I have been trying to find out the shows and the dates of Michael's TV appearances whilst he is in the UK. Does anyone have any information? I have been told he will be on Monday morning 8th…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Kathy Rosario Nov 15, 2010.
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Michael has a milestone birthday coming up in February 2018. I ran an idea past Gail that passed with approval.
I have small cards that are 2.5X3.5. The idea for the card is not to say happy birthday, but you have room to put a few sentences to tell Michael why you love him, his music or how his music helped you in hard times. It’s should be big enough for a wallet size photo if you would like.
Then when he’s home sitting at his desk, he can pull 1 or 2 cards to read when he has the time. Our words will be with him all year.
I request a SASE, and I will send you a card. Write your note and put in your picture. When your finished, mail it back to me. You could even send your note on a 2x3 size paper and I’ll attach it to a card. Send your picture to if you like. That would take out the SASE step.
For those out of the country, I checked with my postmaster and she said you can put your own postage on the return envelope equivalent to $1.15 US.
Email me, Sally, at MYSCRTPSSN@gmail.com and I can give you an address to send your SASE (self addressed stamped envelope).
A second option that isn’t as personal, is to email me a short note and I can cut and paste it onto a card for you. I don’t want to handle pictures this way because I’m not that computer literate and don’t want to make errors with something as personal as a picture.
Just let me know the option that works best for you.
When all the cards are gathered, I’ll put them in some sort of decorate box. And the box of cards will be Michael’s birthday gift from us.
It might seem early, but it’s something that we can work on Now through January. I’d like to be finished by February since I would need to get a box and mail it off to Michael.
Your welcome to share my email with anyone you think may be interested in contributing to Michael’s milestone 65!
Looking forward to hearing from you, Sally
Hi Linda and to let you know it was announced last night that Michael is in the UK from Saturday as he has a show on Sunday morning. List of his scheduled appearances are in the below thread and there is a hint that other dates may be added to keep watching. It is not concerts just tv appearances to promote book and CD.
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
Hi Linda,
Above is the link we believe leads into the programme that Michael will be on on Friday, 16th March, the QVC programme as this is the only one we can find that has a chat section and talks about having guests.....it was actually Diane Kelsey that found it and she took it to Gail who agrees it possibly is this one but she couldn't confirm as she has no other official word but details of it along with details of all other programmes for next week Diane has put times etc. in a post in the thread to do with the Promotional Tour contained in Tours, Gigs & Announcements Section in the forum if you want to go in there and see them - okay ????
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
Hi Linda,
Thanks for accepting me as a friend and please do not hesitate to come into my page if there is anything you feel I can help you with and remember too to come into the forum and see what is going on apart from taking part and leaving comments too and because you liked picture of Michael on my page, here it is below, just for you :-
It was taken in Bali on 28th December, 2010 when he was out east on tour and he sent it into us - that is also something that Michael does from time to time - sends us in pictures and a lot of those are in the "Gallery" a good place to go for pictures !!! :) This one is enlarged from the original !!! :)
Sylvia Your wee Scottish friend.
Hi Linda,
Spotted your comment in Michael's blog where you say about the Rascal Flatts - join the gang, until mentioned on here I didn't know who they were either - they are an American country band and are pretty big in the States ...it is great what you learn on here !!! lol.
Hope you are enjoying being in the web site and I hope too that you will come into the forum and join in our discussions in the various threads we have - we have one on the new CD which we hope will be released in May and also a great one covering all his shows with reviews and pictures and that is the 2011 Concert thread - there are plenty more and, as I say, if you want to please come in and join in or, at least, come in and have a wee nosey about and see what is going on !! :)
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
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