Well as you have seen posted in other threads, Michael is recording and working on his next CD.  I found this yesterday and thought you would enjoy.  Any findings or info you find on the new CD...please post it here..thanks!


http://www.countryweekly.com/rascal_flatts_and_michael_bolton/news/... - The story below...click on the link for a picture:


New Country Mashup: Rascal Flatts?

published: March 1, 2011   |   author: Brad Schmitt


You know the Rascal Flatts boys have been collaborating with Justin Beiber.

Now it seems the mega-country group is going with, uh, the opposite demographic.

Jay DeMarcus of Rascal Flatts put up a picture of his group with Michael Bolton.

Jay tweets that they’re all writing a new song for Michael’s new album.

Won’t Justin be jealous?

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Hi Diane, oh so you’re Robin R’s friend Di from Scotland? Cool! Well, if you have any questions about the forum, don’t hesitate to ask. We’re a friendly bunch and there’s always someone who could help. You might want to start by visiting this thread:


This is a wonderful thread Jennifer started and if you can’t find answers to your questions about the forum, post one there or pretty much anywhere and we’ll do what we can. Oh thanks, I’ve had a few compliments on that picture… :D Take care Diane and do post often! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada


Yes Sylvie, that sounds like me. Not sure how you knew though.  


Thank you for the link to Jennifer's thread, it's a big help!  I'll get there eventually - as long as I have Michael's music to listen to :)


hugs, di xxx

Hi Diane, well I knew about you because Robin has mentioned a great Bolton buddy “Di from Scotland” and you’ve identified yourself as such on Orrin’s site. Plus, some people call me Sylvie the solver! Lol I’m glad to hear the link I’ve given you is helpful. Take your time until you get confident sweetie, we’ve all been there. Take care. Hugs, sincerely,Sylvie from Canada

Diane....this is DEFINITELY Sylvie the Solver!!!!! lol  She can solve all thing MB related on the forum and if she can't there are many more computer specialists on the forum....just ask and you will get help!!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob 

Did you say Scotland Sylvie???????????????? LOL LOL This should be a blast Diane!!! lol Where is the Wee One????????? lol

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Diane and I have already met Kathy over in Orrin's - she knows me well and that was how she wondered if to be brave and take on the mantle of the intrepid adventurer and witness what "rubbish" I can come up with on here too !!!!!!! LOL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Hi Kathy, 

Yes, Sylvia and I almost managed to destroy a thread on Orrin's site, we were so busy discussing Sir Francis Drake! lol  Better not do that on here so as Michael would say ... now back to the good part  ;)

 hugs, di xxx 

So Diane you know the Illusionist quite well??? lol  I was going to suggest the course : Insanity 101 in preparation for the forum here and dealing with certain Scots!!!!!!!! LOL LOL  Wee One is adorable :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Loved that very crafty connection there Diane and Kathy thanks for the compliment - I think there was one in there somewhere !!! :)   And as we all say : "NOW, back to the good part !"


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Hi and welcome to another Michael Bolton fan the more the merrier as they say

It's always great to have newbie's on board

and yes if you need help just ask we all help each other out here


Love Dianna xxx


Thank you very much for the welcome Dianna!   I hope you don't mind but I went to your page, I like to hear the music but your page is brilliant!! :)


Okay, now I know I'm rambling, thank you all for being so helpful, it is appreciated.


hugs, di xxx 

Thanks Diane,  I like it :)

Love Dianna xxx


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