Hi all the Sydney concert was awesome :) State Theater is quite posh and i got in trouble a few times for stuff LOL.

anyway Michael was brillant and funny and perfect :)


The only thing i didnt like was being stuck in a chair half the night when i wanted to stand up and bop :)

But after when a man loves a woman we all went forward, i jumped up quite to keep my front row spot even got a lil closwer to centre :)

I was in Heaven he sang my 2 songs i wanted to hear live off the new album, Hope its too late and Murder my heart :)

BTW Michael if you read this, Hope its too late is too boppy to be sitting for :) it should be in the 2nd bit where we are standing against the stage trying to grab your legs :)


Ok what can i remember off my head that was sung?


Soul provider, thats life, New York New York, said i loved you but i lied, time love and tenderness, how can we be lovers, Georgia, when a man loves a woman (in the crowd) steal bars, to love somebody, Go the distance, Nessun Dorma (standing Ovation!) and of course Murder my heart and Hope its too late as i said above :)


He said they would do requests and of course someone yelled take your shirt off to much cheering LOL, he asked what kind of show do you think this is? and someone way back yelled out show us your D**k LOL OMG! Michael said its a good thing i cant hear everything people yell out, well handled Michael!

It was funny i have to admit, but a bit shocking :)


The sax player married an aussie from Melbourne and Michael made a comment saying theres something about Aussie women, Oh boy the crowded LOVED that comment :)


His voice is as perfect as when i saw him 16 years ago :)


when they went before the encore we were cheering and chanting and i started banging and drumming on the stage very hard and fast, alot joined in, it hurt your hands and by the time they came back, but my thumbs were very sore and i regretted doing it as i was worried id crack the bone in both thumbs, but 3 hours later its just a little tender, but ok :)


i filmed how am i supposed to live without you (sorry Michael) :) and did a few very brief clips from the odd song until i got in trouble again :) but got lots of pics will post them on facebook then link it asap.


what i got in trouble over was touching the entry doors which are heritage listed apparently, then we went in and i got in trouble for taking pics of the Heritage listed building (OMFG!) then i got in trouble for using a flash for photos even though it WASNT me, which i let her know, i dont think this chick liked me for some reason!

But i NEVER use flash at concerts and my flash has to be manually lifted!

Then i got in trouble for filming little bits (fair enough) :)  below is 2 photos i took


Anyway thankyou Michael and crew for a brillant night, PLEASE come back soon xx

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Kim,

Thanks for your great review and posting your pics.

Hi there Kim, sounds like you had a good time! lol Thanks for your enthusiastic and detailed review! He said he was taking requests huh? I'll bet he already regrets saying that! :) Well thanks again for sharing Kim, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hi Kim, Sounds like you had a fun night and the crowd was a bit rowdie!!LOL MB is good at handling those types of shout-outs!!LOL
Thanks for sharing!
Robin :)
Hi Kim
Thanks so much for sharing your night with us.
It is a bit shocking but I guess Michael has heard it all before and his comeback is very smart! lol
At least you got to take some pictures
Ok I better start getting ready were leaving soon.
2 more sleeps
Love Dianna
Thanks for the great review!! Sometimes it is worth getting in trouble!! At least you got some good pics and looking forward to seeing more. Did he sign anything after the concert as someone has said he did in another one recently? You sure remember more than I do, I can never remember the order of his songs even though they usually stay the same. I am glad to hear he is putting in a couple of new ones. Glad you had a great show.
thats not the order of the songs, just what songs i remember he played :) not quite that good :) he did play a few more too im sure i just cant remember what they were. its a bit blurry, you get a bit dizzy headed :)
thanks everyone it was a great night and Michael handled that comment with so much class :)
I thought it was funny,and once he had a good comeback it was even better, so glad he didnt hesitate with a reply or seem embarrassed :) :)
Well done Michael :)

Oh for those still to go see him, after When a man loves a woman they did motion us up to the stage, if you not front row, you have a chance to be there :)
i improved my spot a bit, but then again people standing also take up less room.
will get to my pics this arvo i hope my girls keep me busy :)
I was at the concert last night. Michael was amazing maybe even better than when I saw him in Sydney 16 years ago. What a voice and what a great, natural guy. No airs and graces just a friendly, smart and funny guy who can sign up a storm and make grown men cry. I had a few tears as some of the songs brought back relationship memories but that's what good songs do. I have spent the day playing my many Michael Bolton CD's. Last nights songs included many favourites, plus the Big Band, swing segment, the beautiful Nessun Dorma the song he sang in Italian with Pavaroti, and some rock and roll in the encore. When A Man Loves a Woman and How am I supposed to Live without you are personal favourites. Love you Michael - Come back soon I am sure that last nights enthusiatic audience showed how much we love you and the intimate atmosphere of the State theatre meant that we all felt really close. What more can I say - just wish I could afford to fly to Brisbane to catch tonights show!!!
will be putting video of how am i supposed to live with you on you tube if the sound isnt to bad, havernt had a chance today to check, sooo busy :)
Hi Kim.
Thanks so very much for the time you shared with Michael and the band with us here. It's very hard not to get into trouble at his performances! I have had my camera taken away several times. Hope that your thumbs are OK! I couldn't find my husband after a concert once! Later we hooked up and so he told me, he had a blast from the past too! too much wildness...That was when I realized, haveing an open marriage was worth it!!! LOL

Hey Kim - yes I saw him in Sydney and Canberra - and now in Brissie tonight. The concerts have just been awesome - I think he enjoyed Sydney because he sang more songs than Canberra ( he didnt do Murder My Heart in Canberra) and he interacted more with the crowd - and gosh when he appears in the middle after the sax segment - it's just amazing isn't it. I have no doubt he has amazed some of those who just went for the curiosity value - and will leave many new fans behind when he leaves our shores tomorrow.

I just hope he returns very very soon! Jan
He said he would return sooner, so fingers crossed :)

\I havent got my photos online yet, ive been busy, then got a migrain and facebook is being a pest, i took 500 photos so have to pick the ones i like best, alot of much the same shots and Michael pulls alot of faces which look wonderful, but on still shots you get half open eyes etc that dont look so great frozen, so will pick the better ones i like and post today HOPEFULLY might go to photobucket if facebook is still being annoying

btw heres my video i did


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