Well as you have seen posted in other threads, Michael is recording and working on his next CD.  I found this yesterday and thought you would enjoy.  Any findings or info you find on the new CD...please post it here..thanks!


http://www.countryweekly.com/rascal_flatts_and_michael_bolton/news/... - The story below...click on the link for a picture:


New Country Mashup: Rascal Flatts?

published: March 1, 2011   |   author: Brad Schmitt


You know the Rascal Flatts boys have been collaborating with Justin Beiber.

Now it seems the mega-country group is going with, uh, the opposite demographic.

Jay DeMarcus of Rascal Flatts put up a picture of his group with Michael Bolton.

Jay tweets that they’re all writing a new song for Michael’s new album.

Won’t Justin be jealous?

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I have Ordered My copy :)

Thanks Gail for everything

Love Dianna xxx

I agree. Thanks once again, Gail. Boltonnut from L. A. CAA.
Thanks Astrid for the articles. So, is DWTS in L. A. or San Diego? Boltonnut from L. A. CA

I believe Los Angeles Robin.  Helena...xx...


Hi Robin,

sorry, but I have no clue. I did not even know that there will be different places. I hope Helena could help.

BTW, I am looking forward for you to be among the frist 1000 ... LOL

Have a great day




I wondered if the site would have had an automated cut off limit at the 1,000 mark so people couldnt order it if 1,000 order had already been placed


It would be really upsetting if people were under the impression that becasue their order had been accepted they would be eligable for the signed cd & T-shirt and they didnt?


I wonder how it all works?


We all want to be in the first 1,000 and with luck, we all will be.


Fingers crossed for everyone!! Good luck!!!


Love Jennifer XX

I would think they will take the bundle package with the signed CD off the site once they met the limit of for the offer. If not people will have paid for something they have to deliver or that's false advertising or have to give refunds..So I think as long as it's up for offer and able to be purchased, then they have not yet met the limit. Just my thoughts...

I am tickled that now there is an online store, something many of us here had asked for some time ago! THANK YOU MICHAEL!!!

Robin in Maryland :)

I thought the first 1,000 referred to the 24 page booklet and whether or not you get that signed by Michael because it is that that has the star against it for you to read explanation further down - probably I have read it all wrong and knowing me, as I do, that is more than likely !!! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Could  be Sylvia, I thought it meant the bundle for that price, but who knows!!!  I am sure they have a way tho for the cut off for the autographed CD etc...sorry if I confused you. I could be wrong here...The one thing is I bet all of us that have ordered are good with getting the signed copy of the CD..:)

Robin in MD :)

I agree Robin (in Maryland)!!   I mentioned to Michael on Facebook how great it was, to order something here on his site and hopefully in the future we will have other items to buy as well!!!  Thanks again Michael!!!   :)







that's what I thought it was in Hollywood. DWTS. It would be cool to get other MB merchandize this way but I tried to check it out&it's inaccessible for me but, heck, oh! well! I'm cool. it would be cool for those being within the 1,000. Wish us all well. Boltonnut from L. A. CA



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