A few months ago Michael posted about being involved in and Andy Samberg project...well it is being released on May 10th and Michael is featured in a track entitled Jack Sparrow. Check out more info here:
I agree with Gail, our Michael does what he wants to do, when he wants to do it,and with whom he wants to do any
project with! He's just that kind of a guy, I think....I think he just wanted to make Us all Laugh, because
let's face it, with All that's going on in the world, we needed that! Thanks Michael, for the Laughs!
Mary (M&M's)!
I agree Gail. It was SF's comment about LG and her crazy outfits vs Michael as Erin and Michael extending himself due to working with her. I don't think one has anything to do with the other. People are just now seeing what long time fans have always known....Michael can be FUNNY!!!!!!!!! As Michael said himself...LG sought him out...not vice versa :) He is a TRUE star with a multi talented soul!!!! Rock on Michael!!!!!!!!
Kathy and LAFD Bob
Sylvie....it appears to me that Stephen Fry hasn't followed Michael for very long and was assuming that Michael had no humor about him. While Michael certainly is conservative compared to LGG......he has always been a prankster!!!! SF sure seemed to zero in on the cross dressing which was not the primary content of the video. As always..people see what they want to see and that is how I "see" this snippet of an interview. lol Thanks so much Judy for posting another piece of info showing that Michael as Jack Sparrow is STILL on people's minds!!!!!!! Love it and of course........back to the good part!!! :)
Kathy and LAFD Bob
Don't take the interview too literally....Stephen Fry is the personification of the gentlemen....he would never, ever do or say anything to cause anybody the most miniscule of "hurt" in any form and if he did or thought he did he would be horrified....he has a type of quiz programme and even if one of the panellists get something wrong, Stephen will never tell them outright they are wrong - Stephen's answer would be: well you might have a point there or I don't think that is quite right - he will never, ever make anyone feel uncomfortable or anything like and in his words to Lady Gaga I believe all he is trying to do is make her feel "good" - boost her ego, that's all folks because that is what he would do !! Stephen is a manic depressive and we nearly lost him a few years ago until he was able to share it with the world and now he can even share it on Twitter when he is going down and I respect, admire and love him for it - I adore him for he is just one of the biggest, cuddliest teddy bears around and I would love to give him a big hug !!!! :) Does anyone think, perchance, that I like Stephen Fry !! :) I was going to delete this but I am not because one other thing (Columbo rides again Sylvie) the enthusiasm in Stephen's voice is unmistakeable of his admiration towards Michael in the capability he has shown to take himself into a realm of entertainment he possibly never thought he would step into and by doing so, as Michael has said himself, went outwith his comfort zone and that is what Stephen is recognizing and what he is admiring in what Michael has achieved and I am pretty sure that more than just Lady Gaga will be told of that admiration !!
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
Sylvia is correct, Stephen Fry is an amazing man. Intelligent, funny and enthusiastic. He can make even paint drying sound exciting and would probably get excited and enthusiastic about it aswell.
I love and watch everything he is involved in and recently he made a wonderful natural history series on TV about species that were soon to become extinct and it was amazing!!!
Stephen can be a bit exciteable over subjects that to others wouldnt even cause us raise an eyebrow and that is why Stephen is loved to very much by so many. I am a regular poster on his blog page and he reports on subjects that might not otherwise interest me, but because Stephen is descibing them, I find myself enthralled.
Sylvia is also right about his voice. It is very distinctive especially when Stephen is narrating the Harry Potter books or reading one of the many childrens books that he has written.
Lovely, lovely very intelligent man for whom I have nothing but the deepest respect for.
Love Jennifer XX
I posted the Jack Sparrow clip on Lady Ga Ga's forum and she checks in there every couple of days so the likehood is that she has seen it now.
I'm sure when she has time she will post a reply and I will let you all know what she says if she does reply.
Love Jennifer XX
Yes, I noticed that too!!
If Stephen Fry likes something, a lot of people will get ot know about it!!
I've emailed him to suggest having Michael as a guest on QI. Wouldnt that be great?? I love QI already, but if Michael were a guest, wow!!!
For anyone who doesnt know QI is an amazing quiz program hosted by Stephen Fry. It is extremely intellectual, but also very, very funny!
QI stands for 'Quite Interesting'. http://www.qi.com/tv/
Love Jennifer XX
That sounds very interesting Jennifer and like something Michael would want to do :) That snippet of an interview just made it sound like SF was concentrating on the Erin impersonation. This is a perfect example of reading things out of context. JMO :) Clearly Michael's Jack Sparrow was the main character and got the most laughs....he won't be remembered for Erin for sure!!!!!!!
Kathy and LAFD Bob
Thinking about Stephen Fry and some of the characters he has played in his acting career, I wonder if he was more fascinated and drawn to the Erin character because when you think about it, men dressing up as other male characters isnt usually that exciting or unusual, but a man dressing like a woman is, especially when it is someone like Michael who, if you dont know much about him, might have appeared to have been more straight laced.
They wouldnt have been aware of Michaels sense of humour prior to this and so might have incorrectly thought of him as being 'stiff' and uninteresting and not as 'flambouyant' as Stepehen is.
Stephen Fry has played some pretty weird characters over the years. I dont know if you have ever heard of the 'Blackadder' series with Rowan Atkinson, Hugh Laurie (House) and Tony Robinson? This was an incredibly popular series on UK BBC telelvion and Stepeh was in every single episode playing various characters from ladies, to beggars, Colonels and witches.
He's sure got the message now though hasnt he? Michael definately has a sense of humour!!
Te world is only now discovering what we all knew before, Michael is a funny guy! I'm so glad that the world now appreciates that Michael is a singer first and foremost, but also enjoys a laugh as much as the rest of us.
Love Jennifer XX
Hi everyone, thank you all so much for responding to my question! Gail, I think you’ve read this in a blog Michael posted. I agree with everyone that no one is making Michael do anything and I do think that he has been bold in many respects in his career for a very long time, but I definitely think he’s grown a little bit of a different “career edge” in the past 3 years or so. I think Gaga might have had a tiny bit to do with it, but I feel that Michael’s empowering experience with DWTS and the fact that he became a grandfather might have given him a bit more perspective, as in: isn’t now the best time to do this? I’m just so happy for him that each time he chose to stretch himself, something positive came out of it, God bless America! :D Thank you all, oh and thanks also for sharing about Stephen Fry, pardon my ignorance but I’d never heard of him before. Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
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