

Just received my Gems cd and it's wonderful. I can't stop listening to it. I got home today and got a realy nice surprise on my porch today from the mailman. So I had to run out again and then when I came home I have been listening to it. Congrats to Michael!!!!!!!!!!!!! You never ever fail your fans. You put out excellent work all the time. I can't pick just one song. They are all so good. Michael really put his heart and soul into this project. Michael your fans really do appreciate all of your hard work and dedication. Again Thank You Michael Bolton!!!!!!!!!!!



Michelle A Cooper



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So pleased for you Michelle, enjoy listening to Michael.......can,t wait to get mine!!

Sandra x

Hi Michelle and welcome to the forum.  Glad to hear you got your CD early! I just know it's wonderful from the YouTube and Amazon samples we've heard... I can't wait to get mine and join the love fest too! :D Look around the forum and join in the conversations and if you need help with anything, be sure to let us know. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada


Welcome to the forum, Michelle. Happy to hear that you received your Gems CD! I'm hoping mine arrives tomorrow...I checked the tracking number and it should be here by then.


Anna (in MO)

Welcome Michelle!!! So I guess you LIKE the cd???? LOL LOL  Mine is on a little detour but will get here eventually :) Please join us often!!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hi Michelle and welcome

Glad you Love the CD can't wait to get mine

I agree we do appreciate all his hard work and dedication that is very true

Love Dianna xxx

Just received "Gems" today!! OMG!!! The album is awesome!! Way to go, Michael!!


Anna (in MO)

Oh Good on you Anna

Still haven't recieved mine yet :)

Love Dianna xxx

Hi, Michelle

I'm glad for you and I hope everything goes well

Take care


still waiting for mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ciao Silvy

Hi Silvy, it shouldn't be too long now sweetie: Nicolette from Holland said she got hers so we know the CD has made it to your continent! Hang in there! Take care sweetie, good to read your posts. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi Sylvie

did you receive it?

still waiting!  I hope there are not problem at the custom office!  baci


Hi Silvy, no sweetie, I haven't recieved it because there's a postal strike going on here in Canada, what rotten timing! I have heard of some European fans getting it so it shouldn't be too long now for you at least. Take care my friend. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada