Hi fans....I just got a great idea which sprang from Michael's beautiful rendition of Sweet Home Chicago. Let's petition to get Michael on the Oprah Show for her final season. I am sure most of you remember him appearing on her show and singing her all time favorite...White Christmas. Well.....let's do it again! What a hoot it would be to FILL Oprah's studio with all of Michael's die hard fans from this forum and beyond! Of course we love Oprah also :) What a great time would be had by all. All you have to do is go to Oprah.com and scroll down to where it says...who do you want to see on the shows final year. I have already written to her and warned her that loads of Michael Bolton fans will be writing in requests. So let's go everyone...fill out a request and keep our fingers crossed!!

Kathy and LAFd Bob 

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Too funny Diane. You have the right mind set and sound like a winning approach to me girl!!! LOL That is exactly what it takes to succeed in a Bolton Adventure!!!!! lol At the very least....you will have a blast trying!!! Win-Win :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Be careful Diane. Sylvie in Canada said to break a leg. Don't. I've broken my right foot twice&my left foot once. Just kidding. I knew what Shylvie meant seriously. I just had to be funny. I have a sick sense of humor. :))))) boltonnut from L. A. CA
Try June 16th! ;)

Sounds good to me Gail!!!! Diane will be beside herself!! I can now uncross my fingers!!! Thanks Gail :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob


Yes, I am literally beside myself!  I read Gail's message a few hours ago and I've just been trying to let it sink in before I wrote anything back.  I can not describe how excited I am.  Just wonderful news...



Are you going to try and see the show in person Diane??? That would be a hoot!!! In the past, Regis has always taken time to do a complete interview with Michael so I hope that is what will happen this time. Especially since Regis is retiring...he won't be interviewing Michael again...so let's hope his last chance will be a whopper!! Can't wait to hear Michael sing something from GEMS :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Good luck, Diane. I hope&pray it works for you or anyone else, as I said. You've gotta keep us in the know. :) Boltonnut from L. A. CA

If you try for tix good luck. Years back we tried and they pass them out way in advance in a lottery system.  It was never a way to get them for a specific broadcast unless you knew someone maybe..  I hope you can manage to get to see him LIVE for Regis and Kelly.  Regis and MB are friends so that should be a good show.  Good luck Diane!

Robin in MD :)

I know from experience to go to to the doctor phil show, you can't request a certain day. You can call for tickets&they let you know when you can come but that's not a damper on you Diane. I wish you the best. Now, the price is right, you could go 5:30 in the morning and MAYBE get tickets to be on a show&they let you know, I guess when it will be shown on TV. It's not live&neither is Doctor Phil. Jay Leno, now that's another story. We saw Prince live&the show of course was recorded around 4:00 to 5:15&shown that night. Now, I think kathy R. did go to see Michael on Jimmy Kimmel show 5/4/10 or thereabouts but I don't know what was involved. Hang in there Diane,&good luck. You have my support. Sorry for being a rambler here. Boltonnut from L. A. CA
Kathy saw MB on Jay Leno last year too, I do believe. I don't know how to get tickets the day of the shows but I bet you can on Jay's. See, when we saw Jay's show, we got tickets in advance. Boltonnut from L. A. CA
Shucks. I wish anyone well to go to Regis's show on the 16th. Folks have gotta let us know. I've never been to any of those shows. I didn't have anyone to go with me&those I never ventured alone. :) boltonnut from L. A. CA
What's June 16th? Michael's gonna be on Reeges? I'd rather he be on there than Operah though I'm not really a Reeges fan but I'd go through barbed wired fence to hear or see Michael. :))))) Boltonnut from L. A. CA


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