My last visit home - Granddaughters are twice as beautiful, big and active every time I see them. 

Pictures copyrighted Michael Bolton 2012

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Comment by meggy on March 11, 2012 at 5:29am

Hey Michael,  Life Is Good...Isn't It?  I can hardly wait to hear the song you write about these 2 beautiful babies! I'll just bet anything you hated to leave them! Thanks for always taking Us All on the road with you, and giving Us these sneek peeks into your personal home life:)! You are a very nice guy, and that's Why we are All your True Fans! Thanks also to Taryn and Robbie for these pix...I enjoyed seeing them:)! Precious Moments:)!

Mary (Meg's mom)!

Comment by Eileen Parr on March 11, 2012 at 3:18am

Michael they are both so precious!  Can see on your face how happy you are when you spend time with them! Thank you so much for sharing these precious moments with us and Taryn and Robbie thank you also for sharing.  Being home is the best, so hope you have a relaxing time with family and friends before you are off again to the UK this week.  Have safe travels! 

Eileen  from Upstate NY.xxxx

Comment by Kathy Rosario on March 11, 2012 at 2:56am

How date with G-Pa for Amelia and Olivia!!!! Those little girls are absolutely gorgeous and I am sure Taryn and Robbie are very proud parents :) We certainly know G-Pa is in love with these two cutie patooties!!! Wonderfully loving photos....and thank you Taryn for sharing them with us. There is no place like home...enjoy your family Michael!! So looking forward to your possible book tour???? I hope :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Comment by cristina67 on March 11, 2012 at 1:45am



Comment by Robin on March 11, 2012 at 1:30am

Just precious Michael..both of them...Two lovely little girls having a fun time with G-PA!!!LOL  Robbie and Amelia look like they are having fun for you!! Showing you her tricks!!LOL Thanks to you and your family for sharing with us.. I hope you had a wonderful visit home..

Robin in MD :)

Comment by Dianna Shipman on March 11, 2012 at 1:24am

Michael I have just seen these on "whosay"

I want to thank you for taking the time and allowing us to enjoy these pictures

Just so adorable.

I bet your heart skipped a beat when Amelia and probably Robbie was playing :) Mine would have, and I want to say Thanks to Taryn for letting us share your world.

Thanks whoever took the photo's Great Job :)

Love Dianna xxx

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