We may start getting a few promotional appearances for GEMS now. The first will be June 8th on the Loveline with Dr. Drew from 10 p.m. to midnight. You can find a station here:
Also it looks like you can listen live or on the website either after but you have to be a loveline member.
Hi Diane, oh I’m so sorry sweetie… Yeah, if you were in NY, it would be different. Well at least you’ll be able to watch it. May I ask where you heard Michael was supposed to sing 2 songs from “Gems”? I know Gail said that there was only Jim Carey as guest aside from Michael, but don’t they have extra cooking, gardening etc segments to fill the hour? It’s been a good while since I’ve watched Regis. In any case, we know he’ll be there, he’ll be singing and we won’t miss him! To answer your question, I’ve just read that Robin in MD had the shipping notice too. I’m so glad they’re shipping it so early because mine will be globetrotting before it gets to me so any time saved is welcome! Good to hear from you Diane, we haven’t seen you in a few days… Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Michael has it on his Facebook page that he will be singing two songs from Gems. He just posted three hours ago that he was catching a flight to NY and that it was his last chance to see Regis before he retires. He also mentions that they are two of his favorite people. (Kelly is on vacation though so he won't see her. I don't know anything about the woman from ESPN that is filling in as guest co-host. I don't usually watch ESPN! My husband probably knows her!) I do watch Regis & Kelly almost every day! (I was hoping to see Regis too before he retires!) No cooking or gardening segments tomorrow. Jim Carrey will probably get the first two segments after the initial host chat. Then the rest of the show should be our Michael. I would think 20 minutes host chat, 20 minutes Jim, and 20 minutes our Michael. Seems fair to me! Should be a great show!
Yes, GEMS has been shipped! That's good news for your copy that will be globetrotting!
Thanks for yours hugs, Sylvie! I need them today! :(
Hi Diane, well, I’m not on Facebook so thanks for the heads up! Oh boy, I just had a scary thought: if Michael said he’d be singing 2 songs from “Gems”, Regis has always wanted to sing WAMLAW so you think they could do the WAMLAW/TIAMMW duet? Lol lol Scary! :D Well I’m waiting on confirmation for my bundle but I’m sure it won’t be long: I’ve read many other people in another thread got their confirmations too. Aww, sorry you’re in need of hugs but there are plenty more where these came from! :D Take good care of yourself Diane. Big bear hugs to you, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
I don't know how to do that, but I'm sure some of these technically advanced Michael fans can do that. Someone help us, please! Thanks much!
Those who are members of this site should have gotten an email with a Sony Newsletter today. I wanted to be sure if you didn't get it to check your spam folder. Those who use readers and if you can't read it let me know as well.
Correction: There will be two songs sung on Regis and Kelly but only one from the GEMS album!
Thanks!!!! Will be great seeing him on there again!
Robin :)
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