Hi everyone,

Phenominal show in Lincoln Rhode Island Friday night. Big thanks to all the fans who we're really excited and l o u d!!!!! Which my band and i l o v e!!
I'm just lifting off for London to do a great tv show on Monday called "Loose Women" which is very much like our American "The View" very funny savvy women who cover current social topics. And they're lovely though I usually, can hardly get a word in edgewise, that just reminds me of being at the kitchen table with my girls. I'm there promoting the November tour in the UK lots of cities up and down England and I love my time there. After the promotion in London, more shows!!!! I head to Bucharest Romania, Portugal and Italy, Lake Guarda, near Milan. And back to Los Angeles to prepare for 4 months of touring the states and Europe. I'm psyched!!!!! There are some really exciting events coming up soon so stay tuned!!!

Bye for now,


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Comment by Jayne Mallia on August 6, 2010 at 7:30am
Hope you had a great show last Tuesday 3rd August.I've been to Rod Stewart's show here in Malta wishing I was at Lake Garda at your concert! Hope everybody had a fantastic time singing with you.... Jayne from sunny Malta xxx
Comment by Laurie Roy on August 3, 2010 at 10:09pm
I was at that Lincoln RI show it was unbelievable!!!!
Comment by Maria N. on August 3, 2010 at 3:16pm
Down a known or unknown road,
" like a shooting star "

The concert in Portugal was beautiful !, amazing !
So much joy and energy - so much Heart and Soul.
" For a Hero´s strength is measured by his Heart "
Comment by Katja on August 3, 2010 at 1:21pm
Wishing you all a great time at the Lago di Garda. Hope you have a great show and anyhow still time to benefit of the wonderfull area, though there are a lot of people on holiday. Hope you have chosen one of the very friendly, small and charming villa-hotels which are quite luxurious but give you a feeling of being in ancient Italia :)) Let us know about
Best wishes
Comment by joan barnett on August 3, 2010 at 12:08pm
hi michael ok missed you again in london as i left london on the 26 july.im back now and just watched you on loosewomen you look as sexy as ever and so happy. must have been becouse i missed you again with my camera lol love you always jo xxxxx
Comment by robin rehder on August 3, 2010 at 7:01am
Man, I heard some of the songs on youtube from Rumania, I think it was. I can't think of the town but the songs were awesome. The band to me just sounds oh! so! different now. i have to get used to it. It's not a put down understand.

Travel safely.

Robin the boltonnut from L. A. CA
Comment by Amie Angeli on August 1, 2010 at 6:40am
Been listening again while working to "Paradise" and some others I listened to long ago in another time-space. As incredible now as they were long ago and far away... perhaps some time you'll get to read it and see some of the impact your music has had... Have a wonderful time with your concerts & safe travel.
Comment by robin rehder on July 31, 2010 at 9:30pm
I'll try this again. Phew. Cool the girls seeing you in Henderson, Santa Clarita&at the Morongo Casino. I'll see you in Cerritos&in Henderson. To the girl in Henderson, hope to get to meet you. It would be awesome. I wish I could see Michael at all concerts in SO CAL but money is an issue as it is for many of us. I used to work but I'm retired&due to the line of work I've done 30 some years, it has played havvock on my hands but see you in Cerritos&Henderson.

Love,xoxRobin the boltonnut from L. A. CA
Comment by Raluca Popescu on July 30, 2010 at 2:23pm
Cant wait for tonight... I'm so happy that you're finally here. Constanta is waiting breathless for the show tonight. I'm in love with you're songs and with you. Hope that i can get a place near the stage so I can see you in real life... Kisses from a Constanta fan... Raluca
Comment by Veronica Santana on July 30, 2010 at 5:38am
I can't wait for your concert in the Morongo Casino in CA!!! I am celebrating my B'day and you're the Best :)

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