We may start getting a few promotional appearances for GEMS now.  The first will be June 8th on the Loveline with Dr. Drew from 10 p.m. to midnight.  You can find a station here:




Also it looks like you can listen live or on the website either after but you have to be a loveline member. 








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what's am I missing besides michael being on Regis&the love line? Boltonnut from L. A. CA

Hi Robin,

it is (just) about the radio interview Gail posted above. It works all over the world for us  - so far LOL. Never miss a thing ... LOL

Greetings from Astrid

Awesome the love line is going to be heard world wide. Awesome. Also, I meant to Say T-vo's for Regis. Boltonnut from L. A. CA






Hey Gloria, I couldn't find the exact info, but I'll take your word for it sweetie! I was just thinking that since they have the 2 minute rule, would it be worth getting a partner duet for that? But then again, he might sing "Hallelujah" with the pre-recorded choir or something... Either way we'll see and who cares what he sings, he'll be on TV! lol Thanks again Gloria, take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
I don't know this..just guessing but they don't have but 2 guest that day so maybe Michael will talk a bit and then sing..it doesn't say anyone else will be there so which song is anyone's guess but hopefully it will be longer than 2 minutes.
Thanks Gail. it's gonna be awesome seeing MB on TV. Boltonnut from L. A. CA While yawl set up your DVR'S, Divo's&the like, I'll set up my old antiquated VCR as I have an audio remote for it. :)))))

Hi Gail, I’m really glad to hear that Michael should have a decent interview on Regis, I just love the interaction between those 2! However,  even though I haven’t watched Regis in years, except for MB appearances, I know that they have a 2 minute rule for songs. I remember once, James Brown refused to go on, because he couldn’t just sing for 2 minutes! So unless they’ve loosened their rule, which I frankly doubt, Michael should get a decent interview and I couldn’t be happier, well, unless I’d be there in person! :D And about the song, it would make sense that it would be the single, but don’t know how they’d work that out. Anyway, we’ll see on the 16th. Take care Gail. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

P.S.: BTW, the only reason why I've suggested "Hallelujah" earlier is that it worked in a shorter version for DWTS.

Hi ladies......just found you all here :) I think Michael will get a decent interview because this will be the last one for Regis since he is retiring. Also Michael has been on several times so he is like a regular guest...lol  I don't think Michael will sing "with" anyone and I assume he could still sing a duet by himself. Hallelujah would be wonderful though...ahhhhh :)  Oh just give us some Michael already!!!!!!! LOL

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hey Kathy, you've just reminded me about this probably being Regis' last interview with Michael. Maybe Regis will get what he always wanted: a duet of WAMLAW with Michael! lol Anyway, it'll be fun. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Diane attending. Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

That would be perfect Sylvie....from your mouth to Michael's ears....LOL I am soooo hoping Diane gets her Bolton adventure :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Sylvie in Canada, honey, did you say that the love line comes on at 10 p.m. pacific time Wednesday&1 a.m. East coast time? Please let me know. I should have sent a private note&perhaps I will. thanks. Boltonnut from L. A. CA USA