, not just Michael. I hope your photo is great and the photo makes your mother-in-law smile. She got to meet Michael, that's the main thing. I do understand these things get short on time, I do know MB doesn't like that either. He always seems to enjoy the chance to chat with fans when he can.

I'm so sorry this happened. I hope the show was alot of fun for you.

Take care,
Robin in Maryland
Very well put. I remember the first time I met Michael, I timed it later as I taped it since my cassette tape recorder is my camera since I can't see&in listening to it later, it was 40 seconds. I understand disappointments, but we need to be greatful for what we have.
this sounds like the kind of thing Ticket Master would do. I have been extremely lucky in My life as far as Michael is concern I have had four very personal (my opinion) encounters with him. Michael treated me so kindly each time I felt very important. The first time I met him I was trying to find someone to put a small gift backstage, and I ended up handing it to him personally. The last time I met him he was on his way to his golf classic in Stamford CT. (now in Ojai CA) I called out to say hello to him he turned around and walked right up to my friend Robin (he knew she was blind) took her hand and said "Hi Robin it's Michael" I almost burst in tears I was so happy. then he talked to us for a while about OWOL and Robin asked for a hug and I fumbled my request I said "I was just about to ask the same thing" wow did I feel like a dork. so CYFM "Yes, Michael I can" The first encounter was after I was given FR tickets during the first song of the ATM tour. I was singing LIWT in sign Language He ended up watching me from the third song I was in the FR by then to the last. the story goes on write me if you want more details

All The Best
P.S. You don't have to buy the photos as another fan has told me. You can download it for free from the website from the Nashville Meet/Greet. I hope that helps you feel some better.

Any chance to meet Michael is a wonderful moment, I've cherished them all, no matter how brief.

Take care,
Hi and welcome to the forum Jean
Sorry to hear about the meet and greet.
But I am pleased to hear that Michael and the actual concert were wonderful.
I hope your Mother-In-Law enjoyed the concert.
All the best
Dianna xxx
Hello Jean,
Sadly, I have heard this type of story before and can guarantee that none of this would have been of Michaels doing.

Some ticket companies have sold tickets with the promise of a meet and greet pass and Tim, Michaels manager only finds out about this on the night of the concert.

After each concert, Michael is contracturably bound to meet with PR guests and local business people along with competition winners and meet and greet pass holders.

I have met with Michael on several ocassions, but on one particluar time I had bought two passes paying $6000 for them (£3,867) and I only got about 2 minutes with Michael aswell. I know its not about how much we spend on M& G passes, but just wanted to show you that you werent the only one who's time was limited.

Each time I have met with Michael, he is genuinly thrilled to be talking to his fans and is interested in what we have to say. He always asks our oppinion on the concert, the band, could we hear ok, where our seats where and are we going to other concerts in the tour.

Michael always answers any questions as honestly as he can and is really interested in his fans oppinions. He never rushes you or makes you feel like he wants to 'get away' from you. He always offers and autograph and usually has his own Sharpie pen ready to sign. He also always asks if anyone has a camera for photographs and insists on checking the photos to make sure that they came out ok.

Tim has an undeniably difficult task looking after Michaels well fare after each concert and as such has to restrict the amount of time that each fan spends with Michael to usually only about 2 minutes each and belive me, this time flies by and only feels like a few seconds.

You can always tell that Michael wants to spend a lot more time chatting to his real and true fans than he is actually allowed to and it is easy to see that he feels uneasy that fans are having to 'whizz in and then out again as if on a conveyor belt'.

I am so sorry that you experienced this, but just wanted to reassure you that it was defiantely none of Michaels doing. He would meet us all for coffee and a chat if he could. I am also sorry that you had to pay for your photographs. I wonder if Michael is aware of this? I dont think he'd be happy if he did find out though.

Hopefully, one day you will get to have a better experience meeting Michael.

Love Jennifer XX
Totally agree with you Jenn .We have been hearing a lot of this though lately and Jean i can totally understand how annoyed you must feel but as some have said here at least you got that 2mins .I hae been a fan for over 20 years and have never had the chance of a meet and greet and would be grateful for even a quick photo .I met him briefly many years ago in a hotel i worked in and he was so sweet but i was too awestruck to even speak.It would be different now though.I think you should just take it as bad organisation on the part of the venue and think to yourself that as short as it was at least you got to have that time .xx
there you go. There are some fans out here who have never had the opportunity to meet Michael. We need to keep a positive. I understand totally.

Robin the boltonnut from L. A. CA
It did not appear to me to be Tim or Michael's fault in anyway. Tim came out before Michael and explained the time constraints and I was not offended at all. Having worked in the Music business a little, I under stand the rush rush of time. It was the venue. All they knew was serve drinks and food and tell every body to sit down...rudely. Hope everyone takes this into consideration for future bookings. I know Michael does not want his fans to feel cheated. Michael was great as always. It is just a shame that the screw ups of a venue distract from his show. I am looking forward to the next time I see a different venue!
Hi Beverly, Thanks for sharing your experience with us. Yes Michael cannot control the time constraints that happen. He so wants the fans to be happy and he is so sweet to his fans.

Thanks for posting!


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