A few months ago Michael posted about being involved in and Andy Samberg project...well it is being released on May 10th and Michael is featured in a track entitled Jack Sparrow. Check out more info here:
Oh Joy what a wonderful article - oh boy if Michael did that, made a film with them - WOW, WOW, WOW !!! WAY TO GO MICHAEL !!!! LOL. Oh boy what a spoof that could be - OMG the world is their oyster for content ....golf course, tennis court - oh boy, and what he could do skiing with a snowball - even I'm starting to write a script !! lol.
BUT, hey Michael, what are you talking about TWO HOURS to know you have a sense of humour - a corpse would get it quicker than that !!!! lol.
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
I love that Michael is inviting us to spend 2 hours with him? Shall we all take him up on his offer? We'll need to work out a rota!! Ha Ha!! Who's going first?
Thinking about how controversial the Jack Sparrow video has been, it would be interesting to see how a movie was recieved by the public but most of all by Michaels fans. Personally, I'd love to see Michael in a proper film, something not too serious, but nothing that bordered on the contentious themes and topics that the Lonely Island guys usually prefer.
Whatever film genre it was, it would certainly make for compelling viewing and would undoubtedly go someway to enhance his career even further with the public who may never have had the opportunity before to see Michael 'perform' or act.
Good luck to him I say!! Do whatever it is that you need or want to do so long as it makes you happy and as long as it doesnt hurt your family or friends (or fans) its your life, go and live it!! Thats my motto anyway!
Great article Joy, thank you so much for sharing it with us all.
LOL - good one Juliet !! :)
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
Nice article Joy!!! I would love to see him do this!!!
Robin in MD :)
We'd be te the 1st ones to see the Movie! All of Us! So go ahead Michael (Make My Day):)!
Mary (M&M's)!
Hey ladies....do you suppose they might need extras for the movie?????? LOL
Kathy and LAFD Bob
Now YOU are talking girl - oh WOW never thought about that ........MICHAEL; MICHAEL; you'll NEED your FANS to be extras and we don't need any training if it is to sing along with your songs - well that is maybe going a bit too far, sing uhhhhh - but we do know all the words !!!!! LOL.
Sylvia. Your wee EXTRA Scottish fan.
I don't even have to get paid! I'll do it for nothing... just the opportunity! LOL
With you there Diane - certainly don't need paid, no way !! :) We could keep their costs down and even take our own make-up !!!!! LOL.
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
An exaggerated mind indeed!! Ha Ha!! That has cracked me up!!
Priceless!! Ha Ha Ha!!